My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1084: People are good now!

Long Nu was blasted out of the boy's dormitory, and she walked on the green road with all kinds of upsets.

"Damn bastard, even left me here! I'm so mad! I have no appetite!"

While the dragon girl was walking, she ate a lot of potato chips.

The students around G were walking around the Sandu Dragon Girl one after another, all looking at this cute little Loli with curiosity.

"Which school is this younger sister?"

"Maybe it's a junior high school nearby."

"It looks so cute!"

Listening to the people around her, the Dragon Girl was even more unhappy.

"Well, are these stupid humans Ben Ben women qualified to comment! Damn, where is that bastard?"

The Dragon Girl walked around, unknowingly exiting the campus from the main entrance and outside.

She looked at the traffic outside, and although she had seen it once, she couldn't help but be shocked.

After all these years, humans seem to be developing very fast. These iron boxes running on the ground seemed to look better and faster.

The surrounding traffic is crowded, people come and go, making the dragon girl very fresh.

She ate while walking, and soon went a long distance, while at the same time everything in her backpack was eaten.

"I ate it so soon ... I knew I should bring more ..."

The Dragon Girl shook her clean backpack and couldn't help sighing.

She continued along the street and saw a passerby, stepped forward and held him, asking.

"Hey, do you know where Li Fan is?"

"What Li Fan, I don't know."

Although she is a pretty little girl, she has a bad tone. The opponent shook off Long Nu's hand and walked away.

"What's the attitude, human beings really don't understand politeness!"

Long girl pouted, she continued to walk around the street, trying to find Li Fan.

There were strangers everywhere, and everyone looked at themselves with strange eyes. At first, the dragon girl's freshness was gone, and slowly she began to panic. Damn, it must be hungry!

The dragon girl walked to the street and saw the street stall selling paella, and she couldn't walk anymore.

"Children, do you want paella?"

The boss asked while frying the paella, "My paella is very authentic! I guarantee you want to eat it!"

"Which one is the best ... forget it, just give me a share ..."

The Dragon Girl drooled and said.

"So much, did you buy it for your family?"

The boss made a rough calculation, "then you can give three hundred and eight, and I don't need a fraction."

"Is it money? Money and Li Fan will do."

"Who is Li Fan?"

"My apprentice, he is in charge of my food."

"What about others?"

"I'm looking for it, are you stupid?"


The boss was speechless for a long time, then drove the dragon girl away.

"Abominable, abominable!"

The dragon girl was so angry that this **** even drove herself away!

Don't these stupid mortals know what it means to respect the Dragon Girl! Treat yourself like this!

Had it not been for the rule that he could not shoot at mortals, the Dragon Girl would have killed him long ago, hum!

But his paella seems to be pretty good ... it's a pity that it was gone.

"Li Fan, where are you ... I am so hungry ..."

The Dragon Girl was about to cry.

She walked up and down the street for a long time, and it started to get dark. Dragon Girl screamed in her stomach, she was going crazy.

Just then, a black Mercedes car stopped in front of her and stopped her.

"Hey, don't get in the way, asshole!"

The Dragon Girl was a little angry, and why she was so unlucky today is the **** Li Fan!

"Beautiful lady, would you like to eat something together?"

The window shook, and a slim boy sat in the car and issued an invitation to the dragon girl.

"Eat, eat?"

Dragon Girl's belly called.

"Yes, do you want to go? Whatever you want."

"Of course I do! I never thought you were very sensible!"

The Dragon Girl was happy now, but there were still sensible people!

"Beautiful lady, please get in the car."

The door opened, and the dragon girl jumped into the car without hesitation.

"Walk around, don't delay time!"

The dragon girl laughed and bloomed, and finally she could have a beautiful meal!

Huh, Li Fan, even without you, Miss Ben can have enough food!

"Beautiful lady, what do you want to eat?"

His elder brother Sun Liang sat in his own luxury car and looked at the beautiful little loli beside him.

His women have played a lot, the only bite is Loli.

Only these tender little loli can feel the most when playing! And they are very deceived, as long as they treat them better, they are immediately dizzy.

This is the same in front of me.

"Eat anything delicious, I'm not picky!"

The Dragon Girl said very generously.

"Then take you to Western food, I know a good Western restaurant, the environment is very good."

Sun Liang proposed.

"Okay, I know western food, steak!"

The dragon girl licked her lips. "I can barely eat."

The cute appearance of the Dragon Girl made Sun Liang even more tempted.

This woman can't run anymore, she ate her tonight!

Sun Liang asked the driver to drive to the western restaurant and sit in the box.

The waiter came over and held the menu.

"Dear sir, miss, what would you like to eat?"

"It's too much trouble to order!"

Dragon Girl's usual tradition, "Give me a copy."


The waiter froze, but Sun Liang smiled.

Is this girl trying to embarrass herself on purpose? This is nothing!

"Just as the lady said, come up one by one."

"Yes, sir."

The waiter went on.

"It doesn't matter what you want to eat."

Sun Liang is still showing off his wealth intentionally or unintentionally. "It's just a little money for me."

"That's good, you just need Li Fan if you don't have enough money."

Li Fan? Who is that?

Brother Gong guessed it and forgot the name.

No matter who he is, anyway, tonight, this loli belongs to himself! Keep her under her! **

"Beautiful lady, what's your name?"

"Just call me Dragon Girl."

"Dragon Girl? You seem to like mystery."

Sun Liang smiled even more, "I also like mystery, and we can play happier at night."

"Take me to play? Okay! Let's go when you're full!"

The Dragon Girl laughed and laughed. The human beings now look good!

Soon, the meals were delivered, one after another, and the Dragon Girl was not polite. In Sun Liang's astonished eyes, the wind and the clouds disappeared, one after another!

Soon, Sun Liang was speechless.

This woman ... how much can you eat!

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