My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1083: Where men sleep

The Dragon Girl now has three meals a day ... No, it should be eating instant noodles for thirteen meals a day.

If this is known to the general, it is estimated that Li Fan will be scolded to death, after all, it is junk food.

Not just instant noodles, but also potato chips, ham sausage, cola and the like.

"Are you going to class?"

The dragon girl watched Li Fan change into a sportswear and was about to go out. She immediately grabbed a bag of potato chips and brought it with her, and she followed Li Fan to go out.

"Yes, class, just wait for me in the apartment."

Looking at the dragon girl wearing a cartoon pajamas, Li Fan felt that it was better to leave her behind.

"Just don't do it, I said, I will stay with you all these years!"

The Dragon Girl reminded Li Fan, "Don't forget it!"

"This is university!"

Li Fan cries, "You're not old enough!"

"Nonsense, I also attended Jingshi University Hall in my early years! I am an advanced person!"

The Dragon Girl proudly said, "Don't underestimate me!"

I wipe, the sisters have read Peking University ...

"But it must be troublesome to take you over ..."

"You even think I'm in trouble? How many people want to worship Ben Long as a teacher! You know what!"

"What can you teach me?"

Li Fanqi rolled her eyes and couldn't even teach her water spells. She just ate and drank with her! What mentor, that's a good idea!

"Tianlei sword."

The Dragon Girl looked at Li Fan strangely, "Why, did Wang Luo tell you?"

"Tian Lei Jian? And this thing? He never told me!"

"Oh, right ..."

What the Dragon Girl thought of, "This kid can only have mental strength, so he can't learn Tianlei Sword."

She was proud, holding her hands on her back, and said proudly, "Tian Lei Sword is a sword technique created by our dragon girl, passed to every generation of Shangfang Sword, and let them use it to guard China!"

"Well, this Wang Luo hasn't said, it's too bad! Is this sword skill great?"

"Look at yourself."

The dragon girl suddenly opened her mouth and spit out a golden sword in her mouth.

The sword carried Thunder Light on it. Then, the dragon girl spit out. The sword flew out immediately and shot directly through the wall of the apartment.

Not only that, even the walls of the opposite building were shot through. Finally, eight buildings were shot through, and then emptied into the void.

"This ... this is Kung Fu?"

Li Fan was a little dumbfounded.

"This is the Sky Thunder Sword."

The Dragon Girl explained, "Human beings can only practice Zhen Qi, so the Dragon Girl has developed this kind of kung fu to make the Qi gather in the air and turn it into a small sword. The moment it is spit, it becomes a real The sword was shot out! This damage is much stronger than those of foreigners! The third-generation Shangfang sword once used this to kill a true dragon! "

"It's a bit of a fantasy ..."

Li Fan understood the meaning of the Dragon Girl, but vomited a sword, which can be regarded as the ability of a practitioner.

However, in the novel, the true spit out by the practitioners is the real sword. And the dragon girl spit out is an energy sword formed by condensed energy.

It's a pity that he doesn't turn his talent into reality. If you master this ability, you can really spit out a sword, and the lethality will be stronger!

Li Fan is still very excited. After learning Tian Leijian, in addition to cutting God, he has another killer!

"Do you want to learn?"

"Think, but I have learned."

After Li Fan's skill and ascension, Fa Tianxiangdi has been integrated into his bones.

The Dragon Girl just came out, and he had already learned seven or seven eighty-eight.

"You nonsense, this is a divine skill, how can you learn it!"

The Dragon Girl didn't believe it. She ate a lot of potato chips while she spit out Li Fan. "A man can't brag, it will look very cheap."

"Is it?"

Li Fan said, with a mouth, he spit out a thunderblade directly, pierced the window instantly, plunged into the air, and scattered the clouds in the sky.

"No, it's impossible ..."

The dragon girl opened her mouth wide, and even the potato chips fell to the ground.

The Thunder Sword is a secret technique created by the Dragon Girl this day. The first generation was the most talented apprentice. It took ten years to learn!

This Li Fan, actually ... learned it at a glance?

"Well, are there any other moves to teach?"

Li Fan asked.

"Also, there is a trick of dragon swordsmanship!"

The dragon girl's anger is perishable.

"Let's practice it."

"Just don't!"

The Dragon Girl refused, "Let you learn at a glance! I won't let you see it! Two years later, I will teach you!"

"Too stingy."

Li Fan proposed, "Teach me, I'll add you a box of instant noodles every day."

"No, no ..."

Faced with such a powerful temptation-confusion, the Dragon Girl still resisted!

"I must teach you two years later ... otherwise you guys will not be obedient!"

"Okay, but you still have to stay at home."

"No, no, I'm going to talk to you!"

"Absolutely not this. Well, stay obedient, there are a lot of snacks in the box, enough for you to eat. I will come back after class, you remember not to run around."


The Dragon Girl was disappointed, and she curled up on the sofa.

"Oh, I'm out. I'll come back and bring you something delicious."

"Then I want to eat fried chicken!"


Li Fan promised to go down and went out. Long Nu watched Korean dramas in the apartment by herself and was always bored.

"Why can't I go to class?"

The Dragon Girl felt wrong, "Well, this guy may have done something bad and dare not let me follow! No, I am his mentor, and I must supervise him all the time!"

The Dragon Girl confirmed her goal. She picked up a backpack and stuffed a few bags of potato chips inside. Then I thought about it and stuffed a few bags of spicy sticks, so I went out with peace of mind.

While holding the potato chips, the dragon girl walked outside.

Soon after she went out, she lost her way.

The university is so big now, why is it so big ...

The Dragon Girl looked around at the tall buildings, and she didn't know which one was where Li Fan was attending the class ... The previous university was not so big ... It was just a building ...

"Is this this?"

The dragon girl walked towards the building in front, but was stopped by the gatekeeper at the door.

"I'm not allowed to enter, a little girl's house, how can I break into the boy's dormitory!"

Boys' dormitory?

The dragon girl thought for a long time, as if it was a place where boys sleep.

Why is there such a place ...

"Excuse me ... Do you know where Shangfang Sword is taught?"

The Dragon Girl asked Dasao.

"What kind of magic sword, where did the little girl go, go and find your adult!"

"Hey, do you know who I am! How dare you talk to me like this, I'm the supreme little dragon girl!"

"It won't work for Yang! Hurry up!"

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