"The environment is pretty good here."

After returning to G University, Dragon Girl inspected the interior of the student apartment, "It is barely able to live."

"Very good, don't be picky."

Li Fan glared at this guy, "This place is for international students, but we ordinary students are not eligible to live!"

"What is an international student?"

The Dragon Girl doesn't know much about these new terms.

"Is there an international student in the Republic of China?"

"Oh, I think of it ... it's a student from abroad, right?"

"Yes, you are not stupid yet."

"Go die, I'm your mentor, treat me with respect!"

The dragon girl fell to the sofa next to her, and stretched a big lazy waist. There was a little loli in the room, and Li Fan was not unaccustomed to it. After all, he used to live with Murong.

"But since it is our place for Chinese people, why is it so good for foreigners? Shouldn't we let the people in our country live first?"

"It's weird, who knows why."

Li Fan shrugged. "But you are the biggest. I wouldn't be eligible to live in an apartment like this without you."

"There is nothing in the refrigerator!"

The dragon girl opened the refrigerator and was disappointed.

"Probably not ready yet ... by the way, I'll go downstairs to buy some delicious food for you, how about it?"

Li Fan suddenly had an idea.

"Okay, okay! I find your character is really good!"

The Dragon Girl clapped her hands happily.

"Then you stay at home, don't move, watch TV if you're boring."

Li Fan turned on the TV and put the remote control in front of the dragon girl.

"This is a channel change. This is a tuning."

Li Fan instructed her, "Remember to change channels if you don't like the show."

"TV? Change channel?"

Long Nu researched the TV with interest, and was surprised and excited to see the figure inside.

"Someone in here! Oh my God will still move! He will talk!"


Li Fanxin said, it's like a dumpling!

Zhou Guifei is much stronger than her, and she is not surprised when she sees new things. She is born calm.

"Then you see, I went downstairs to buy you food."

There is a supermarket downstairs, Li Fan went down to buy a lot of aspects and returned.

When he went home, Long Nu barefooted, sitting on the sofa, watching a Korean drama.

"The clothes they wear look good."

The dragon girl watched with interest, "Is there any girl's clothes in it, I will wear them too!"

"It is necessary to go to South Korea to make purchases. All domestics are counterfeit."

Korean dramas are supported by specialized clothing factories, which is much stronger than domestic ones.

Their costumes for urban dramas will always be a highlight. Although there are not many Korean dramas watched by Li Fan, he also likes the costumes of the leading actors.

"Still buying abroad? Don't bother."

Dragon Girl turned her fingers a few times, and her clothes began to change slowly, and soon became the Korean dress of the heroine in the TV series.

"What spell are you ... can you teach me?"

"There is no way to teach, you are not a dragon girl."

The Dragon Girl skimmed her lips. "This is the natural water power of our Dragon Girl."

"Can't you teach?"

"Of course not!"

"You try this."

Li Fan ripped off a strip of potato chips and stuffed it to the dragon girl.

"What is this, weird, can you eat it?"

The dragon girl tasted a piece, her eyes glowed, "This, this thing is delicious!"

"Can you teach it?"

"Oh ... there's really no way to teach this ..."

The dragon girl was anxious when Li Fan was about to get back the potato chips. "I'm a puppy!"

For dragons, puppies are the lowest animal. Since she said so, she should not have lied to herself.

"You are human, and humans can only learn human moves."

The dragon girl looked at the potato chips taken back by Li Fan, drooling, and explained, "such as qi, such as mental power. Between species, because of the different evolution, the characteristics are naturally different! For example, you let An ant, asking humans, how can they blow so many ants in one breath, how do you let humans explain? This is the difference in characteristics, understand? "

"I understand what you say, but everything is made up of energy."

Li Fan has always firmly believed in his energy theory, "If an ant works hard, it may have the power of a human being."

"It's ridiculous, how is it possible ... yes, can you give me potato chips first ..."

Li Fan shoved the potato chips back into her hands, then wiped her saliva.

"Don't human beings push their limits?"

Li Fan emphasized, "For example, those holy masters who have the power of Bailong, their strength is beyond ordinary people?"

"Holy level is the limit of ordinary people."

The dragon girl reminded Li Fan, "What's more, the so-called power of a hundred dragons is a joke! It's not even a dragon's power!"

"You should continue to eat potato chips."

Li Fan is a bit regretful. It seems that he can't learn this dressing ability, otherwise he can save a lot of money!

Every time a special bone change will damage the clothes, this is really troublesome.

"I'll get you something delicious. Would you like to eat braised pork ribs, or old sauerkraut, or chicken stew with mushrooms?"

"Give me so many dishes?"

"No no no, it's a taste, which one do you like?"

"Ah, just do it, I'm not picky!"

"Got it."

Li Fan nodded, and went to boil the noodles for Long Nu.

He cooked a large pot of instant noodles, then filled a pot and gave it to the dragon girl.

"Here, eat."

"What is this, Yangchun Noodle? You are too fooled me!"

"You try it first."

"Hmm ... if it's not good, I'll ..."

The dragon girl took a bite, then her eyes became bright, and then she hugged the basin and ate a lot of instant noodles!

Soon, she was consumed by a bowl of noodles!

She drank the noodle soup in one breath and then patted her belly absently.

"It's delicious, it's delicious! How can there be such delicious noodles!"

"It's delicious, right?"

Li Fan squeezed his eyes at the Dragon Girl, "Will you give me this every day?"

"Okay! Good boy, I misunderstood you. It turns out you're a good man!"

"Of course. This noodle is very expensive. I have started to support you from my own pocket."

Li Fan sighed, "Everything is for you, my dragon girl!"

"Okay, go ahead and prepare more. I will eat this every day! Don't worry about money, just talk to the general!"

"How can this worry the country? I have to take the initiative to share the country's concerns! Your food is wrapped in me. Although this instant noodles are expensive, you can eat whatever you want. You can eat as much as you want!

"you are so nice!"

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