My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1081: Organized people

1081 Organized people


Li Fan nodded, "But you are too arrogant, you are proud, you ca n’t live forever, so it has brought you ruin!"

When he spoke, he did not forget to play the black sword again, thundering and smashing two statues of heroes.

"Enough! Enough!"

A most majestic voice sounded, and a man suddenly fell from the sky and fell in front of Li Fan.

He looked exactly like the largest statue of a hero.

"Enough, Li Fan, stop!"

Looking at the man wearing only animal skin in front of him, Li Fan understood.

"Are you the original Shangfang sword?"


The pride of the animal skin man, "You should have made enough trouble, Li Fan."

"I'm troubled?"

Li Fan was upset. "Just kidding, I'm working hard for the current Huaxia, and you guys lying here watching the excitement will not say, but also hinder me, now that I am making a fool?

"Wanting to be a sword of fashion ... is not an easy task ..."

"It's you who made me a Shangfang sword. Are you not allowed to do it?"

Li Fan laughed angrily, "Everyone just finish playing together, come and come and send you a big thunderbolt!"

"Stop it ... we admit you ..."

The first generation of spirits had already acknowledged, "You won."

"Is this true?"

"I am the first-generation heroic spirit, saying nothing!"

The first-generation Yingling shouted, "Swear in my name! If there is a lie, you must not die!"

"Aren't you dead?"

"Uh ... then everything is gone, isn't it?"

"Okay, I just trust you."

Li Fan was satisfied.

A sword, dare to fight yourself! Without surrendering this sword, how can you hang on in the rivers and lakes in the future!

"Please leave ..."

The first generation of spirits now saw Li Fan trembling.

"Okay, everyone has a good cooperation and a happy cooperation!"

Li Fangao left happily. The first generation was finally relieved, then turned his head and looked at the statue of Wang Luo.

"I finally know ... why did you choose such a person ..."

"Only he can do it."

Wang Luo finally spoke, "Now China, the crisis is perilous. Only people like him can become the sword of this generation."

"Wait when he dies ... I don't want him to come to the Hall of Inspiration."

"It's not up to us. In the first generation, let's watch it change. The next time, it's not ours anymore."

"You're right ... we are just a surviving soul."

The spirits retreated, and Li Fan returned to the outside.

When he opened his eyes, he found that the Dragon Girl was sitting opposite him, desperately destroying a plate of dumplings, which was called Xiangxiang.

This food ...

Li Fan couldn't help but want to vomit, and she went to Jianzhu herself for a short time, she was still eating!

Is her stomach bottomless?

"Is it delicious?"

Li Fan asked.

"Delicious, sauerkraut and meat."

The Dragon Girl smiled sweetly, "I haven't tasted this taste before."

"Sometimes I find you very satisfied ..."

Li Fan didn't know what to say, "I'm full, I need to talk about business."

"What's the matter? Would you like me to dinner?"

Li Fan didn't talk much, just pulled out the Shangfang sword.


The dragon girl sprayed out the food in her mouth, and Li Fan took the Shangfang sword and casually pulled a sword flower.


Dragon Girl couldn't believe it, "You, how did you do that?"

"That's it."

Li Fan held Shang Fangbao's sword in his hand, and then flung it out. A beautiful sword was swept out, and the row of wooden people beside him was cut in half.

"You, did you really do it?"

"Why don't you want me to do it?"

Li Fan, holding the Shangfang sword, looked at the Dragon Girl.

"You exceeded my expectations, Li Fan."

The dragon girl finally put down her chopsticks and looked at Li Fan very seriously, "I didn't expect that you could do such a good job."

She wiped her hands, then took out a solid gold carved sign with a sword on it.

"This is the symbol of Shangfang Sword. From today, you are the official Shangfang Sword. I will follow you for two years to test your character. If you are qualified, I will officially recognize your identity."

"Ah? I didn't say anything at all."

Li Fan did not hesitate to pat his chest, "It is full of good quality!"

"Hum, just say you don't practice fake skills!"

The dragon girl pouted, "In the past two years, do your best! I will observe you well!"

"Why, how can we be inseparable?"

"Of course, otherwise what is called observation."

"Okay, do you want to watch me pee? Shit?"

"Well! Why are you so filthy!"

The Dragon Girl spurned Li Fan, "You really need to adjust this character-teach it!"

"Welcome to tune-teach."

Li Fan laughed secretly in his heart, and at that time he didn't know who to tune-who to teach!

"Since today, you have left here."

The Dragon Girl looked around, "Unfortunately, there are a lot of delicious here. From today, you will have to support me."


Li Fan was dumbfounded, "Why did I support you?"

"This is your sacred responsibility and obligation!"

The Dragon Girl happily patted Li Fan's shoulder. "Lady, come on, this Dragon Girl is all on you."

"You appetite ... I can't afford it ..."

"I'm not very edible, but my appetite is a little bigger than normal people!"

Dragon Girl stressed.

"Is this a bit?"

Li Fan pointed at the garbage can next to it, which was full of chicken bones left by the dragon girl.

This woman prefers fried chicken. On average, eating hundreds of them is not a problem!

"Ah, Major Li, don't worry about this."

When Li Fan called poor, the general came in, holding a certificate.

"Your procedures have been completed, and now you are an official major! And now you can get 100,000 yuan in state subsidies every month."

"One hundred thousand ..."

Li Fanxin said that as a civil servant, this salary is also quite a lot!

This makes Li Fan a little bloated!

"That said, I'm also a food eater?"

"Of course, we must do our best for the country!"

The general looked at Li Fan with confidence.

"But ... this 100,000 is not enough for someone to eat ..."

"Ahem ... The subsidy for Lord Dragon Girl is also 100,000 a month, and it is also credited to your account."

"Ah, this is pretty much the same."

Li Fan is satisfied, 20w a month, that's almost enough.

"Then I'll go back with you?"

"But I live in a dormitory ... What should I do ..."

Li Fan started to worry, but the general immediately added, "Relax, everything is arranged, a new student apartment!"

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