1087 Pursuit

In just ten minutes of Kung Fu, the Dragon Girl has ran out of a distance of ten kilometers.

When the Dragon Girl turned her head, Qinglong chased behind her steadily, stepped on a spear under her feet, and flew in the air, very leisurely.

"You can't escape the palm of my hand."

Qinglong said, "Little prey, you are too ugly."


The Dragon Girl was a little irritable, she jumped down from the top of the ten-meter-high building and jumped to the ground.

Long Nu's feet stepped out of the pit on the ground. She jumped forward, lifted a truck parked in front of her hands, and threw it into the air.

The truck reversed in the air and hit the blue dragon in midair.


Qinglong disdain, he lowered his body, the whole person seemed to be combined with the Qinglong lance, and hit the truck directly, then broke the truck and passed by!


The truck exploded in the air, and Qinglong was already flying against the ground, chasing the dragon girl who fled ahead.

"You can't escape, it's too ugly."

Qinglong continued to tease the dragon girl, "It's better to stop and obey, I can let you die with a little dignity."

"Who cares about you!"

The Dragon Girl was running, suddenly stopped, turned and looked at Qinglong.

"Forget it, I won't run, I can't run you anyway."

"Want to understand?"

Qinglong also made a sudden brake, then jumped from the big gun and stood in front of the dragon girl.

"Are you going to surrender?"

"Yes, surrendered!"

The dragon girl held up her hands. "I'm tired of running. If you don't run, you win."

"That's decent."

Qinglong nodded with satisfaction. As soon as he reached out, Qinglong's big gun flew to him, floating in the air, and pointed his gun at the dragon girl.

"Rest assured, I'll release you soon."

"Well, Li Fan, are you here?"

The Dragon Girl suddenly looked behind Qinglong and shouted excitedly.

"What, the guardian is here?"

Qinglong frowned and turned to look behind him. But the moment he turned back, he felt bad!

Qinglong's large gun flew up, and when it sounded, he flew a golden sword.

"Thunder lightsaber?"

Qinglong sneered, "Are you going to fight back? You look down on me, Master Qinglong, right? By the way, do you have any last words to say?"

"Well, Li Fan, are you here?"

The dragon girl opened her eyes wide.

"Oh, do you think I can be fooled again?"

Qinglong sneered, "It's ugly and dying."

Then, he stretched out **** and pointed at the dragon girl.

The blue dragon's big gun seemed to come alive, and shot towards the dragon girl!

At this moment, a golden sword fell from the sky, stuck in the ground, and stood in front of the dragon girl.


With a loud noise, the golden sword flew the spear.

A man in sportswear fell on the hilt of the sword with one foot and looked at the dragon girl behind him.

"Did you miss me?"

"Asshole Li Fan, why did you come here?"

"Please, I have been looking for you for a long time."

Li Fan could not help but groaned, "Finally, I followed your Shangfang sword to find you."

"I still have my sword, hum."

"You two, are you enough?"

Qinglong held his arms and looked at Li Fan in front of him, "You are the Shangfang sword of this generation?"

"Who is this cosplay person?"

Li Fan asked a man wearing a blue dragon armor.

"Well, this is the blue dragon, one of the four holy beasts."

"Well? Didn't all the four holy beasts escape?"

"Finally killed by humans."

The Dragon Girl smiled bitterly, "And the humans have made the ultimate weapon, passed down from generation to generation. Their task is to kill all the holy beasts."

"Oh oh, in other words, they want to get rid of your twelve holy beasts?"

"I'll interrupt it, I don't like to remove the word, it's too ugly."

Qinglong interjected, "I think purification should be more suitable. All creatures stronger than humans should be removed. Our four holy beasts are carrying this task. Not only holy beasts, but also Huaxia's Martial arts forces should be annihilated. "

"What a terrible ambition ..."

Li Fan couldn't help asking, "Without martial arts, do you know how many people will invade here?"

"Do you think our goal is only Huaxia?"

Qinglong smiled, "Our goal is the entire world! Not only the Chinese martial arts, but also all the superhuman powers abroad, we will all wipe out!"

"It's terrible, don't you think it's a bit excessive? Who gave you the rights?"

"Power is power!"

Qinglong said without hesitation, "When humans are hunting those large animals that threaten humans, how have they ever asked how they feel? Guardian, don't forget, weak meat and strong food are the laws of this world!"

"Don't agree."

Li Fan shrugged.

"What nonsense with him, hurry him away!"

Long Nu shouted, "I am hungry and want to go back to instant noodles!"

"You heard it too."

Li Fan kicked on Shang Fang's sword.

This Shangfang sword was pulled out of the ground and shot at Qinglong!


Qinglong summoned the spear, held it in his hand, and flew Li Fan's sword.

"Any Chinese warrior, dare to challenge me? It's ugly!"

"Try again."

Li Fan has jumped in front of Qinglong, and at the same time he slashed at him with one palm!

Anxious like a thunder, this palm fell from the sky and went straight to Qinglong's brows.

Qinglong picked up a big gun with both hands, blocking her head.


Another metal bell rang, and Qinglong's big gun went down.


Qinglong was a little surprised, "You have such strength?"

In Qinglong's heart, Li Fan's strength should be around the peak. But he did not expect that, for the first collision, did Li Fan already have the power of a great master?

"It is indeed the top human power ... It seems that you have already used the sword of Shangfang's sword?"

"It's still early. I won't use it against you."

Li Fan has full confidence in his own strength. Even if this blue dragon has the power of the holy beast, it cannot reach a state far beyond ordinary people!

If according to the Dragon Girl, the human body can withstand limited power, the Holy Order should be the limit.

This man, who claims to be a blue dragon, should not have more than holy power.

Li Fan can already use Guijian, and with a hole card, he has confidence!

And according to the power of the twelve holy beasts, this green dragon should not be much higher!


Qinglong also miscalculated Li Fan's strength. A blue light burst into his eyes, and then the large gun in his hand was thrown, pushing Li Fan out.

"The power of the Twenty Dragons."

Li Fan has calculated that, "The sacred beast is indeed very strong, but it is not enough to deal with it."

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