My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 110: Bear cavalry

110 Bear Cavalry

Guan Jiadao, really domineering!

Li Fan stood there and looked up at Guan Wenbao, feeling like a **** of war standing in front of himself, waving his sword!

"Good job!"

Li Fan has no other way. There is only one way to deal with Guan Wenbao! Beat him down before talking!

"Jin Chan throws beads!"

Li Fan stretched out his hands, gathered the true energy in his body, and gathered together and punched out of the head!

The white air beads bloomed from Li Fan's hands, and stood on the blade of Guan Wenbao's moon-moon knife!

Qi Xia Jin was trained to the fourth level by Li Fan, and the power contained in it was extraordinary! But Guan Wenbao's righteousness has also been practiced with extraordinary strength, extraordinary! This knife almost carried red light on it, hitting Li Fan's air beads together!

Li Fan's cuffs were all shattered by vigor, but unfortunately this good suit!

And Guan Wenbao's blade was slightly curled, and finally he was slammed, making Guan Wenbao back two steps!

Qizhu went straight to the top of the head, hit the ceiling, interrupted the huge crystal chandelier, fell straight, and fell towards the two!

If it is two ordinary people, I am afraid that it will be smashed into flesh! Simply two martial arts fighters, Guan Wenbao raised his hand and cut the chandelier in half, and more fragments flew towards Li Fan.

Crane crane **** its wings!

Li Fan kept flapping his hands, flying these fragments to the side!

With so many pieces of broken glass, there is no one that can approach Li Fan's body!

Liu Yannan looked at him, not even blinking his eyes. This is a battle that is quite good with Guan Wenbao! This is the competition between martial arts!

"Guan Wenbao!"

Li Fan shouted, his energy filled his body again!

"Wake me up! Great pen!"

With that said, at the foot of his foot, the whole man rushed towards Guan Wenbao!

"Sir! Please go all out!"

Guan Wenbao waved the moon knife across the side, and it seemed fierce that he wanted to divide Li Fan into two! But Li Fan's body was short, and the whole person stuck to the ground, sliding along the ground!

Black toad over water!

Guan Wenbao slashed with a knife, but he did not hesitate, the blade changed, and he cut down towards Li Fan!

Li Fan suddenly snapped his fingers, and the monkey escaped!

His body disappeared strangely in front of Guan Wenbao, and when he appeared again, he was one meter off the ground, and then double-footed on the back of Guan Wenbao!


Guan Wenbao's moon knife was stepped into the ground, then Li Fan stepped on the moon knife's shaft and rushed directly to Guan Wenbao.

"Should he wake up!"

It was originally a trick for the black tiger to grab Guan Wenbao's face directly! This time, not only can he crush Guan Wenbao's eyes, but also pierce his cheek!

But in the hands of Guan Wenbao, Li Fan suddenly took it back and changed to a monkey monkey kicking the tree in ape strike!

His body was horizontal, his legs were like cannonballs, and he struck Guan Wenbao's chest.


Guan Wenbao stepped back three steps and finally stepped into the floor, which stabilized his body.


Liu Yannan was very displeased. "Take his horse out!"

The words fell, and a sweaty BMW stepped on the iron hoof and rushed into the martial arts arena!

Lisa was fast, Guan Wenbao leaned over and landed on the horse.

At the same time, he took out the telescopic knife rod from the saddle with his left hand and the blade with his right hand, quickly assembled them, and then rushed to Li Fan with the war horse and swept up in a swipe!

"Total Annihilation!"

This time, there is indeed a tendency to sweep thousands of troops! This time, Li Fan also saw it. There was a war horse, and Guan Wenbao's work improved more than 10%!

In the end is the family of the war horse! Li Fan couldn't help but admire it a bit ... But now is not the time for admiration, but fighting!

"Jin Chan throws beads!"

Li Fan's palm burst into air, and he shot it **** the ground!


The hull shuddered, cracks appeared on the ground, and the warhorse was unstable, snoring. The sword in Guan Wenbao's hands also lost his balance and did not hit Li Fan.

"Come again!"

Guan Wenbao practiced equestrian all year round, it can be said that the balance in the immediate grasp is better than the ground! Lisa, the war horse, also had a fascination with him.

At the same time, Guan Wenbao spurred his horse and ran along the martial arts arena, seemingly looking for the opportunity of the next attack!

Li Fan was calm and calm, Guan Wenbao was running fast, but in his eyes, he seemed to be a bit slower!

He suddenly hit an air ball in the distance, and the air ball drew an arc and hit the ground!


Energetic exploded immediately, but Guan Wenbao had already pulled the reins in advance and let Lisa jump to the side.

It's flexible!

Li Fan couldn't help but admire him, this person's equestrian has become superb!

"Look if it's your horse or my deer!"

Li Fan pressed his body down, and then bounced his legs, running after Guan Wenbao's war horse!

"Idiot, is he going to catch a sweaty BMW with his legs?"

Liu Yanan couldn't help laughing, but soon she couldn't laugh.

Deer sprints!

Wild deer's running speed is also a must! Li Fan stepped on his legs and ran fast, even catching up with Guan Wenbao's speed!

"Honour Kung Fu really works!"

Guan Wenbao couldn't help but admire, "If you can have a future life, I really hope to be friends with you!"

As he said, he suddenly pulled the reins, and the warhorse raised his forefoot high, and then Guan Wenbao's yueyue sword drew sideways!

Crazy Dragon goes to sea!

This sword is Guan Wenbao's stunt, and it was displayed on the horse at this time, and it was even more powerful!


In Li Fan's eyes, it seemed as if a flame really burned! This is the flame created by Guan Wenbao's moon knife and rubbing air! If I do n’t do anything, Li Fan ’s body will really be cut in half!

Guan Wenbao's eyes were decisive. After this battle, he would also break himself! In this way, even if you return the favor of the young lady!

"Sir! I am your companion on Huangquan Road!"

Guan Wenbao sang loudly with the Yueyue knife, but Li Fan's eyes lit up with coldness!

At that moment, it seemed as if a giant bear stood up behind Li Fan, and Guan Wenbao looked a little surprised!

And Li Fan is extremely calm, his body and mind are once again integrated with his kung fu!

Bear Strike!

Bear! ride! Bing!

At this moment in Li Fan, there seemed to be endless strength in his body! He felt like a giant bear in armor, looking at the swollen moon knife, Li Fan even stretched out his hands and grabbed Guan Wenbao's knife bar!


This blade was less than one centimeter away from Li Fan's waist, but stopped abruptly!

Strong vigor, pounding out all around!


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