My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1096: War is imminent

1096 The Great War Is Coming

"You see it soon."

Tsukumao pointed at the Yingwu Hall in front.

"Yingwu Hall?"

Li Fan remembered the scene here last time when he and Zhan Xiaotian had a few tricks. I don't know where the kung fu is now, and I want to see him two moves.

But now, it doesn't seem to be the time.

Li Fan followed Jin Jiumao and walked into the Yingwu Hall. At this time, the inside of the Yingwu Hall seemed torn and seemed to have suffered a lot of suffering. Many disciples relying on swords lay here, all with injuries, and several disciples in charge of medical treatment were running around to treat these disciples.

Sitting in the middle, Luo Xuewu held a sword in her hand, her face was gloomy, and she seemed to have suffered some internal injuries.

Guo Mingming was next to her, usually a stupid big man. Today, his head was tied with a bandage of blood in red blood, and he was obviously seriously injured.

Zhan Xiaotian sat in the corner, he broke one arm!

Yeyulou was sitting directly in a wheelchair, looking at a map, and seemed to be deducing something.

The four heavenly kings of Luo Xuewu seem to be badly damaged this time!

"Maomao, you are back safely!"

Ye Yulou saw Jin Jiumao with a happy look on his face, then his eyes fell on Li Fan.

"Li Fan, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I'm injured, I can't count on the courtesy, I'm negligent."

Ye Yulou arched his hand in front of Li Fan, and the eyes of others fell on Li Fan.

"Look, it's Fa-wang back!"

"Great, we're saved!"

Li Fan inspected Ye Yulou's injury and found that it was not a permanent injury. He probably needed to rest for a while and then stood up again. This relieved him.

"What's going on with the king?"

"Oh, I forgot to inform you, now you are the sword guard of our sword."

Ye Yulou finally saw Li Fan, and finally got a little smile.

"When did this happen……"

"Ahem ..."

Luo Xuewu sat next to her. Although she saw Li Fan, she was carrying it because of the disciples.

At this time, I heard Ye Yulou talking, and immediately coughed twice.

Yeyulou no longer snored, but secretly passed on to Li Fan.

"Last time I drank with everyone. After drinking too much, everyone asked what you should be now. The lord drank too much for a while, and said casually that you are our sword guard.

Li Fan is sweating all over his head.

Looking at this man who wanted to be his wife, Li Fan couldn't help laughing or crying.

"Why did you bring this person ..."

Luo Xuewu couldn't help counting Li Fan, "You have so many good players in the dart, how can you only bring these women?"

Although Luo Xuewu is about Li Fan, she will not show it at this time. The falling snow dance at this time is the leader of the sword.

"I tried hard to send Jin Jiumao out to find you, not for you to take your sister to sightseeing!"

"Don't underestimate these people, it's amazing!"

Li Fan introduced, "These two are the heirs of the gossip door, and they are very strong."

"It turned out to be a master of the gossip door, it was rude."

Luo Xuewu arched at Jiang Yuanyuan and the two of them. "However, you have also seen that the crisis of reliance on swords is approaching at the moment. It is a time when there is no manpower. Only you two, Luo Xuewu is the leader. But the enemy is too strong Please go back. "

"Both of them were invited by me to help them. How can you get them out when you get up!"

Li Fan is particularly helpless.

"I'm also for their good. They are young and don't have to pay their lives to rely on the sword."

"With me, there is nothing wrong with leaning on the sword."

"You are so confident ..."

"Otherwise, why did you ask me to come over?"

"I've met your powerful men!"

The falling snow dance is like many treasures, "Guan Wenbao, Yan Kai, Bodhi, Yanjing eleven ride them ..."

"They are really strong, but this time they came too quickly, and I didn't have time to inform them."

Li Fan explained, "And I did bring two powerful assistants, believe us, we are not here to die."

"Okay ... but Yi Jian's current situation ... you saw it ... Ye Yulou, let me explain."

Snow Snow Dance seemed to have no energy.

"Well, let me explain."

Ye Yulou nodded, "Relying on swords for half a month blocked offense, almost deadly. The disciples under our door died at least half of the time, and everyone else was injured. Now I can accompany you out to fight, too There are only ten good players left. "

"How about Xiaotian's injury?"

Li Fan cares about Xiao Xiaotian sitting in the corner.

"Relax, I can't die."

Zhan Xiaotian stood up. "Even if I have one arm left, I can pinch a few Li Fans ... no, it's a clone!"

Under the analysis of Ye Yulou, those who stayed behind Yi Jian probably understood what the situation was.

"Xiaotian, I'll help you contact a good doctor and get a bionic arm for you."

"No need to."

Zhan Xiaotian said directly, "What happened to one hand, did Yang Guo also have one hand, and he also developed the ecstasy palm! I fight Xiaotian, and I will rely on one arm to fight the world!"

This guy's war intentions are quite high. Li Fan doesn't persuade much, but explains what he knows.

"On the way, I had a fight with the clones. Ordinary clones are just cannon fodder. Their sea-to-people tactics may work for ordinary martial artists. But for our top martial artists But not worth mentioning. "

"It's not so easy ..."

Ye Yulou smiled bitterly, "I'm tired of coping with three of them coming together. Don't forget, your Qixia Boxing is in the top ten of the magic score!"

"But it should be difficult for you, right?"

"That's right, so we blocked it for half a month. But their numbers kept flowing, and a clone with flames came up ... This guy is too powerful, and our four heavenly kings can't fight him together. In the end, it's still young Tian sacrificed an arm to protect us comprehensively. Now we are hiding in the Yingwu Palace, relying on the defense of this building, to resist their attack again and again. But I do n’t know, how long can I persist ... ”

"Tomorrow is the last time."

Li Fan was moving his muscles. "Since I provoked my little bully, I won't spare them. I will let the whole river and lake know that who dares to use my little bully's name, and I will let him pay the price."

"Good momentum!"

Zhan Xiaotian walked to Li Fan, "Tomorrow's defensive battle, count me as one!"

"I can barely help you."

Ye Yulou pushed the wheelchair. "In addition, I will choose eight good players, and everything will be tomorrow."

"Okay! Since you believe me, I promise to protect you!"

Li Fan said loudly, "This time, leave it to me!"

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