1097 Full Battle

"Li Fan ..."

Before Li Fan entered the battlefield, Luo Xuewu suddenly stopped him.

"what happened?"

Li Fan looked back at this beautiful ice-snow beauty, "I don't have to worry about it. I haven't known how many times I have fought in the past two years, big and small. This is not a big scene for me."

"I don't know if you are confident or brag."

A woman so ice-cold and clean, standing in front of herself, even if Li Fan is iron-hearted, will inevitably be moved. Hearing the falling snow dance, Li Fan blushed slightly.

"Well, you're going to fight soon, are you just trying to count me?"

"No ..."

Luo Xuewu stopped talking, she talked to her lips, brewing for a long time.

"I'll leave if it's okay. I can't wait for my good brother."

Li Fan said, turning to go outside the door.


Luo Xuewu pulled Li Fan's sleeves together, "wait ..."

"Well, what's wrong? Anything else?"

Li Fan asked half-jokingly.

"Li Fan ... do you remember the last time you said?"

Luo Xuewu suddenly asked.


Li Fan doesn't really remember. What did he say?

"You ... what a **** ..."

Found that Li Fan really forgot, Luo Xuewu seemed a little angry.

"Then I say again, if we can come back alive this time, let's get married."

Luo Xuewu proposed to Li Fan again, making Li Fan a bit dumbfounded.

Suddenly ... at this time, suddenly say that again! Li Fan naturally knew the thought of Luo Xuewu, but at this time, he couldn't answer Luo Xuewu.

"May never see it again and wouldn't answer me."

Luo Xuewu seemed a little sad, "Do you think that I just want to marry you for the sake of the alliance?"

"Well, a little bit."

"Just rest assured. Even if I had Huangquan, I would like to be a ghost couple with you."

Luo Xuewu said firmly.


Li Fan didn't know if she should be touched. This woman was sometimes silly and cute.

"How can you say frustration before you enter battle?"

Li Fan reminded her, "I will return triumphant, please rest assured."

After speaking, Li Fan did not wait for Luo Xuewu to answer, turned around and left the door.

When she reacted, it was too late. To lean on the sword yourself is to fight, not for love and love!

Li Fan turned around and left the Yingwu Palace. Jiang Yuanyuan and Jiang Fangfang have been waiting outside for a long time.

The dragon girl was still sitting next to her, holding a roast chicken and walking around.

No one can help her go out and catch the pheasant. This is the few Li Fan went out to catch overnight.

Anyway, satisfy the appetite of this little girl first.

There are also ten masters who lean on the sword. Zhan Xiaotian and Ye Yulou are left and right. Although they are physically disabled, their eyes are firmer and seem to ignore life and death.

Jin Jiumao also recovered a little. She stood next to Ye Yulou and looked at the clones on the outer three floors and the outer three floors.

There are also seven masters who lean on the sword, waiting for orders.

Holding the sword, Luo Xuewu slowly walked out from the second floor of the Yingwu Palace and stood on the balcony.

Guo Mingming, wearing a bandaged head, stood beside Luo Xuewu. This loyal guard will never give up.

"Li Fan, have you chosen?"

Jiang Feng stood opposite, and several clones carried a sedan chair to sit on it, which was a treat.

Li Fan was a little upset. When he got a chicken, he looked like he was carrying him!

"Choose it."

Li Fan hooked his fingers at Jiang Feng. "My bully is here. Who can hurt the sword?"

"it is good."

Jiang Feng lowered his voice, "I knew you would choose this way. Clone people, listen to orders, take down here, everyone, let alone kill!"

Hundreds of clones slowly came over.

"How many of these people come, they are just dead!"

Li Fan was rather dismissive, "Just let them come."

"Is that right?"

Jiang Feng snapped his fingers.

The clones were carrying metal boxes behind them. As Jiang Feng slammed his fingers, these metal boxes moved immediately, releasing pieces of battle armor from them and covering them.

Soon, these clones were wearing steel armor, very powerful.

"I'm surprised."

Jiang Feng seemed a little proud, "These ordinary clones couldn't fuse the mutant genes, but they could be strengthened with the armor. After putting on this armor, their combat power doubled!"

"I have to say ... you can really toss."

Li Fan grumbled, "But no matter how tossing, it's all the other way around. I will beat you with my kung fu, that's all."

"It really sounds like a bully, and today I will let you know how powerful the power of faith is."

As he said, he reached out and pointed at Li Fan, "Go! No. 1 is your main battle!"

The voice fell, and immediately a flame fell in the sky!

Li Fan raised his head, and a ball of air condensed in his right hand, and flung out towards the sky.

Dragon throws beads!

This bead hit the flames and a big explosion formed in the air!


A man penetrated the flame and fell down.

With a sharp axe, he came down from the sky with a flame and slashed into Li Fan's head.

Li Fan reached out his hands and blocked this foot.


His knees sank slightly, and he almost knelt on the ground.

This violent clone # 1 ... is terrible!

"Do you need help, Mr. President?"

Jiang Yuanyuan squinted at Li Fan.

"No need."

Li Fan raised his mouth and said, "Just listen to Ye Yulou's command, and this guy, leave it to me."

"The president really likes stubbornness!"

"Well men, all of them."

The two sisters turned on Tucao mode again, but Li Fan laughed.

"Is it impossible, you will know right away!"

Li Fan said, pushing his hands up to push the clone one out.

He leaped forward and crashed into the air to clone No. 1, and the two quickly made a few moves in the air, and the anger and flames exploded in the air!

"Several people, I'll ask you."

Ye Yulou was sitting in a wheelchair, but had Zhuge Liang's style. He commanded only a few combat powers and began to fight back against the clones!

The clones surged in like a tide, and after putting on the metal armor, they were even more powerful.

"You guys, who can help me get out of the way first."

Ye Yulou's eyes narrowed slightly, "I need a warrior, help me kill seven in and seven out!"

"I go!"

"I come!"

Jin Jiumao and Zhan Xiaotian said at the same time.

"Both of you are injured, leave it to me here."

Jiang Fangfang held up his gossip knife, "Ye Yulou, how do you want to play?"

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