My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1098: Goddess rescue

1098 Goddess Rescue

"Get a way out."

Ye Yulou pointed at Jiang Feng. "It is true that the thief first captured the king and killed that guy, and we won.

Less people hit more people, this trick is the best way.

"give it to me."

Jiang Fangfang's words had just fallen, and people had been killed.

In the blink of an eye, she had already arrived in front of a Warframe clone and was cut off with a slash!


But the clone raised his arm, blocking Jiang Fangfang's knife with his arm with the armor!

"Good defense."

Ye Yulou saw this scene and couldn't help taking a breath.

"It seems that the combat effectiveness of these clones has exceeded our expectations."

"It turned out he had hidden a hand ..."

Tsukumo was very angry, "Damn guy! How much he looks down on Yijian!"

"This man's power can indeed subvert the rivers and lakes ..."

Ye Yulou's face was not very good-looking. He scratched his finger on his chin and pondered for a moment.

"Miss Jiang, please attack the junction of the Warframe."

Yeyulou had amazing eyesight, and quickly analyzed the fighting method.

"it is good."

Jiang Fangfang's body spun, avoiding the attack of two Warframe clones. At the same time, she drew a knife and chopped it on the shoulder of a Warframe clone.


The connection was fragile, and one arm of the Warframe clone flew into the air.

"So it is."

Jiang Fangfang smiled, "It's your turn now!"

After Jiang Fangfang found the weakness, he was like a wolf entering the flock and rushing into the battlefield of the clones.

However, there are still few connections on the clones, and it is not easy for Jiang Fangfang to open the killing ring.

She desperately rushed forward, and Ye Yulou waved.

"Now, everyone, please give me your hand and rush in through the gap ripped from Miss Jiang!"

The opponent is a huge giant, and Ye Yulou only has a dagger in his hand.

Therefore, what Yeyulou has to do is to insert this dagger into the heart of the opponent!

The large forces that rely on the sword have been destroyed, and conventional tactics are no longer available. The sword took a sloping edge and took the enemy's head straight. This is the only conviction of Yeyulou!

Zhan Xiaotian and Jin Jiumao took the remaining masters of Yi Jian and jumped into Jiang Fangfang directly. Ten of them, like sharp knives, darted into the army of clones.

"Good tactics."

Jiang Feng sat on the stage and praised him, "It is indeed the united front that relied on the sword. It has continuously resisted us for half a month, and even Wudang and Shaolin have no such combat effectiveness."

"Thank you for your compliment."

Ye Yulou's eyes flashed a light, "Miss Jiang, give up the target, attack the clone on the left side of the target."

Jiang Fangfang didn't know why Ye Yulou gave such an order, but she immediately followed it, holding the knife, and rushed towards the clone.

"Protect him!"

Jiang Feng was startled. He waved and ordered a dozen clones to protect this around him.

"How did you know that he was the commander?"

Jiang Feng asked.

"Just guessed."

Ye Yulou smiled, "After all, from the first battle, until now, you have always had such a clone around you. He has never moved, but he must have any meaning."

"It's smart ... but will I make it so easy for you?"

Jiang Feng let more people guard in front of the clone, but Jiang Fangfang had already killed with a group of masters relying on swords.

In order to get rid of that clone, they were inextricably linked with a group of clones!

But because he lost his ability to swim, his disciples relying on swords began to be injured.

Zhan Xiaotian was also panting, because there was only one arm, some attacks were less effective, and many injuries were added to his body.

"It worked!"

With the help of his disciple, Jiang Fangfang finally broke into the clone and stabbed him straight away.

She cut off the cloned thigh with a single knife, and then when he fell, he kicked his head, kicked him to the ground, and then added the gossip knife into the gap in the neck, severed Got his skull!

All disciple disciples are relieved and finally succeed!

"Good job."

Jiang Feng gave a thumbs up, then took out a microphone and held it in his hand. "But I still have a spare control system."

Ye Yulou's eyes froze.

He hated himself a little, even taking it for granted!

Jiang Feng is a nightmare! He first created a desperate situation for himself, and then deliberately set a bright trap for himself within a few days. Ye Yulou thought he had found a real light of hope, but he sent the last power of Yi Jian into the second despair!

"I'll take the lives of these people."

After Jiang Feng said, more people surrounded the disciples who leaned on the sword.

Jiang Fangfang held the gossip knife and stuck with several of them. Now they are surrounded by enemies, there is nowhere to run!

"Looks like that's it ..."

Zhan Xiaotian was sweating heavily on his forehead. He was panting and seemed to have exhausted his physical strength.

"Also, fight on the battlefield, Ma Ge wraps his body! Come on! Come on!"

Zhan Xiaotian yelled three times, and he was ready to explain his life here.

The cold sweat of Ye Yulou's face was still thinking about countermeasures. Think fast, you can think of something!

The smile on Jiang Feng's mouth was more intense.

Just then, a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

She wore a golden armor and landed among the crowd, shaking the ground out of a pit, while setting off a strong wave.

The huge force hit the surroundings, and lifted the clones around them.

"Murong Ying?"

Luo Xuewu was standing on the balcony, and the corner of her mouth had bitten her. Seeing this scene, she couldn't help being shocked.

No ... this is not Murong Ying, she never dresses like that. This golden flying lion armor is too far away from her preference for cheongsam.

"Damn Li Fan!"

Jiang Feng knew this trick.

The goddess of the flying lion, this is the super power that Li Fan borrowed from Bai Linluo!

The flying lion goddess did not take the initiative to attack. She carried the golden lion-face shield and constantly rushed out the clones who rushed forward.

"Saved my life."

Ye Yulou was relieved, and she still had to rely on Li Fan.

"You can't guarantee it yourself, but can you manage other people?"

Jiang Feng growled at the top of his head.

At this time, Li Fan was standing on a high tower and fought against the No. 1 clone.

That one was dressed in flames, as if it were a vulcan, and it was as close as Li Fan.

"Combination of qi and superpower, this method does not know who proposed it, it is really a geek."

Li Fan really wanted to give him a compliment, just like he was united with the flying lion goddess. The power generated by this really increased several times!

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