My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1100: Rebuilding Sword

1100 Rebuild Yijian

With flame on No. 1 foot, he stepped hard toward Li Fan lying on the ground.

Li Fan, who was supposed to lie there, stretched out a hand and grabbed No. 1's foot.


Jiang Feng, who was about to go to the theater, looked stiff and felt bad.

A huge palm wind erupted on Li Fan's palm, blowing No. 1's body directly.

No. 1 banged heavily on the tower in the back, and his body was embedded in the tower.

Li Fan jumped up, his skin slightly reddish, and a golden ring slowly condensed behind him.

He stretched out his left hand and slaped Jiang Feng in the air.

A black-red unicorn appeared in the void, striking Jiang Feng's body.


Jiang Feng's body was directly blown out.

Unicorn Palm!

The double effect of ice and fire also broke out, tearing Jiang Feng's body.

He landed on the ground and spit out a spit of blood.

Li Fan didn't care about him. He took advantage of his unparalleled state, pinching Zhenlong's hand with his right hand, and pointed forward.

A large amount of true energy condensed into a shadow of a sword, falling from the sky, like a sword rain, one after another fell into the crowd of clones.

Bang Bang!

A large number of sword shadows tore the armor of those clones. Under the strengthened power of Li Fan, their bodies were constantly torn, and soon became fragmented.

At least 30 to 40 clones were killed in a flash, and Li Fan's power was exhausted.

He knelt on the ground halfway, panting slightly.

Using the unparalleled mode does consume a lot of energy and energy. The five internal organs were slightly injured, and Li Fan took out Huichundan and Huiyuandan and stuffed them into the mouth together.

Good things from pharmacists, they are really easy to use.

Li Fan took two pills and immediately recovered a lot.

And Jiang Fangfang and Jiang Yuanyuan cooperated with each other, one defense and one offense. Coupled with the remaining masters of Yi Jian to remove the helmet that the clone killed.

Jiang Feng stood up reluctantly, with blood hanging around the corners of his mouth, and his body crooked.

"What is this ...?"

Jiang Feng wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Li Fan.


Li Fan said, "Do you want to learn, I can teach you."

"Oh! I don't need your charity."

Jiang Feng looked at Li Fan with a hate. "Li Fan, I'm not as good as you today, but next time, I won't make you so good!"

"Do you think you can escape?"

Li Fanke didn't want to let Jiang Feng go.

"Clone, suicide attack."

Jiang Feng gave a command, and white steam spewed from the clones around him. The armor on them glowed red, as if ignited, pushing the clones, turning their directions, and attacking Li Fan together.


Li Fan put on a stance. Although he has taken two kinds of elixir, he still feels weak.

At this time, Jiang Yuanyuan fell to Li Fan's side. She showed a beautiful figure, holding two fans, as if dancing, walking around with Li Fan.

A clone that rushed over was Jiang Yuanyuan flying away with a fan sweep.


The clone exploded in mid-air, setting off huge energy, rolling the surrounding air, and the Li Fan who was impacting a little.

Jiang Yuanyuan stood in front of him and blocked the violent energy with a fan.

"You're welcome, Mr. President."

Jiang Yuanyuan narrowed her eyes at Li Fan.

"Thank you anymore."

Li Fan has no way to take this naughty ghost.

"Master Madam, you can continue to heal yourself, and leave it to me here."


Li Fan looked at the direction where Jiang Feng had disappeared. It is estimated that this person has not arrived yet.

Almost all the remaining clones were consumed, and No. 1 disappeared. It is estimated that he left with Jiang Feng.

No. 1 should be regarded as a highly completed work, and Jiang Feng cannot be sacrificed.

"They were finally repelled."

Luo Xuewu repelled several clones and was exhausted. She stood with her sword in her arms, her hair flying in the wind.

"Shocked the leader."

Zhan Xiaotian and Jin Jiumao both kneeled in front of Luo Xuewu. "We will rebuild the sword as soon as possible, strengthen our defense, and guard against the enemy."

"Well, although you should be wounded first ... but the enemies in the dark are staring at each other and don't know when they will come again."

With a wave of her hand, "Rely on all disciples of the sword to strengthen the defense of the Snow Mountain! And Li Fan ..."

"It's busy here, and I have to go back to g city."

Li Fan hurriedly said, "I have to go to college."

"It's like this, you still want to go to college!"

Tsukumo could not help but ridicule.

"Stop, Mau Mau."

Luo Xuewu immediately scolded, "How can you speak to the Fa so, and this time it is he who saved us."

"Yes, there is something wrong with his staff."

Tsukuhisa lowered his head.

"Not a subordinate, you and I are sisters."

Luo Xuewu reached out and gently pulled Jin Jiumao up. Later, she pulled up the other disciples of Yijian.

"You are all my brothers and sisters, thank you very much for fighting me to the end."

"Wish to live with Yijian!"

Everyone said together.

"Then I'll go back to the G city first. If there is anything, I don't need to let Jin Jiumao run next time, just call me.

"Fool, this signal was blocked before!"

After finishing his sarcasm, Jin Jiumao saw the look of falling snow dance, and hurriedly said, "I, I am rude.

"Forget it, I didn't expect it."

Li Fan gave them a reference, "You can prepare a satellite phone, so you are foolproof. No matter where I am, when I hear the call of the Lord of the Alliance, I will come over as soon as possible."

"Thank you first, Master Fa. It is fortunate that Yijian has you."

Luo Xuewu kept her proper courtesy. Li Fan thought she was angry, but from her eyes, she saw a trace of fiery.

This woman, she might have another idea!

No, let's go now! Li Fan always has a bad feeling.

"You, we go back."

Li Fan called the satellite phone that the general gave him, and soon a helicopter appeared above them. As Li Fan expected, the soldiers were on standby nearby, and they should be monitoring the safety of the Dragon Girl.

"The king can stay for another day."

Luo Xuewu looked at Li Fan, who was preparing to board, "I will treat you well."

"Aha, now relying on the sword is in a state of waste, so don't do any entertainment."

Li Fan looked solemnly, "I am the prince of Yijian, and I should plan for Yijian! I decided, in my own name, to donate 100,000 for Yijian!"

"We received the will of Fawang, but we have prepared funds for repairs."

For so many days, Luo Xuewu laughed for the first time.

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