My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1101: The first Shangfang sword

1101 Shang Fang Sword

Li Fan went back to G city almost in a daunting way, and the two sisters kept laughing at him along the way.

Isn't this pair of sisters flowers exposed as a miser ... What's so funny!

"Hey, hey, it's enough for 100,000 yuan! I'm poor!"

Li Fan emphasized.

"Yeah, yeah, the president is so generous!"

Jiang Yuanyuan narrowed her eyes at Li Fan, "I heard that I helped someone open a brokerage company, and took out more than 10 million."

"Where did you hear that?"

Li Fan looked nervous.

"Doesn't the President know? The two of us were invited by Sister Xue."

Jiang Yuanyuan grinned, "Sister Xue said, the two of us can develop into the best girl flower idols!"

The conditions of these two people are quite good, but it is not good to leak the company's secrets so early ...

"You two don't understand, president and me. It's business to business, feelings to feelings!"

Li Fan solemnly said, "The more than 10 million yuan invested in the brokerage company was dart money. It was donated to Yi Jian, and it was my own private house money!"

"Private house money, I heard that the private company's private house money invested a million dollars."

"Yuanyuan, you can't say everything."

Jiang Fangfang reminded her sister, "The president will be embarrassed, and you will let him discover the fact that he is very stingy."


Li Fan wants to cry without tears. The twins should not be raised as idols. They should talk about cross talk!

"Do you really want to be an idol?"

Li Fan couldn't help asking about it. "In this case, you will spend less time on martial arts. Idols, it seems very difficult to do, and the schedule is full."

"It doesn't matter, the two of us are young people, so energetic!"

Jiang Yuanyuan deliberately emphasized the three words of young people, "And a big star like Shen Chen is very handsome! And being an idol is more interesting than being a martial artist."

"Don't you like being a martial artist?"

"Yuanyuan doesn't like it, I'm fine."

Jiang Fangfang grabbed the topic of her sister for the first time, "After we graduated from college, there must always be someone to inherit the father's gossip door. So in these years, I want to accompany Yuanyuan crazy. After graduation, I will I'll take over the martial arts. "

Li Fan saw a sense of responsibility in Jiang Fangfang's face, who was his sister.

"Oh, what about taking the martial arts, wouldn't it be better to give it to your brother!"

Jiang Yuanyuan held her sister's little hand. "Let's worry about everything! Besides, isn't it an idol's wish to be an idol? I remember when we were young, we often played as big stars' family wine."

"Isn't that a kid."

Jiang Yuanyuan glanced at her sister, "And the martial arts must not be handed over to that playboy!"


The fire of Li Fan's gossip is burning.

"This is a bit of a family thing, so don't tell the president."

Even Jiang Yuanyuan refused to discuss the matter, and Li Fan did not follow up.

"Holy war plan is still boring."

The Dragon Girl slept on the plane for a long time, seemingly to wake up because of hungry.

She stretched her back and muttered, "There are only a few roast chickens, not even a full ..."

"Isn't that the four holy beasts also participated in the jihad plan."

Li Fan just asked, "Why didn't they show up?"

"These people are not casually invited."

The Dragon Girl took out a box of potato chips from the bag next to her. "Probably they thought that removing the school of reliance does not require the power of the four holy beasts. The four holy beasts are very proud!"

"Hope they stay proud!"

Li Fan sighed, "If the four of them come out together, even if I am, I'm afraid I can't handle it!"

"Rest assured, all four are terribly proud, they will never show up together."

The Dragon Girl explained, "If the four of them appear together, it proves that the end of the world is here."


"Well, once the four holy beasts appear together, it is time to destroy the entire world."

The Dragon Girl nodded, "Since the moment when humans betrayed, the Four Holy Beasts did not want to destroy all human beings all the time. Even after they were made into weapons by humans, they still did not forget this. When the four of them appeared together , It means that the heart of the holy beast has affected them, and the destruction of the world is coming. "

"It's so serious."

Li Fan shrugged. "Don't show up together. But to be honest, I still want to challenge them together."

"Speaking ... you can take the initiative to defeat them!"

The Dragon Girl seemed to remember something, "The four holy beasts don't appear together, so naturally they won't stay together. In the land of Divine Land, they live on the four holy towers. Once they reach the holy tower, they can summon these people and defeat . "

"This is pretty good."

For the mystery of Huaxia, Li Fan still wants to study it in depth!

"What a good thing, the Four Sacred Towers, it's hard to find."

The dragon girl gave Li Fan a white look and continued to eat potato chips.

"And among the four holy towers, the power of the four holy beasts is not limited at all. They can exert their power at will, and the liberated power has no time limit."

"Slum, so abnormal?"

Li Fan was a little dumb after listening.

"Of course, but it's good."

The dragon girl exploded a good thing to Li Fan, "After you have attacked the next tower, you can get the power of a holy beast."

"Crouch? This is good!"

Li Fan doesn't know how many times he was surprised today!

"But after so many years, each generation of Shang Fangbao sword tried to challenge the tower, but all failed."

The Dragon Girl recalled, "I think ... the Shang Fang sword of Wang Luo's previous generation seems to have challenged the tower after training Wang Luo. As a result, he hasn't returned yet, it is estimated that he has become a bone Right. "

"I'm more interested in what you say."

Li Fan licked his lips. "When I have decided on the agency and Wuguan, I will challenge the Four Sacred Towers!"

"It's not impossible, anyway, you are a Shangfang Sword. It is up to you to decide which way you want to go. If you die, the next generation of Shangfang Sword will help you choose."

"Then do you think I am suitable to become a Shangfang sword?"

Li Fan suddenly asked.


The Dragon Girl stopped eating for the first time and looked at Li Fan carefully, not knowing what she was looking at.

"Flowers on my face?"

"No ... Actually, you have the same personality as the first-generation Shangfang sword."


Li Fan was really surprised this time, "What do you mean?"

He hadn't asked yet, and the officer next to him saluted Li Fanyi.

"Major Li, g is too big!"

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