My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1102: Start a company

1102 Creation of a company

Li Fan didn't ask why, so Dragon Girl never mentioned it again, as if she never said it.

Li Fan did not have the opportunity to ask clearly, he soon began to busy with the brokerage company.

The martial arts hall is also running synchronously, but the martial arts hall needs some new decoration, and it will not fit well at one and a half. The brokerage company is better. Liu Xiaowan directly took care of the relationship and rented a well-decorated office building.

Now Liu Xiaowan is pulling Li Fan, looking at this office building.

"Is it Chunjiang Road?"

Li Fan looked at both sides of the road, and looked at the tall building in between.

"It's quite bustling here."

"Of course, a lot of film companies are here."

Liu Xiaowan knows these things very well. "I specifically talked to Jessica. She also recommended me to choose this company. The important thing is not the prosperity here, but the culture here."

"This kind of thing is definitely for you, I don't understand."

"Hee hee, elementary school brother, do you know what you look like now?"

Liu Xiaowan looked at Li Fan with a smile.

"like what?"

"Like an upstart with a child."


Li Fan glanced down at the Dragon Girl who was next to him, constantly eating snacks, and wiped a cold sweat.

"No way, I have to be with this kid all the time."

"Fortunately, you are still young. If you mature, you will become a stranger who raises Loli."

Liu Xiaowan held Li Fan's hand and leaned lightly on her.

"If you have ideas ... just vent more on me ... but don't break the law ..."

"Go, what do you think!"

Li Fan couldn't help but gently squeeze Liu Xiaowan's cheek with her hand, soft and tender, and felt pretty good.

Not in school, the two are almost a grand show of affection. Long Nu seems to be used to it. She turned a blind eye and continued to eat snacks, just as she watched Korean dramas.

"Say, I suddenly thought you were amazing."

Liu Xiaowan stared at Li Fan brightly.

"Where is it great?"

"You have such a beautiful and such a good woman manager as a lover, isn't it great?"

"Well, I'm pretty good."

Li Fan laughed, "After all, it's not that anyone can bear such a cheeky lover!"

"Hum, please!"

Liu Xiaowan hammered Li Fan angrily, "Believe it or break up for you."



"Will you come for dinner that night?"

"Come ... by the way to clean you, your house is always so messy, boy."

Liu Xiaowan shook her head and seemed to be sorry.

"Oh ... I'm a big man. Can't I clean the house every day?"

Li Fan coughed twice, "I'm a busy person!"

"You, too masculine! Who says men can't clean?"

Liu Xiaowan glanced at Li Fan.

"Well then, let me clean it."

"I'm just talking ... let me do it. You're clumsy, don't need it."


Li Fan also took it. How did Liu Xiaowan become naughty after falling in love with herself?

"You're the general manager of a big company. Be stable."

"How about a big company, just getting started?"

Liu Xiaowan coquettishly in Li Fan's arms, "Hello, you!"

"Haha, sooner or later it will become a big company!"

Li Fan holding Liu Xiaowan, looking at his newly established company, had a sense of pointing the country.

"Where is Chen Chen, she is a big name, and we will eat her!"

"Oh ... this is what Chen Chen knows, I'm not angry!"

"No, she knew it! We are mutually beneficial!"

Li Fan thought for a moment, "Go back and sign an 80-year contract!"

"You want to squeeze her out ..."

Liu Xiaowan smiled angrily, "Let's sue with her!"

"Okay, let's not talk about her, let's take a look at our company!"

"Hum, look at your pride!"

Liu Xiaowan sorted out her clothes. "Okay, then I'll take you in and see."

Speaking, Liu Xiaowan led Li Fan into the building.

Office buildings are generally leased by many companies. Li Fan rented the seventh floor. In addition to Li Fan's company, three companies shared the same office.

The two went directly to the seventh floor, and after entering, they saw four signs hanging together.

One of them had a familiar name, Extraordinary Entertainment.

"It looks pretty good."

Looking at the gold-plated sign on a white background, and the company registered logo next to it, it was a bit comfortable.

"Is this your own design?"

Looking at the logo surrounded by Jinlong and a Shangfang sword in the middle, Li Fan couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, after thinking about it for a few days, I still think this one is right for you."

Liu Xiaowan's design of this is still moral, Li Fan did move a bit.

"I'm lucky to know you, sister."

"Well, you know what it is."

Liu Xiaowan kissed Li Fan on the cheek and walked towards the company's glass door.

A pretty girl was sitting at the front desk. This was Liu Xiaowan's choice.

"I just chose the front desk and the agent Jessica."

Liu Xiaowan finished speaking and walked to the door. Seeing Liu Xiaowan at the front desk, he quickly opened the glass door with a switch, then stood up and bowed to Liu Xiaowan.

"Mr. Liu."


At this time, Liu Xiaowan completely lost the look of the delicate woman before. She put on a strong woman, but unlike the strong woman like Murong Ying, she had a strong affinity.

"Introduction, this is our company's president, Li Fan."

"Hello Lee!"

The pretty little front desk immediately bowed to Li Fan, her expression seemed a little nervous.

"Not so polite."

Li Fan smiled, "Have a good job, little girl, I see you have great potential!"

"Lin Li and I went in to take a look. You sort out the recruitment information and send it to my office in a while."


The little girl is obviously also serving as an assistant.

Liu Xiaowan and Li Fan walked in together. Li Fan let the dragon girl wait outside for a while.

The Dragon Girl is also obedient, as long as she has food, she can do anything.

The little girl sat obediently and kept eating snacks.

"Little sister ..."

Looking at the little girl at the front desk, she was a little nervous. She kept thinking, who is this little girl? Thinking at the end, I couldn't help it, she came over and squatted down and asked the dragon girl.

"Who's the little sister?"

The dragon girl rolled her eyes. "I can be your grandma too."

The front desk couldn't help laughing, this little girl was still pretty naughty.

"I think your snack is almost gone. What do you want to eat, I still have it."


The dragon girl's eyes brightened.

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