My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1107: preliminary**

1107 Preliminary Tuning-Teaching

Chen Chen hesitated.

"Three minutes left."

Li Fan glanced at the wall clock on the wall. "We have three minutes left for our conversation."

"You, what do you want ..."

"Three minutes, move me, I will give you the opportunity to participate in a variety show."

Li Fan gave the final order.


Chen Chen is still hesitating.

"Two minutes left."

Shen Chen finally moved, biting her lips tightly, and slowly taking off her clothes.

One minute later, Shen Chen took off her underwear and stood in front of Li Fan.

Shen Chen has been exercising all the time, and she has maintained a good figure, especially the mermaid line in the abdomen, which is full of attractiveness.

"It's really good."

Li Fan held his arms and looked at Chen Chen, "But do you think this will move me?"

Shen Chen clenched her silver teeth, she slowly reached out her hand, and landed on her bra. She seemed to be determined to take it off.


Li Fan stopped her, "Say you're stupid, you're not bad!"

"You, don't you just want that?"

With tears in his eyes, Shen Chen looked at Li Fan with a mockery. "You and those other people want my body. Can you be satisfied if you do this?"

"Silly woman."

Li Fan threw Shen Chen's coat back and threw it on her.

"Isn't three minutes enough for you to sing a song?"

Shen Chen froze for a moment.

"you you……"

"What am I?"

Li Fan looked at Shen Chen very seriously, "What I want to see is your efforts, not your depravity. Shen Chen, you have ambition and confidence, these are all right. But you paid for this , It should be more hard work than ordinary people. "


Shen Chen held her coat, and tears kept flowing.

"Shen Chen, I taught you early in the morning. You just sang a little better, but you are not much different from other thousands of people. Your pride is worthless and will only make you more and more behind. "

"Li Fan ... I hate you ..."

Chen Chen wiped her tears, "Did you come to punish me?"

"Not to punish you, but to make you better."

Li Fan emphasized, "Shen Chen, haven't you always wanted to be a star?"

"Li Fan ... you are a demon!"

"you flatter me."

Li Fan smiled, "This makes me very shy."

"Hmm ... I know, you dare not do anything."

Shen Chen wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Li Fan in front of her.

"As if you dare to do anything."

"You look down on me!"

Shen Chen suddenly became unconvinced, "What I can do is beyond your imagination!"


Li Fan raised his eyebrows, lowered his legs, sat upright, and looked at Chen Chen with interest, "What can you do? Shen Dafang?"

Shen Chen said nothing, she went directly to it.

She got under the desk, then reached out and pulled off Li Fan's pants chain.

"What are you doing?"

Li Fan was a little surprised.

"I'll let you see and see, how great I am!"

"You're teasing me, just pretend you don't make a fool."

Li Fan didn't believe that a proud woman like Chen Chen would give herself a mouth? It's impossible!


Chen Chen snorted coldly, "Isn't it just eating that kind of smelly thing from your man!"

"This relaxed tone, as if you have eaten it."

"Electric ... seen in the movie ..."

"I'm going. What movie are you watching?"

"Hum, I want you."

Shen Chen squatted there, hesitating for a long time, Li Fan couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry about it, I'm already surprised that I can do that."

Looking at Shen Chen, who was fighting heaven and man, Li Fan couldn't help laughing.

"Why not?"

"I ... have no actual combat experience."

Chen Chen muttered.

"Want to learn, I can teach you."

Li Fan said jokingly.

"Can't you teach me something good?"

"You don't want to learn, you don't."

"I won't hit your radicals!"

"Then you can't get up yet?"

Shen Chen is also a cannon, letting her do anything, she has no courage.

"Asshole Li Fan ... sooner or later, one day, I will find you ..."

Shen Chen was still hard-mouthed. She was about to stand up, but there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Li?"

Li Fan and Shen Chen were nervous at the same time, and Liu Xiaowan was outside the door!

Two people now look like this, will definitely be misunderstood!

Li Fan hurriedly held Shen Chen's head, shoved her under the table, and watched Liu Xiaowan who pushed in the door.

"Mr. Liu, is there anything wrong?"

Li Fan forced to calm down and asked.

"Mr. Li, the sound engineer is here."

The office door was open, and Liu Xiaowan remained polite.

"Well, I know."

"Can you contact Shen Chen? Let her try the recording."

Liu Xiaowan still helped Shen Chen secretly. "I asked Jessica to contact a famous composer and write a new song suitable for her."

"Mr. Liu, you spoil her so much, but you will spoil her!"

Li Fan reminded Liu Xiaowan.

"After all, she's a good friend and can't just watch her go downhill."

Liu Xiaowan gave Li Fan a gentle smile. "Then you remember to contact her. I heard she was here today, but no one was found."

"Well, she talked to me just now, and I scolded her away."

Li Fan felt a stab in his thigh.

"You, I don't know what to say to you."

"After all, I'm the company's decision maker. I have to take responsibility for the company."

Li Fan answered with a grand voice, "In short, you believe me."

"Well, I'll go first."

Liu Xiaowan was about to leave, suddenly turning her head again, and taking a closer look at Li Fan.

"Mr. Li, you are a little weird today."

"Ah? How strange?"

Li Fan was a little nervous.

"If you used to ... you wouldn't let me go out so easily."

Liu Xiaowan squinted at Li Fan.

Li Fan coughed twice, and there was an outsider at this time, he didn't want to expose the underground situation!

If this matter spreads out, especially to Lin Yuexian and Liu Yanan's women, will it be OK? They do n’t eat Liu Xiaowan yet!

"Today I have a lot of business to do, especially Chen Chen, which has caused me a headache."

Another thigh was screwed.

"That's the same, okay, I won't make you anymore, you remember to come to the studio."

Liu Xiaowan was very considerate of Li Fan. She finally left this time.

Li Fan breathed a long sigh of relief. It was really dangerous just now.


Shen Chen also got out from under the table, muttering as she dressed.

"How do you feel, Xiaowan listens to you so."

"She is my subordinate after all!"

Li Fan made up a lie.

"In short ... it doesn't matter how you treat me."

Chen Chen's eyes stared at Li Fan suddenly, "But if you dare to bully Xiaowan, I will not let you go if I die!"

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