My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1115: Different paths

1115 Different Routes to the Same Goal

The underground world is really not small, Li Fan and the Dragon Girl are all moving in the direction of the Dragon Palace.

There are many disciples of red robes around, also walking towards the Dragon Temple. It seems that many people want to participate in this so-called divine meeting, which makes Li Fan curious. What exactly is this so-called divine meeting? Song Yunya, is there really such great energy?

"I heard that even this congregation will participate in it!"

A disciple walking next to him told his companion, "If you can see the virgin Fangrong, then life will be complete!"

"How can you have that honor! The only one who can see the virgin Fang Rong is the Lord Lord!"

"Well, if only I had that honor ..."

Li Fan heard them talking and muttered in his heart, who is this demon sage?

This is not the first time that I have dealt with a demon, but I have never seen the so-called virgin. The other person looks so good, does it look good?

"Dragon Girl, don't talk nonsense in a while."


The Dragon Girl nodded, and now she looked very good.

"Well, obedient, I'll ask you to eat delicious food."

Li Fan followed the crowd and came to the Duron Hall.

Even if the front was built by the former little devils, the thing in front of it ... definitely was created by the devil!

In front of it was a huge building with a stone **** on it. The head of the **** was right on the door, and the open fangs were the way to the inside.

Temple of the Dragon of Dragons ... Is this so-called Dragon of Dragons 蜈蚣?

This poison is quite Song Yunya's style.

"It looks so delicious ..."

The Dragon Girl started to swallow again.

"I rub, you eat the stones?"

"I have eaten nine-winged owl, it is really delicious!"

Li Fan is particularly helpless, this girl, in terms of eating, no one can compare!

"Go in, remember not to make a fool."

"Yes, that's true!"

The Dragon Girl looked rather impatient.

Li Fan no longer murmured, he entered the hall with the crowd.

There are statues of puppets everywhere in the poisonous dragon hall. These are regarded as poisonous dragons by the people in the teaching, which is a kind of guardianship symbol.

Song Yanya, wearing a robe with a scull-like appearance, stood on a high platform and looked at the followers below.

Her eyes were deep, and her expression seemed not so good.

After almost waiting for others to come in, she finally knocked the scepter in her hand and said loudly.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming to the Temple of Poisoned Dragons. Presumably you also know the reason for calling you here."

Song Yanya's voice was more dignified. "Recently, the Jihad Plan has swept the entire rivers and lakes. Even our Holy Religion cannot be spared! Everyone present is an integral part of my Holy Religion. The Jihad Plan has already threatened It is the root of our survival. So we must fight. "

Song Yanya said, looking at the side door next to him, "For this reason, the lord lady also came here to give us the blessing of the true God!"

Everyone was excited, and they all looked excitedly at the direction of the side door.

A veiled woman in red slowly came out of the door. Although it was not clear whether the woman was ugly or beautiful, the crowd around her shouted in excitement!

"Virgin! Virgin! Virgin!"

These people shouted in unison, full of strength and expectations.

Li Fan couldn't help shaking his head. Faith is really terrible!

The maiden attracted a lot of attention and came to Song Yanya's side. Li Fan held his arms and looked at it for a long time. From the appearance, the woman couldn't see why. She was wearing a robe and a veil.

Can you not call a saint, can you be called a saint? Li Fan murmured in his heart, it seems that he looks ugly!

These guys are probably just looking for a woman to act as a spiritual faith. Demons, in the end are demons! Without some spiritual support, they cannot survive in this underground world!

"Li Fan?"

Suddenly, someone sent a message to Li Fan, which surprised Li Fan, but his face remained calm, and he looked at the man in the red robe next to him.

"Jiang Feng, you are so coincident."

"It really is you."

Jiang Feng seemed a little proud, "Sure enough, the smell on your body will not change."

"Don't you think you're perverted ..."

Li Fan is quite speechless, this guy has nothing to smell what he is doing! It really is a man who is perverted to the extreme!

"It seems that this time we have the same purpose."

Jiang Feng continued to transmit, "Did you see that maiden? I heard that" Jiu Zhen Yao Shu "was kept by her."

"Tell me so kindly?"

Li Fan looked at the stage, but his attention was on Jiang Feng. He could feel that Jiang Feng was definitely not kind!

This man's hair is empty, I don't know when he will count himself!

"This demon is inscrutable, and the work of the saint is unknown. I hope that you and I can cooperate."

"Since you want to cooperate, you might as well tell me some useful information first."

Li Fan's eyes rolled, "How did you know that this is a demon?"

"Oh, the general altar of the cult is no secret."

Jiang Feng smiled, "I have investigated them for so many years and finally made a breakthrough. It's so hidden here that it is no wonder that we have been hiding for so many years."


Li Fan scolded, it turned out that the news had been known to the Murong family! Then this is not exclusive news, Phoenix King is really doing a good business!

"Murong Bo, the old fox, also wants Jiuzhen to practice?"

"No, he's not interested in that."

Jiang Feng told Li Fan very frankly, "I'm interested. Master doesn't know that I will come here."

"Do you want to share this book with me?"

"Of course, our cooperation will be very pleasant."

Jiang Feng seems to have forgotten what happened to Li Fan just now. His voice is full of enthusiasm, as if Li Fan is still his third brother.

"I haven't had a drink with my elder brother for a long time, and our three brothers should get together someday."

Li Fan, Jiang Feng, and Jin Zhou, the youngest member of the Jin Family, are three brothers of different surnames. But since the election of the gold medal dart division, the three have not met together.

But Jiang Feng can say such words without hesitation, he is brazen enough!

"Second Brother, you can always surprise me."

Li Fan grinned.

"Did the three brothers agree?"

"I haven't objected yet."

Li Fan laughed without saying a word. If he can cooperate, let's observe it first.

"The third brother is really cunning."

Jiang Feng also said, "Why be so kind with your elder brother? If there are difficulties, let us face it together!"

Just then, Song Minya suddenly said, "Let the maiden choose a saint to bless you!"

The eyes of the crowd fell on the maiden again.

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