My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1116: Underground Chase

1116 Underground Chase

Choosing blessings is something that every time the goddess will do. For the saints, this is the supreme honor, and they are all excited, waiting for the selection of the saint.

"This is a good opportunity."

Jiang Feng's voice passed into Li Fan's ears. "If you can get in touch with the maiden at close range, maybe you will have a chance to get" Jiu Zhen Yao Shu "."

"This maiden doesn't know what kind of person she is. How can she figure out who she is looking for?"

Li Fan was very skeptical.

"It depends on the luck of our two."

Jiang Feng's voice was full of self-confidence, "I don't know why, I think the goddess of luck likes to stand by my side."

"Then bet your luck."

Li Fan had no idea in his heart, but he didn't know why. He always felt that the maiden had intentionally or unintentionally looked at him several times.

"Well, everyone has been waiting for a long time. Let us choose this lucky saint and then end this seminar. After that, let us meet the jihadists who are coming in under the leadership of the Lord Lord. Come on! "

Song Minya waved, and the maiden came forward.

Just then, a strange voice of yin and yang came from the crowd.

"Madonna, you are going to die under our swords today!"

Talking, the six men suddenly threw off the red cape on their bodies, exposing the black coat inside, and at the same time leapt forward, surrounding the virgin with a brush.


Li Fan was a little surprised, these six buddies are very familiar.

"Six Musketeers ..."

Jiang Feng frowned, "I didn't expect them to take one step sooner, but they came here long ago."

"Your Murong Villa is really impatient."

Li Fan decided to look at liveliness first.

"Hope not to affect the plan."

"His six guts are big enough."

Jiang Feng couldn't help but, "It seems that Murong Bo has lost trust in me."

"But you don't seem to be worried at all."

Li Fan glanced at Jiang Feng. This guy would not fight an unprepared battle. Recalling the way he used to kill the Quartet on the 1st, Li Fan felt that he must have a better back road!

"Madonna, die!"

The six swordsmen surrounded the maiden at this time, then six black swords brushed out of the sheath, and shot at the maiden.

"Shameless !!"

Song Xunya yelled immediately, and with a wave of her hand, there was a sweet smell in the air.

Li Fan did not hesitate to let Zhen Qi wrap his body and isolate the aroma.

He put his hand on the dragon girl, and felt that the dragon girl also used a special energy to hold her body.

Jiang Feng also wore a peculiar mask, and it seemed that she knew Song Yunya was here, so she had already prepared.

The other believers were fine, and it seemed that they had taken the corresponding antidote on weekdays.

The six swordsmen all reached out and even put on gas masks.

"Song Yunya, do you think our six will come rashly? No matter how bad your poison is, it won't help if you don't get it!"

"Damn, who are you six?"

"I'm here to kill you! Today, the six of us are going to make the blood here!"

With that said, six black swords bounced towards the maiden together.

The martial arts of the maiden did not seem to be very good, she hurried back a few steps. And several swords came after her, it seemed that she would not let go of her life!

But at this moment, several demon saints suddenly jumped out, fearing not to die, and using their bodies to block the sword for the saint!

Puff puff!

A few muffled sounds, and the bodies of those six people were pierced. But they stretched out their hands and firmly grasped the enemy's sword before they died!

"The demon is really terrible, it is so brave and not afraid of death!"

The six swordsmen hummed coldly. As soon as they reached out, the six swords broke free from the corpse and flew back, suspended in front of several of them.

The saints of the goblins have already surrounded them, but the six of them cut melon and chop vegetables and flew the flesh killed by the saints around them!

"Protect the Virgin!"

Song Yunya shouted, just now that she was all her brothers, but now she obviously uses these saints as cannon fodder.

More saints rushed towards the Six Musketeers, blocking the footsteps of the Six Musketeers.

The six swordsman-headed men roared.

"Second and third, you two killed the sages! The four of us will cover you!"


The two swordsmen pointed forward, and the two black swords immediately penetrated the layers of flesh and stabbed at the maiden leaving Cangjie.

Li Fan and Jiang Feng glanced at each other, and they shot together.

Li Fan hit a stone, and Jiang Feng secretly threw a coin out of his sleeve.

Two swords that had penetrated seven or eight saints were suddenly bombarded in midair. Dangdang twice and chopped into the next wall.


The six swordsmen were taken aback, but there was still a stumbling block?

"who is it?"

The headed swordsman roared, and at this time, the two black and white impermanences had taken a group of cult elites and rushed in from the door.

"Protect the Virgin!"

The crowd roared, seemingly trying to swallow the six swordsmen alive!

"Leave them alone, hunt down the maiden!"

The six swordsmen followed the maiden and chased out from the side door, while Li Fan and Jiang Feng were crowded by the crowd and rushed into the side door.

Li Fan turned his head and found that the Dragon Girl was gone. This crazy crowd has long dispersed two people.

I can't care about this girl right now, anyway, she won't have any problems herself. Even if the four sacred beasts are even better than cattle, they can't find this underground world in an instant.

Ask for blessings! Li Fan prayed for the dragon girl, and then chased the maiden ahead.

Jiang Feng is also here. Li Fan knows that it's time to race against time. Don't hesitate!

Both followed the crowd, chasing the Virgin. At this point, the saint cannot die, and she must be saved from the hands of the six swordsmen! These six swordsmen are also, why are they chasing so closely, aren't you afraid of coming to such a place?

Murong Bo is not mentally disabled, and will not send people to death. That is to say, Murongbo's people should already be outside, waiting for a big cleansing of the underground world of the cult?

Li Fan was a bit cold, but this possibility is still there!

It is imperative to find the maiden quickly and get the copy of "Nine True Skills"!

He and Jiang Feng followed one another, closely behind the maiden.

The maiden's effort to escape is first-rate. Although this underground world extends in all directions, she clearly remembers every path! The Six Musketeers are also outstanding in their meritorious service, chasing behind the maiden and keeping her away.

And the saints are indeed all black people, these people have good and bad work, basically most of them have been lost.

Li Fan and Jiang Feng chased them steadily, like a mantis catching cicadas, and the oriole was behind.

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