My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1120: A gas bomb?

1120 a gas bomb?

People from the four major families gathered here and sealed the doorway outside the cult.

Li Fan glanced at the old man at the gate, who had been killed in the small pavilion, and the body was lying by the window. The Sima family is a young man, about twenty-six years old, wearing a bun, wearing a Chinese suit, and carrying an iconic Sima family dagger. Ji Le Jiu Jian, I don't know how this buddy is practicing.

The Ma family and the Hou family also sent representatives, old and young, Li Fan did not know.

The representative of the Murong family let Li Fan's eyes shrink.

Murong Ying is really her. This time, she came to see the demon.

The master of the Sima family is devoting himself to Murong Ying.

"Look at it."

The voice of the maiden rang in Li Fan's ear. "The one I loved the most now describes the stranger."

"Don't bullshit."

Li Fan snorted, "She's not my favorite person."

"Who is your favorite person?"

The maiden became curious.

"What matters to you?"

"Curious, can't you just chat?"

"Liu Zhu, your demon, can you?"

Li Fan said something angry, but the maiden suddenly held her back, seeming to be really scared by herself.

Li Fan is so proud, sample, fight with me, you are too tender! Grandpa tasted so much that he was afraid of himself!

"The janitor, he's just an ordinary old man."

The maiden looked at the gatekeeper lying on the window of the kiosk and sighed, "Three years ago, he was kicked out by his family and had nowhere to go. Later, we took him in because he didn't know martial art , Let him show you here. "

"Since it's for his good, you shouldn't let him be your demon."

Li Fan said, "You are the magic cave here. Only those who have died will live here."

"Partial listening and partial faith."

The maiden froze, "Have we ever done anything unforgivable?"

"Have you been under siege?"

Li Fan sneered, "For the Nine Buddhas, have you killed many people?"

"Can the dispute between rivers and lakes be regarded as an unforgivable sin? The" Nine Buddhas "itself belongs to the strong ones. Why should we grab it?"

The maiden has her own theory, "Besides, obediently hand over, we will not kill people."

"So how are you different from these guys?"

Li Fan pointed to the four big families who camped in the distance.

"They? Oh!"

The sneer sneered, "Which of them did not come for Nine True Spells, but all promised that they came to eradicate the so-called demons!"

"You're right, these are the rivers and lakes."

Li Fan nodded, "All of them are famous."

"Aren't you the same, or why don't you dare show your true face?"

"I'm too handsome, afraid they will fall in love with me."

Li Fan said, wearing the red robe handed over by the maiden.


The maiden was speechless.

"Miss Murong, when are we better offensive?"

The master of the Sima family stood in the cemetery, and behind him was a girl holding a parasol and hitting him on the head.

"You see, it's still early, why don't we swim around here and go against the demon religion?"

"How do you swim in mountains and rivers?"

Murong Ying looked at Master Sima with a scornful look. "Master Sima is really interested, but I don't have this mind, you can walk alone if you want to play."

"Miss Murong is indeed the leader of Wulin, a model of contemporary Wulin!"

Master Sima is also cheeky. He looks as usual and continues to flatter, "It's worth me waiting to learn! I will kill a few more puppets when I wait for a while to fight against demonism."

"Master Sima has just this heart."

Murong Ying looked at the entrance of the demon, "This demon is deep inside, and I don't know what happened to the people who explored the road ahead."

"It would be better for us to kill them. Anyway, how can they be compared with my four big families?"

Master Sima immediately offered to ask, "I can lead the way."

"This underground world is deep and secluded. It looks like a maze and rushes into it. It will only hit the trap of demonism."

Murong Ying is very rational. "This time, I don't want to kill too much."

"Miss Murong, do you deserve these black people too?"

"Don't despise your opponent."

Murong Ying left such a sentence, she did not want to talk to Master Sima.

At this time, a gray-faced Murong family digs out of the tunnel.

"Miss, the black gurgles below, you can't see anything. And there are so many secret passages, you don't know where to go."


Murong Ying nodded, "Six Musketeers are still inside, they are afraid they have already been poisoned."

"Six Musketeers? Those six masters?"

Master Sima seems to have seen six swordsmen. "They are so high in martial arts that they will die below them? I think they should just be lost?"


Murong Ying apparently didn't want to ignore this brain-minded young master. She glanced at the direction of the burrow, and then said, "Go to the two teams and go and see."

"I don't think it's necessary!"

At this time, an old man from the Ma family came over and put forward his own suggestions, "I had expected such a thing early, so I prepared a few magic weapons."

"Oh? What magic weapon?"

Murong Ying asked.

"That's them."

The old man of the Ma family waved his hand, and the next man brought over a plate with some black jars on it.

"what is this?"

"Gas bombs."

When Murong Ying heard it, she looked at the old Ma family more.

"Not right?"

"Allies, there are snake snakes below."

The elder Ma's eyes were fierce. "If you die, you will die. It is harmless."


Master Sima also nodded, "This way we also save some energy."

"I also think it works."

A thin man came over from the Hou family. He glanced at the unpredictable burrow. "It's dangerous below, so there's no need to die in vain. Throw some gas bombs and poison the demons, let them know that they are amazing!"

"Come on, Master Ben throws one first!"

Although Master Sima said so, he didn't dare to reach out, but instead ordered a thug to go over and pick up the gas bomb.


Just then, the two figures came slowly from the side.

The crowd looked at it, and it was the two demons who came over.

One of them wore the clothes of a saint priest.

"Okay, it's the sage of the demon!"

Master Sima clapped his hands and laughed, "It's really breaking the iron shoes and finding nowhere. It doesn't take much time! Madam demon, hand over nine ... dead to death!"


The saint gave a gift to them, "This time I can't do it. Li Si, come on!"

Li Fan blinked, did he mean me?

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