My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1121: Sima Jiawei

1121 Sima Jiawei

"Well, Zhang San Li Si!"

The maiden squeezed her eyes at Li Fan, and the voice came over, "Is it Li Si, isn't it right?"


Li Fan pouted his lips and didn't want to ignore the sage.

What a broken name!

"Just by a demon cult, would you like to block our four families?"

Master Sima laughed, "It's ridiculous, ridiculous!"

"Jihad plans are imminent, and Wulin is turbulent."

Li Fan, holding the Sixiang Sword, walked slowly, leaving a footprint on the ground at each step, making the Wu Lin colleagues secretly shocked.

Good internal force!

This person doesn't seem to be very old, why is the internal force so deep?

In addition to Li Weiwei, there are so many masters who cannot succeed?

Li Fan's eyes only fell on Murong Ying, she looked at her eyes full of strangeness. Even Murong Ying didn't recognize herself. How did the maiden find out who she is?

Although he had talked with Jiang Feng during the fight, most of them were done through voice transmission.

The transformation after her own aliens should be perfect!

"You four big villas, instead of fighting the jihad plan, came here to slaughter fellow Wulin, it's ridiculous!"

"Jihad plan? What does it do to us?"

Master Sima laughed out loud, "You are really stupid, we are all government people! Behind the four villas, which one does not have a government support? We are part of the Jihad plan. It is even more important to besiege you martial scum Inside! Along, Ahu, kill this man for Ben Shao, Ben Shao doesn't want to dirty his hands. "



Two men in Sima's uniform jumped out.

The two were tall, short, fat, and thin, forming a stark contrast. It should be a while since the two of them took refuge in the Sima family, and they look very heartfelt.

"Boy, it's bad for you when you meet us!"

Along with a shovel, Fat Alan sneered at Li Fan, "Take your first class and go back to our young master!"

"Don't fight for me!"

Slim Ah Hu stared at the beads immediately, "He is my prey!"

With that said, the thin man was holding two sharp knives, looking at Li Fan, and sticking out his tongue, licking the tip of his own knife. Li Fan muttered in his heart, he was not afraid to cut his tongue, this pretense was quite dangerous!

"Be careful."

The lady reminded Li Fan, "This Along and Ahu have some names on the rivers and lakes. The two of them were formerly famous wicked duo. Several minorists were killed because they offended their brother."

"That's all in the past. Our two brothers are now focusing on serving the Sima family!"

Fat Aron proudly said, "The Sima family is the home of our brothers!"

"Yes, I would like to bow for Master Sima, and die!"

Slim Ahu nodded, "Thank you Master Sima first with your head!"

With that said, he suddenly rushed towards Li Fan, the two sharp knives in his hand were like the big sword of a mantis, and they cut across Li Fan!

He did it very quickly, but he couldn't compare with Jiang Feng.

Li Fan just stretched out three fingers, and pinched the blade of Shou Ahu, and then moved to the right.


Ahu's two knives collided and bounced off each other.

And Li Fan pulled out the Four Elephant Sword in his right hand, and slashed at Ahu!

A white tiger came out, biting Ahu's neck with a bite, tearing his body, and then rushing into the air.


Seeing this scene, Fat Long's eyes are red! He grabbed his shovel, soared into the sky, and then descended from the sky.


Li Fan waved a sword into the air!

A crimson Suzaku bird rushed into the sky, the wings spread like a sharp blade, and Along was cut in half directly in the air.

Blood spilled out, and Along's two corpses were still burning with flames and fell in front of Master Sima, scaring him to take two steps back.

"Four Elephant Swords!"

Murong Ying looked at Li Fan, her pupils contracted slightly.

"Unexpectedly, you demons still have such magic swords."

"It's a pity to give the demon!"

The death of two proud men seemed to Master Sima to be just the death of two ants. Although he was a little scared, he quickly eased over, holding his hands on his back, looking at Li Fan, and talking openly.

"This Excalibur is worthy of Master Ben. Come on, who helped me take this Excalibur?"

As soon as Master Sima asked, he immediately came out with seven or eight Sima family thugs.

These thugs are the elite of the Sima family. At this time, they are vying for merits and quickly approaching Li Fan.


As soon as these people shot, they threw out several hooks!

Some people in martial arts also use hooks as a hidden weapon. The hook claw is as sharp as an eagle claw, which can be hooked directly on a person's head and drag the enemy's first level!

This vicious weapon is generally disdainful of people in martial arts. But the fighters in the family are different. Their purpose is to perform various tasks for the family, one of them is to kill!

The claws of the Sima family are more sinister, and there are many small serrations at the ends of the claws. As long as this hook is hooked on the person, it will tear the human flesh and blood!

Watching a few hooks flying close to him, Li Fan remained calm and continued waving his sword.

The huge black basalt covered Li Fan's body and protected him, blocking those hooks.


Master Sima was surprised again, "This magic sword is so powerful?"

"Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu."

Murong Ying was wearing a black cheongsam, holding her arms, standing there, also staring at the Excalibur in Li Fan's hand. The old man of the Ma family seemed to know the sword quite well and explained it beside him.

"The legend is a divine sword made by the hermit of Huashan, with the power of the four holy beasts. The original name was the four holy swords, which was later renamed the four elephant swords. It is even rumored that with the four elephant swords, you can have the whole river and lakes ... but The sword disappeared in Huashan, but it was in the hands of the demon! "

"Laughter, after all, I still have some treasures."

The maiden seemed a little happy, "And there are other meanings about this sword that you don't understand."

"Whatever it is, just bring it over."

Master Sima is very happy, "Today is really good, and you can also harvest a magic sword!"

"You think too much."

Li Fan holding the Sixiang Sword, "Even if it is assertive, it will not be given to you."

"Counter against Ben?"

Master Sima pointed at Li Fan, "Come, who can win this guy, I have a lot of rewards!"

"Come on!"

"Kill him!"

More Sima's family members rushed up, and the hooks flying in the sky flew towards Li Fan!

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