My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1125: Nine deaths

1125 Nine Dead

This time, Murong Ying didn't leave, so she stood in front of Li Fan, waiting for his arrival.

Li Fan reached out his hand, raised his palm, and patted Murong Ying directly.

But at the moment when he came out, his powerful power was rapidly declining.

Ten seconds, it's just a matter of time!

Murong Ying took advantage of the time difference and just consumed Li Fan's strengthening.

"Li Fan, you are still too tender."

Murong Ying said, **** pointed at Li Fan. A large number of Sakura swords were entangled in Li Fan's body, knocking him out.

The powerful sword qi made Li Fan bitter. Even if he had his qi to protect his body, he was still hurt by Murong Ying's sword.

But he stood up again, staring at Murong Ying with a gaze.

"Mother, I really look down on you. When I get stronger, you get stronger."

"As the heir of Murong Villa, it doesn't matter how strong it is."

Murong Ying looked at Li Fan, "Li Fan, surrender, I will talk to my father."

"Let my bully surrender, that's absolutely impossible!"

"Li Fan, your temperament ... is too easy to lose."

"Laughter, it hasn't been a long time with you, and it's infected."

Li Fan and Murong Ying, both have a bad temper!

"Don't surrender?"

"Unless I die."

Li Fan readjusted his breathing, and then swallowed a piece of Yuan Dan to restore his lost vitality quickly. At the same time, a rejuvenant was added to ensure that his damaged body could be repaired.

"The way you close your pores, don't use it anymore."

Murong Ying reminded Li Fan, "It hurts your body too much. If you go on like this, you're afraid you can't live thirty."

The way to close the pores really hurts the internal organs, Murong Ying kindly reminds.

"That really bothers you."

Li Fan was unwilling to lose. "Mother, let's fight again."

Murong Ying did not refute Li Fan's shouting maiden. She just raised her right hand, and the cherry blossoms spun up, condensing into a huge sword in her hand, more than three meters long, and the sword pointed at Li Fan. .

"Last chance, Li Fan."


Li Fan answered with only one word.

Murong Ying suddenly threw her hand, the sword light flashed, and an invisible sword light chopped down!

Cold sweat appeared on Li Fan's forehead, and he did not see the sword at all. By his side, an ancient tree was slowly cracking in half.

Murong Ying, at the last moment, she still showed mercy.

"You're still soft-hearted!"

Just then, there was a man's voice in the sky.

Li Fan looked up and found that Murong Bo was stepping on light work and descending from the sky.

And beside him, is an old man from the Sima family. Seeing the spirit and posture, it seems that the owner of the Sima family is Sima Hui.

It's absolutely nothing good to get these two top masters together.

"Li Fan, you can't escape anywhere this time!"

"Dad ... let him go ..."

Murong Ying begged her father, "He was just involved ..."

"He must die!"

Murong Bo relentlessly reprimanded Murong Ying, "Incompetent things! For a man, he has fallen into this! This person is your demon, let her be the father except you!"

With that said, Murong Bo took a direct slap and took a photo towards Li Fan!

Flame Palm, this is a trick he learned from his daughter, but he played even better!

Murongbo's flesh was red, just like ruby. And Li Fan wants to fight him, there are still some difficulties! Shang Fang's sword is not in his hand either.

Li Fan's only hope now is to rely on Tian Lei Jian, unexpectedly, Mu Rongbo in seconds!

But at this time, Sima Hui on the side shot.

He held his hands against Li Fan and pressed down. A huge infuriation was immediately suppressed on Li Fan's body, crushing him to the ground, and the ground was pushed out of a pit!

It is really despicable to join forces with two generations of masters!

Don't these two guys have the glory of the fighters?

"Murongbo, Sima Hui, you two old dogs, really shameless!"

Li Fan immediately yelled, but Murongbo sneered.

"Little devil, why do you have to deal with such a scum! You must die!"

This palm fell directly to Li Fan's Tian Ling Gai.

But at this moment, Murong Ying suddenly appeared and took Murong Bo's hand.


The two were at a touch, and Murong Bo frowned and looked at his daughter.

"Murong Ying, are you crazy?"

"Don't kill him."

Murong Ying begged, "I never asked for you, this is the first time."


Murong's beard glared, and at this moment, a sweet breath suddenly came over him, blowing on Murong's face.

Murong Ying was weak and passed out.

"Tough work."

Murong Bo nodded at Song Yanya, who was standing next to him.

"Isn't the owner of Murong a soul fixer, why should I help?"

"That thing hurts my daughter too much. It's not a last resort, so don't use it well."

Murong Bo's eyes fell on Li Fan again. "Boy, today is destined to be your death! But it's a waste of your good work. Leave it to the old man!"

Speaking, Murong Bo's palms dispersed the fiery red light, but turned into a green color, and then shot it on Li Fan's Dantian.

A strong suction power is uploaded from the palm of Murong Bo!

This is almost the same as Li Fan's star power!

Even more ferocious!

Li Fan's Xingluo magical power was too late to be launched, and his vitality was drained away by Murongbo!

"It's not just your kid's internal merit, along with your mind and moves, it's all my turn now!"

Murong Bohaha laughed, and then he held a force in his hands, throwing a bead and hitting Li Fan's chest.

Li Fan was blown out instantly. He had no real body protection, and the flesh and blood on the chest and lower abdomen were blurred. Mu Rongbo seemed to intentionally keep his hand. He looked at Li Fan, who was falling in the distance, and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"I will torture you slowly, and crush your bones a little bit to be happy!"

Speaking, Murong Bo came to Li Fan, and then his body shone with golden light, the God of War condensed out, and grabbed at Li Fan!

But at this time, the flame Suzaku flew over, hitting the palm of the **** of war, and was crushed by the **** of war.

The maiden did not know when she was holding Li Fan, while holding the Sixiang Sword in one hand, she watched Murongbo vigilantly.

"Murongbo, I look down on you, I didn't expect you to turn against Song Hufa!"

"It's not counter-intuitive, but she's throwing herself out."

Murongbo sneered, "Only me is the future king of Wulin!"

"I won't let you do it."

The maiden took Li Fan and took a few steps back.

"Can you escape?"

"Today's revenge will be repaid!"

The maiden said, wielding four elephant swords, chopping them on the ground, setting off thick dust.

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