1126 The Jedi

"Where to escape!"

Mu Rongbo yelled, raised his palm, and patted it.

The dust in front was scattered, and the maiden and Li Fan were gone.

"Where are they!"

Murong Bo gave a roar.

"Zhuangzhu, this maiden is well versed in the secret passages here, and I was afraid that she escaped from the secret passages through dust."

Song Yanya answered with an arched hand.

"Which secret way?"

Murong Bo immediately asked.

"There are many dense passages here. There are nine secret passages from here, and there are nine forks in each secret passage. It is really difficult to catch up to them."

Song Minya explained.

"No matter how many you have, follow them!"

Murong Bo clenched his fists.

"Zhuang Zhuang, then Li Fan was hit by the Zhuang Zun's soul-sucking hand, and it is estimated that he is already a wasteful man. Why should he be so concerned?"

"Cut grass and roots."

The coldness flashed in Murongbo's eyes, "Absolutely don't give Li Fan any chance to come back! Come, go and search for all the secret passages for me!"


Many Murong's thugs scoured around immediately.

"Send the young lady back."


At this time, in the distance, Jiang Feng stood on the mountain peak, watching everything that happened below.

"Good brother, can't you just hang up like this?"

He sighed. "That's awful. I plan to use you to deal with Murong Bo. It seems that I have to rely on myself."

Talking, Jiang Feng turned and left.

Li Fan saw Murong Ying standing in front of herself, and Murong Ai stood on the other side. The two girls reached out to themselves at the same time, as if inviting themselves.

Li Fan was hesitant, and he took two steps in the direction of Murong Ying.

"Brother, don't go there, it's dangerous."

Murong Ai hurriedly reminded herself.


Li Fan was still hesitant, and Murong Ying's figure suddenly disillusioned. Murong Bo jumped from behind, slap his palm on his forehead, and crushed his head like a watermelon!


There was a scream of Murong Ai in my ear.

Li Fan suddenly opened his eyes and found himself lying on a camp bed.

It was very cold around, but he was covered with a white robe.

Li Fan glanced around, the maiden curled up in the corner next to her, wearing only a single garment, and seemed to have slept.

Even when she was sleeping, she still wore a veil. Does the sage of the devil have any pit father's rules, and he must marry when he sees his face?

This is where……

Holding back the severe pain in his head, Li Fan looked around and found that it seemed like a clay kiln. Surrounded by earthen walls, there are only small vents and no windows. The equipment in the earthen kiln is simple, except for a camp bed underneath, not even a table or chairs.

Li Fan slowly lifted the quilt, and a chill struck him. He shivered, and then sneezed greatly.

The maiden was awakened and looked at Li Fan sitting there.

"you're awake?"

The maiden rubbed her eyes and seemed a little sleepy.

Li Fan glanced at the gauze and bandages on his upper body, but it didn't hurt much.

"I wiped the anaesthetic for you, and you won't hurt for two days."

The maiden saw through Li Fan's mind, "But in a few days, I guess you will die alive."

"I have a panacea."

Li Fan took out his small medicine bottle from his pants pocket, but found that the bottle filled with Chundan had been broken, and the pills inside had also broken into residue. However, it does not affect the taking. Li Fan picked out the broken pieces of porcelain and swallowed the medicine foam.

The body felt a warmth, and his injuries were slowly healing.

Hui Yuan Dan is packed in plastic bottles, but it is not damaged. Li Fan took one out and put it in his mouth.

This time, Yuandan doesn't taste sweet, but its effect has been not small. Li Fan waited to return to Yuandan to breed vitality and nourish Dantian.

But he was disappointed. This time, returning to Yuandan didn't have much effect. His Dantian seemed to be completely depleted. It used to look like the ocean, but now it looks like a small pond and can't hold much water.

Li Fan was dumbfounded that his own Dantian was abolished?

Murongbo's old dog has caused such serious wounds?

Not only that, he seems to have forgotten even one of his seven moves. How is this possible? Extracting qi, this Li Fan and Zhou Guifei can do it too! But is it possible to plunder the opponent directly?

Li Fan's sacred veins have long been fused, so there is no excess power to hide. This time, they were all sucked away by Murong Bo.

Li Fan can't believe his eyes, nor can he believe the facts that are happening now! This kind of thing cannot happen at all!

"It's unbelievable that he took everything from you."

The maiden seemed to have mind-reading skills, and she had guessed Li Fan's mind thoroughly.

"It's like dreaming."

Li Fan's face was gloomy. "Am I just a waste man?"

"Do not break or stand."

The maiden gave Li Fan a credible look, "Don't forget, you still have" Jiu Zhen Yao Shu "."

"Jiu Zhen wants to do it?"

Li Fan smiled bitterly, "I haven't finished your work yet."

"Under your resistance, everyone in the cult has taken the opportunity to move away from the tunnel."

The maiden said gratefully to Li Fan, "You did it, Li Fan, it is worthy of being a gold medal dart master."

"Are you mocking me? I have lost everything for you demons."

Li Fan didn't want to make himself look too embarrassed. He took a deep breath and patted his cheek. "It seems that I'm going to practice again."

Although Dan Tian was damaged, it was not completely destroyed. As long as he practices a little bit, Wu Gong will slowly return. However, this process may be ten, twenty or even longer.

However, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

"With Jiuzhen Yaoshu, I can help you."

"I have all this virtue. What is the use of Jiuzhen?"

"If you want to practice" The True God of Martial Arts "on Jiuzhen, you will have to wash your bones and marrow your bones and start over."

"What do you mean?"

Li Fan was puzzled.

"You'll know if you practice."

The maiden said, "Although you used to have high martial arts, you learned too much. It would be good to clean it up like this."

"I can't even use my own moves now. What's so good about it."

"You're a bully!"

The maiden suddenly stepped forward, raised her hand and gave Li Fan a mouth, and he awakened with a pump.

"Can you create seven chivalrous fists, can't you create better kung fu?"


Li Fan's cheeks became hot and he was reprimanded by the maiden, and he was awake a lot.

"You're right, I was mentally disabled."

Li Fan shook his head and calmed down a lot. "Then, can you show me the legend," Jiu Zhen Yao Shu "?"

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