Chapter 1134: Conspiracy

Said, the demon fox behind Zhou Guifei waved a gust of wind.

Murong Ying stood in front of her with the Sakura Ares, blocking the attack of the demon fox.

The gale blows away the cherry blossom **** of war, and seems to collapse at any time. Murong Ying also saw the horrible power of Zhou Guifei. It was indeed terrible. It is indeed an undead evil Buddha who has lived for hundreds of years!

"Where is Murong Bo, let him get out."

When Zhou Guifei attacked Murong Ying, she still had the power to speak. Her voice was powerful and aggressive, questioning Murong Ying.

"Disappointed you."

Murong Ying smiled coldly, "My father and he are not in the villa."

Murong Ying also had the power to speak, which surprised Zhou Guifei. It seems that this little Nizi in front of me is also a bit difficult.

"Zhou Guifei, a rare master like you, go all out!"

Murong Ying's eyes suddenly glowed, and Zhou Guifei's strength made her wary!

"it is good!"

Both women were furious, and Zhou Guifei took on more power. She folded her hands and pushed forward. The demon fox's mouth sprayed a black infuriating bomb, the size of a basketball, hitting Murong Ying directly.

Murong Ying asked the God of Sakura to gather her arms and stand in front of her.


The ground shuddered and the dust was flying!

The Sakura Ares waved his arms, dissipating the smoke and revealing his true body.

At the foot of Murong Ying's stop, a pit with a diameter of three or four meters has appeared, and the smoke on the arm of the God of War Sakura is still smoky. Obviously, this power is not light!

"It's my turn."

Murong Ying raised her hands, and the Sakura Ares also raised her hands, grabbed a giant sword more than ten meters long, and chopped down in front of Zhou Guifei!

The three tails of the demon fox lifted up and caught the fallen cherry blossom sword together!


The demon fox's claws shot forward, impacting on the chest of the Sakura Ares, and the Sakura Ares, together with Murong Sakura, were shocked at the same time!

Blood was dripping from the corner of Murong Ying's mouth, and Gui Zhou's strength was better than her this week, but she was dissatisfied with defeat and devoted herself to defeating Zhou Guifei! At this moment, these people, Yan Kai, are also fighting with other thugs in Murong Villa. For a time, Murong Villa's corpses ran across the wild, and the blood flowed into the river. But Yan Kai and others also started to get injured. Even one dart division had been cut off his right leg, and other dart divisions guarded him in the center.

"Little girl, you can't do it anymore."

Zhou Guifei smiled from the corner of her mouth. "You can stick to it now, you are very good."

"Don't underestimate me!"

Murong Ying's body was full of vitality. The cherry **** of war behind her seemed to be awake. All the cherry blossoms on her body spread out, revealing a golden red armor, which was engraved with cherry blossom lines.


Zhou Guifei was surprised.

"Did you wake up at this critical moment?"

Awakening is Murong Sakura ’s Valkyrie real body. At this time, Murong Sakura ’s Valkyrie is fully formed. It is wearing a beautiful cherry blossom armor without losing its might.

"I have to praise you."

Zhou Guifei said, but her eyes were exuding the light, and the demon fox opened her mouth again, and her mouth contained a black bomb.

The three foxes of the fox also stretched out, entangled in the body of the Sakura Ares, and locked his arms.

"Awakening is useless at this time, your death is over!"

Zhou Guifei intends to kill Murong Ying once without giving her a chance to fight back.

Murong Sakura also scolded, and then a sword was gathered in front of the Sakura Ares, ready to meet Zhou Guifei!

Both men came up with the strongest moves, preparing for a life and death. But at this moment, a figure suddenly fell in the sky, blocking the two!

The moves of the two were good, and they had no time to stop, and they all exploded on the figure!


"who is it?"

The two women were shocked together, then looked at each other and found a figure standing there, still smoky.

Who can eat the strongest move common to two women? Could it be that Murong Bo is back?

Everyone was looking at the figure at this moment. Soon, Yan Kai and they were all surprised. Murong Ying also opened her eyes, but she could not relax.

"You women, the anger is big."

Li Fan shook his numb hands, "Before the physiological period, remember to drink Yueyueshu."

"Little brother, great, you are still alive!"

Xia Yan stepped forward and hugged Li Fan, terribly excited.

Murong Ying also seemed to want to hug Li Fan, but she stabilized her body and bit her lips tightly.

As long as he's okay.

"Of course I'm still alive. Do you all think I'm dead?"

Li Fan looked at the brothers in front of him.

"Murong Villa released news that you were dead ... brothers could not help but came to get you revenge."

Yan Kai, this man, his eyes were red at this time.

"Grace ... you suffer ..."

Guan Wenbao knelt down directly in front of Li Fan.

"It's all right, all right ..."

Beidou repeatedly felt.

"Murongbo deliberately released fake news, just to let you die."

Li Fan had already guessed seven hundred seventy-eight, the old thief, Murong Bo, had a bad heart.

"Murongbo, you worked hard to arrange all this, should you come out now?"

Murong Ying frowned and looked around. Dad, didn't he say that he went out, ambush at home? My dad feels ... more and more unreadable ...

"Murong Bo, are you afraid to come out?"

Li Fan laughed, "It's just that, coward."

"Li Fan, you are too proud."

Just then, a thick voice sounded beside.

The crowd turned their heads and saw a familiar figure, wearing a black and white robe, holding their arms, standing on the top of the attic beside them, sneer. Behind him, there are still several masters of Murong's family, each of them is murderous, with a shotgun in his hand.

This shotgun Li Fan is very familiar with the shotgun that he has seen in the old man's house before. The poison dart was fired from the gun, which turned human blood and blood, and it was invisible to kill!

Sure enough, this Murongbo person has penetrated into the demon religion. This old dog is really a good plan. In today's martial arts, a big game is played!

"Li Fan, let you live a long time, and today you will be completely relieved."

"Dad, why did you lie to me!"

Murong Ying was sad and angry, but Zhou Guifei was happy.

"You are Murong Bo? Well, let this palace kill you!"

Said, Zhou Guifei had jumped up and leapt towards Murong Bo. In Zhou Guifei's eyes, Murongbo seemed to be dead.

The battle is imminent.

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