1133 Hate this palace

"Laoguan, you are here too!"

Yan Kai was overjoyed, "It really is a good brother! To die together!"

"I'm not here to accompany you!"

Guan Wenbao yelled, "I'm here to avenge the grace bulletin!"

Murong Ying wanted to block Guan Wenbao with her right hand, but at this time, Yan Kai hurriedly stretched out her left hand and put it directly on Murong Ying's wrist, staggering her palm!

And Guan Wenbao's sword has reached the top of Murong Ying.

Murong Ying's hands were sealed by Yan Kai.

But at this time, Murong Sakura appeared a lot of cherry blossoms by her side. These sakura blossomed and formed a huge sword, about three meters long.

Then, the fist composed of Sakura hit Guan Wenbao's body and flew him away from the battle horse.

Guan Wenbao's body rolled over in the air, and Lisa ran under him and caught him.

"So good!"

Guan Wenbao wiped a cold sweat, then clamped down his steed, dragged the moon knife, and rushed over again.

Murong Ying didn't care. Sakura Sakura once again blasted out and knocked Yan Kai in front of her.

"You want revenge, do you rely on this strength?"

Although both are the highest level of peaking, but compared to Murong Ying's generation of masters, it is not a climate.

"Go back, save your life, don't make unnecessary sacrifice."

Murong Ying reminded again.

"Don't underestimate us!"

Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai readjusted their tempo and attacked again.

And Chen Junhua did not intervene, this is a battle that concerns the dignity of those two people!

Moreover, they also lacked skills. More Murong Villa's thugs surrounded them. These people seemed to be elites. Their kung fu were much better than those of the previous guards, and their clothes were not the same. The two sides fought together, and it would be difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat at half past one.

Yan Kai and Guan Wenbao are still fighting with Murong Ying, and they are doing their best.

"The poles of yin and yang, see through the sky!"

Unable to attack for a long time, Yan Kai suddenly took a step back, then stretched out his hands and patted him on the ground!

The earth shuddered slightly, and then there seemed to be a strange force field, which instantly caught Murong Ying and blocked her power.

Even the cherry blossoms she gathered in mid-air were fixed in place.

Looking at Yan Kai again, his head was cold and sweaty.


Guan Wenbao seized the opportunity, holding the Yueyue knife, with the red flame on the knife, swept past Murong Ying in front of him!

But behind Murong Sakura, a Sakura War God popped up, which seemed to be imitated by the Great War God, or was trained as the true God of War.

The sakura **** of war slapped Yan Kai away. Then, she exhaled the sword cherry blossoms and hit Guan Wenbao, flying Guan Wenbao like a fly.

Even before seeing Murong Bo, Murong Ying alone has become a big mountain standing in front of them!

"Damn ... have we two stopped here?"

Guan Wenbao was not convinced.

"No revenge on Li Fan, how can you give up on this!"

Yan Kai gritted his teeth, thinking about how to deal with Murong Ying.

"She is not an opponent you two can face."

At this time, a voice flew out from behind.

Everyone looked back, and felt subtle shivering behind them.

A beautiful woman in white, with dark hair and bare white tender feet, was walking slowly over. Where the woman passed, everyone in Murong's family felt powerless, and her physical strength seemed to be being emptied. This beautiful woman seems to be the withering death!

It's Zhou Guifei, she's out of customs!

"It's a bit overkill to dare to kill the man in this palace."

Zhou Guifei reached out and grabbed on the head of a Murong thug who came over. This Murong thug was immediately drawn into a dry body, and then flung to the side.

"Now that you've done something like this, should you be conscious?"

"Zhou Guifei ..."

Murong Ying looked at the woman in front of her, and it seemed that there was finally some warfare in the empty eyes.

"To live too long, the more boring you become."

Zhou Guifei sighed quietly, "It was so hard to find a special pleasure, but was ruthlessly deprived of you by these tiny bugs."

"bring it on."

Murong Ying spread her legs, and a pair of white legs looked very beautiful under the cheongsam.

She stretched out her right hand, hooking her hand at Zhou Guifei.

The Sakura Ares behind her also showed a fighting posture.

"War God Real Body? I didn't expect you to learn this kind of kung fu."

Zhou Guifei's eyes fell behind Murong Ying, "I thought, only Li Fan could do it alone."

"go with!"

Murong Ying pointed a finger at Zhou Guifei, and the cherry **** of war behind him seized a huge cherry blossom sword that was six or seven meters long and chopped it down in front of Zhou Guifei!

Zhou Guifei was unmoved, she just stretched out her right hand and caught the sword.


The ground of the villa shook slightly, but Zhou Guifei didn't hurt at all, she just caught the cherry blossom giant sword with her one hand.

"Not pure enough."

Zhou Guifei shook her head, "This is the power you created after imitating Li Fan's war god? It's too embarrassing."


Murong Ying's body suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Guifei, while **** poked at Zhou Guifei's eyebrow.

Zhou Guifei raised her hand a block, and Murong Ying immediately retracted her sword and attacked Zhou Guifei's heart.

When Zhou Guifei reached out to block again, Murong Ying changed her attack again.

It seems that knowing the power of Zhou Guifei, Murong Ying dare not contact her directly.

"Dare to face me, how can you fight?"

As if Zhou Guifei looked down at Murong Ying, and Murong Ying's face did not change color, she quickly wrapped her vitality, and her **** seemed to be wrapped in golden light, and stabbed at Zhou Guifei again.

Zhou Guifei blocked a bit, Murong Ying's sword finger was popped open, and Zhou Guifei's hand also trembled slightly.

"Yes, I found a way to deal with it so quickly. It is indeed the contemporary leader of martial arts."

Zhou Guifei praised the enemy for the first time, "This palace admires you a bit, but you still have to die."

Said, Zhou Guifei opened her arms, and suddenly the image of a woman rose behind her. The woman still had three tails behind her, like a fox demon.

"Did it take so long for the retreat to return to the state of Sanwei?"

Guigui Zhou sighed, "It will take time to fully recover the strength of this palace."

"This is ... your Valkyrie?"

Seeing the three-tailed demon fox behind Zhou Guifei, Murong Ying opened her eyes for the first time.

"Yes, this is the first time that this palace has exerted such power in this era."

Zhou Guifei nodded, "So you can die happily."

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