My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1132: Bloody Murong Villa

1132 Blood Wash Murong Villa

The recent rivers and lakes are a bit turbulent.

Although the jihad plan has not been carried out for the time being, martial arts that seems to be calm and calm, but major events have occurred in recent days.

The news of Xiao Bawang's death spread quickly across the rivers and lakes.

At this moment, Yan Kai, with a dozen dart divisions, directly and aggressively killed Murong's door.

Along with him, there were Xia Ying, Chen Junhua, and Mr. Beidou.

Xia Cheng was not originally invited, but she insisted on revenge for Li Fan herself, so she came desperately.

Jiang Ye and Le Xiaohu are also rushing back from the city of G. These two lovers are the only hope for Li Fan to stay. Yan Kai doesn't want to let them have an accident, so he hurriedly here before the two return Deal with things.

Although he can't beat Murong Bo, it is good to hurt him seriously!

Those who dare to kill Li Fan, even if Yan Kai escapes this life, he will fight with him to the end!

"Mr. Beidou, you are just waiting here, Dao, I will go to this Murong Villa in advance!"

In front of Murong Villa, Yan Kai couldn't help it.

"Mr. Yan, this is revenge for the darts, and it is the duty of each of us."

Although Beidou is old, he has no intention of shrinking. He touched his own beard, his eyes were dazzling, "My old bone, today I can at least help the dart head to fight Murongbo!"

While talking, Huang Lei was holding a five-shot burst and came down from an old sports car just stopped.

"Leizi, what are you doing?"

When Yan Kai saw him, he immediately yelled, "Are you **** good at martial arts? Are you here?"

"Love! I have a fight with that Zha-Ziyang today!"

Huang Lei said, holding five bursts of hair, rushing into it.

"Leizi, I support you today."

Xia Ling always liked to smile like the sun on her face, but today she was somber. She turned to a dart teacher next to him and said, "If something goes wrong, let Shuiyue take care of the house affairs of the dart board."

Talking, she carried her sword and rushed to Murong Villa with Huang Lei.

"Count me."

Chen Junhua carried his big sword and followed them.

"These guys ... don't grab Dao's head!"

Yan Kai hurriedly kicked his foot and ran, and a group of people rushed to march before marching towards Murong Village.

This time it was a formal war for them!

Murong Villa is naturally guarded tightly. The guards at the door discovered Yan Kai when they were just approaching.

"A man of extraordinary darts!"

A thug recognized them.

"Don't let them go, kill without amnesty!"

A little boss next to him shouted loudly, "The landlord said, you don't need to show mercy to the extraordinary darts!"


Everyone got the password and immediately launched a counterattack.

About thirty guards rushed out of Murong Village and collided with the darts of the extraordinary dart board.

The darts of the extraordinary darts are all well-trained. A total of twelve people, each holding a shield in their left hand, holding a long knife in their right hand, to the best of the sword skills. Moreover, they formed a row, attacked together, and retreated together. Under the command of Mr. Beidou, the guards of Murong Villa that had actually been killed scrambled.

"Okay, brothers! Murong Villa is blood-washed today!"

Yan Kai broke the head of a Murong family thump with one palm, leaving his body aside.

"People are welcome, let them pay for their blood!"


The crowd shouted in unison, and even Huang Lei was holding five bursts of hair and interrupted a thug's arm.

Rivers and lakes talk, everything that happens in Murong Villa, even the police can't control it! Yan Kai has already stepped out, and today Murong Villa must pay the price!

A group of people have already entered Murong Mountain Villa. Those ordinary guards are simply unbeatable. Even if Yan Kai doesn't take their shots, just twelve dart divisions are enough for them to drink a pot!

"Offense! Offense! Killed in front of Murong Bo!"

Yan Kai has killed red eyes, and now he just wants to level Murong Villa and take revenge for Li Fan!

"So far."

Just as a group of people entered the courtyard of Murong Shanzhuang, a man standing in front of the gate stopped them.

The man was wearing a coat from Murong's family, one meter tall, bald, and thin. He put his hands on the hilt of a sword, his eyelids down, and looked like a worldly superior.

"Get out of here, good dog!"

Yan Kai scolded.

"Oh, a group of young children."

Instead of avoiding, the bald man sneered.

"Do you know who I am? I was the Red Blood Sword of the Day!"

The bald man's face was proud, "I was the one who swept the rivers and lakes! If I hadn't met the owner Murong, I am afraid that young juniors like you who did not know how to live or die would have died under my sword.

After speaking, he looked up and opened his eyes completely. "From here, you are not allowed to enter. Otherwise, kill without amnesty!"

He suddenly pulled out the sword stuck in the ground in front of him and threw it aside.

A crimson sword flew out, like a moon wheel, chopping a tree next to it in half.

"See? This is my strength."

Before he could finish speaking, Yan Kai had already appeared in front of him, and punched him with a fist.

The bald man turned 360 degrees, then slammed into the back wall, and smashed into his body.

"Lolly, stupid!"

Yan Kai cursed and kicked the hospital door with a kick. "Brothers, you're in!"

Murong Villa is very large, and those who blocked them along the way were killed by Yan Kai and a group of dart masters.

At this moment, the dart divisions of the extraordinary darts show extraordinary combat effectiveness. Hundreds of thugs in Murong Villa could not stop the charge of these twelve people.

But at this time, Murong Ying finally appeared.

She stood by the lake, looking at Yan Kai and others rushing in front of her, her eyes slightly empty.

"Murong Ying!"

When Yan Kai saw her, she was furious and said, "Well, we respect you so much! Now that you did such a thing! I will now send you to apologize to Li Fan!"

"Have you ever beat me?"

Murong Ying asked calmly.

"I didn't know until I hit!"

Yan Kai shouted at the others, "Don't bother you, let Dao Dao come!"

As soon as the words landed, Yan Kai had appeared in front of Murong Ying, and at the same time he patted him towards Murong Ying.

Murong Ying was unmoved, reached out her hand, and took Yan Kai's hand.

The two palms face each other, and Yan Kai possesses the power of Taiji, constantly resolving the power of Murong Ying!

"It's up to you, not my opponent."

Murong Ying said, "Go back to live. If you die, you will have nothing."

"Dadao didn't think of going back alive today!"

"That's good! Then I'll help you!"

While talking, a man riding a war horse killed him from the side, picked up his sword, and chopped at Murong Ying!

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