1139 Heritage

As a student, the first thing is naturally academic. Even if Li Fan has the help of the government, the fourth level must be tested by himself. For his school, if he failed to pass the Level 4 certificate, he would not get a degree certificate.

As for the opening of the Martial Arts Museum, it is really because Xia Cheng counts today as a lucky day and must be opened today. Li Fan can only take the exam in the morning, and then open in the afternoon.

But before this month, Li Fan has to be more busy.

This month, he was not busy with anything else and was studying how to create moves.

But creating such a move is really a flash of light. If you force yourself to do it, you will not.

Considering that he might fight often next, Li Fan was worried.

Time back to half a month ago, after the Dragon Girl was sent back by the maiden, in addition to eating every day, it helped Li Fan a favor.

"Want to learn moves?"

When Li Fan researched for half a month without results, the Dragon Girl finally proudly put down the potato chips in her hand and looked at Li Fan, "I can teach you!"

"What will you do?"

Li Fan didn't believe it, "You will eat it!"


Said by Li Fan, the Dragon Girl was very dissatisfied!

"Well, you still sleep."

Li Fan added a sentence.

"You look down upon our dragons!"

The dragon girl immediately jumped up, she had recovered to her usual figure, so after standing up, she was only as high as Li Fan's chest. But the little girl was quite upset, and said with a high toe.

"In our dragon race, fighting is a common thing! The dragon race was divided into four major races and lived in the four big seas! In these four seas, the war is often a thing. Therefore, every dragon race, from the moment of birth , We will receive the most severe training! Fighting can be said to be our instinct! "

"It won't work by instinct. I need combat skills!"

Li Fan emphasized.

"Of course the fighting skills are available. Do you think our dragons are fighting without brains?"

The Dragon Girl gave a white glance. "The Dragons will have a set of dragon fighting skills. The four dragons have different dragon fighting skills ... Well, because I adopted the Lei Dragon Fighter, so I will be the Lei Dragon." Dragon fighting. I don't like fighting myself, but if you want to learn, I can teach you. "

The dragon girl said in a set of ways. The world of dragons in her mouth is almost the same to another world for Li Fan!

"I am a human, can I learn?"

"Yes, the magic of dragon fighting is magical. It can be used in both dragon and human form."

The Dragon Girl looked at Li Fan cheerfully, as if she finally found something to beat Li Fan.

"How about it, don't you learn?"

"What benefits do you ...?"

Li Fan knew that the Dragon Girl would never teach her in vain.

"A year of Australian lobster! I ate it last time ... it was delicious!"

"Who took you to eat ..."

"Xiao Wan, she's still good to me, you know to give me instant noodles!"

"Is instant noodles bad?"

"good to eat……"

"That's incredible."

Li Fan scolded herself, Xiaowan had too many things! Definitely the last time when she took Dragon Girl and Murong Ai to hang out, this little Nizi went astray!

One year of Australian Lobster! Li Fan feels bleeding in his heart!

"Dragon Girl, think about it, you are my mentor! Does the teacher need the conditions to teach the students? Isn't this your sacred duty?"

"Well, the teacher teaches the students, and the students still have to pay the tuition! But I have been to Jingshi University Hall, you can't lie to me!"

The Dragon Girl pouted at Li Fan, "If you don't give it! If you don't give it, I won't teach you!"

"Six months?"

"Three quarters, I can't let it go! I never talk about conditions!"

"Closing ..."

Li Fan bought the Dragon Girl again with good food.

There are not many dragon fighting techniques. They are four types of dragon fighting techniques.

It can also be said that there are only four ways to inherit the Dragon Girl.

Li Fan recalled the journey of his mind for half a month, and couldn't help feeling emotions.

"Master, what are you thinking?"

In a word, Le Xiaohu pulled Li Fan back from his memories.

"Ah, nothing."

Li Fan patted his cheek gently, so that he was awake.

"Master, would you like to invite a lion dance team? I think those who open the martial arts hall should ask for it."

Le Xiaohu asked.

"Where did you see it?"

Li Fan was a little surprised. Why didn't he know about this.

"You see it on TV."

"Go there!"

Li Fan laughed angrily, "Can modern and TV dramas be the same! In this era, where can I invite the lion dance team, it is difficult to find, and it is expensive!"

"Is n’t that just distressing money!"

Le Xiaohu joked, and Jiang Ye silently pulled out his sabre around his waist.

This is the hero sword that Li Fan once got, and now it is handed over to Jiangye Management.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Le Xiaohu was startled when he saw Jian Guang.

"Dear Master, I want to clean up the portal."

Jiang Ye's face was serious.

"Violent woman!"

Le Xiaohu hurriedly hid behind Li Fan, "Master, why did you accept such a violent apprentice!"


Jiang Ye Canglang pulled out his sword and said, "Take punishment!"

"Okay, okay, Xiao Hu is a bit rude. You have to teach him more, but don't be so violent."

Li Fan hurriedly stopped Jiang Ye. "They are all brothers and sisters in the same door. We must take care of each other."

"Yes, Master said, take care of each other!"

"Master ..."

Jiang Ye was a little unhappy, "Do you ... let me take care of this stupid ..."

"Hey, who the fool!"

Le Xiaohu shouted, "It's a real fool to say that someone else is a fool!"


Jiang Ye snorted.

"Well, why is it noisy again. You two are my disciples in the room. I also expect you to carry forward the" Seven Chivalrous Fist "."

Li Fan couldn't help crying. "You guys, why do I have high hopes for you?"

"I was wrong, Master."

Jiang Ye immediately lowered his head and apologized to Li Fan. "I was immature, and I disappointed Master."

"Hum, you know what's wrong!"

Le Xiaohu was so proud that Li Fan glanced at him.

"Well, I have some bad things too."

Le Xiaohu had to touch the back of his head and apologize, "I may be too troublesome, and I will learn to improve in the future."

"Well, if you two work harder," Seven Chivalrous Fist "depends on you both."

"I will work hard!"

"I will never disappoint Master."

Both apprentices bowed respectfully to Li Fan.

"Okay, this is pretty much the same. Pack up, let's go out and have a look. Today the Wuguan Museum is open, it should be busy."

Li Fan patted the shoulders of the two of them, and the three of them walked towards the door.

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