1140 Teaching

Li Fan's martial arts hall opened, and since then, it has officially opened the school on his behalf!

Since then, the world has an additional seven chivalrous gate, Li Fan is the originator of the martial arts!

For Li Fan, there was a little excitement.

But he must now take a serious look, after all, there are two little apprentices present!

Different from the time when the dart board was opened, when the Qixia Menwu Pavilion opened, there were many people at the door to watch the lively.

On the city side of G, opening a martial arts hall is not new. Learning martial arts is a popular trend in modern society.

Li Fan wore a black and red military uniform, and the Qixiamen logo was printed on his chest and back. This is also designed by Liu Xiaowan herself, very fashionable and quite martial arts style.

Huaxia issued a ban on martial arts.

Although there is no lion dance team, Li Fan fired firecrackers symbolically. Now that the New Year is approaching, the sound of firecrackers adds a touch of new year to the city.

"Brother-in-law, it's only a thousand sounds, not lively enough!"

Murong Ai was wearing a goose yellow down jacket, but he was wearing a short skirt with flesh-colored stockings on his legs. He was holding Li Fan's arm and trying to coquettishly.

"Will we put a little more? New Year tomorrow, so lively!"

"A thousand is not enough? Do you want to add another thousand?"

Li Fan pinched the little girl's nose pettiously and left Murong's house. Now the little girl is taking care of herself. For the first time this year, she spent the Chinese New Year outside, which should not make her feel lonely. As for Murong Bo, I heard that after the younger daughter left the house, the master of martial arts on that day was in a daze. Even the affairs of the villa were left to her eldest daughter Murong Ying to take care of.

The current Murong Villa is already the first real estate in the world. Even the Royal Forest Army is under the jurisdiction of Murong Villa.

It seems that Murong Ying has the power to kill and kill Wu Lin, but because Murong Bo seems to be decadent, he doesn't care about Wu Lin at all. So Sima Hui pinned Murong Ying, ready to seize power.

Murong Ying, it shouldn't be easy.

"A thousand is enough."

Murong Ai said earnestly, "At least 80,000 sounds, right?"

"You're blasting this place ..."

Li Fan smiled bitterly, this girl, how much movement to be reconciled before being willing.

Sure enough, I'm still a kid.

Li Fan stood at the door and, under the eyes of everyone, jumped up and took off the red cloth on the plaque to complete the opening ceremony.

Although Li Fan's martial arts hall teaches traditional martial arts, it uses modern management methods.

Martial arts is a membership card system. Only those who have applied for a high-level member can learn the practice method of contacting the Seven Chivalry. Non-members can only learn ordinary outside door fighting techniques, only for self-defense.

Li Fan didn't want to do it this way. He felt that this was tantamount to blocking people with bad conditions from the door of martial arts. This was not his intention!

But this point, Liu Xiaowan and Lin Yuexian both insisted. Lin Yuexian's idea is that people with bad families basically have no money to practice martial arts. The same is true in ancient times. Poor culture and rich military are just the same. And Liu Xiaowan believes that just letting them learn Qi Xia as soon as they enter the martial arts will cause a mixed situation. The first is that membership is expensive and can block some people with bad intentions. And for the poor who want to learn advanced martial arts, there are naturally corresponding policies. After studying at Wu Guan for two years and good character, he can join for free. This idea convinced Li Fan.

On the first day of opening, there were quite a few people enrolled. Ordinary students are first taught by Jiang Ye, while members and advanced classes are taught by Li Fan. However, for the time being, there are no people in the advanced classes and no members for membership. In a Xinwu Pavilion, there are far more people watching than people who want to learn something real.

However, Li Fan didn't worry about it either. It is good to let some people keep fit. Even in ordinary classes, Li Fan will teach some exquisite breathing techniques to make their bodies gradually improve. When there are more people in the future, you can set up more junior classes and slowly expand.

Li Fan came with everyone


When Jiang Ye saw Li Fan coming in, he immediately got up and bowed at him.

"Don't be so polite."

Li Fan nodded to his apprentice. "Here you are today. You are the teacher."

With that said, he sat aside, picked up the tea, leaned on Erlang's legs, and watched Jiang Ye's performance with peace of mind.

The reason why he didn't find Le Xiaohu as a teacher was because the boy was really unreliable.

He is different from Jiang Ye. Le Xiaohu is too young to be a child. Let him take the trainees, but he still needs to hone.

Li Fan now wants to see how Jiang Ye ’s level is. She is a bit ruthless in her bones, afraid that she is too harsh, so that these ordinary students can't stand it.

At present, there are 20 ordinary students, large and small. The youngest is six and the oldest is over sixty.

Some people found that they were given a class that looked like a young girl of thirteen or four, and was a little dissatisfied.

Several young people in their twenties talked about it below, but the classroom was not large, the area was about two hundred square meters, the floor was wooden, and it was smooth and shiny. There are several mats on the ground. All the students sit on the floor. Jiang Ye sits opposite them and teaches in person. So when someone speaks, Jiang Ye naturally listens clearly.

Li Fan sat on the teacher's chair next to him and didn't say anything to stop him. The Dragon Girl sat next to him, watching snacks while eating snacks.

This little girl, after separating from Li Fan last time, now sees Li Fan more closely, and then went to the toilet to follow. Li Fan understands that, after all, for Dragon Girl, she is the safest place around her.

Those guys in their twenties said that the laughter was getting louder and louder. Li Fan could see that Jiang Ye was patiently enduring. After all, I told her before that she had to be patient with her students and could n’t lose her temper.

But Jiang Ye's patience is obviously limited.

And because of the noise of these guys, the students around were also a little uneasy.

"You two, if you don't want to go to class, you can go out."

Jiang Ye raised his head and shouted loudly.

"Well, we paid for it. Why did we go out?"

A buddy with yellow hair dug his nostrils and said that looking at him reminded Li Fan of Huang Lei.

It's all so bad, seven don't accept eight and don't be afraid. However, Huang Lei is also a talent. The legend of dropping dung on campus was still circulating in the second middle school. I am afraid that he can do such absurd things.

The yellow hair in front of him is obviously the leader of several young men. He rushed at Jiang Ye and talked back.

"Little girl, you are not very young, and you are not young."

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