My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1141: Age is not an issue

1141 is not a thing

Huang Mao looked at Jiang Ye and didn't take this little girl to heart.

He also listened to introductions from people around him, saying that the Seven Chivalrous Martial Arts Museum was awesome, and he was also the endorsement of the twins who were so popular!

To say that the twins, Huang Mao is terrible! Their sister's debut group name is Sister Wulin. Although the two debut songs did not have much influence, but later a single became popular all over the country. Recently, they also wrote a new single for Qi Xia Wu Guan, called "Qi Xia Quan", and Huang Mao, who always sings at home, couldn't help but learn a few tricks.

But when I came here, it turned out that a young girl was teaching lessons!

Too commercial, is it enough to trick customers into here? Huang Mao also learned karate when he was a kid. At that time, the coach was particularly powerful and his shots were extraordinary. He smashed six tiles with one palm! For Xiao Huangmao at that time, it was a shock! However, because he did not like suffering, he left the Karate Museum.

It was not easy to be awakened by a song to the healthy cells of martial arts, but I was fooled by this martial arts hall. It was unhappy!

"Just judging strength from age?"

Jiang Ye reminded Huang Mao, "For the Chinese martial arts fighters, it is best to practice martial arts as young as possible. I ’m not old. I started martial arts at the age of five and experienced a period of turbulence. Standard. "

Jiang Ye has already reached a threshold. She wants to step into the summit of her room, and she needs some mental exercise. Being a teacher of these people might help her.

Look at Le Xiaohu again, her strength is worse than her sister. He stayed too comfortable on Lijia Island, but he did not make much progress in the later period of martial arts. Bringing him back to the mainland is also an exercise. Moreover, Jiang Ye, who had a late entry, stimulated him, and the boy might inspire his enthusiasm.

As for Li Fan's third apprentice, Changbe Abe, a member of the Abe family of the island nation, Li Fan was basically stocking her. She was originally kept to pin down the three major families of the island nation. As long as she is honest and responsible, she will go.

Fan Fan, Li Fan didn't want to accept any more. Abe Haruko, be her close disciple.

As for the disciple, it does n’t matter if you take in a little more. Anyway, just give it to two apprentices.

The topic is already far away. Li Fan was holding his chin at this moment, watching Huang Mao and Jiang Ye's conflict.

"Nonsense, most of Huaxia Kungfu is embroidered with flowers and fists! What came into the room, but in the middle, what a bull."

Huang Mao shouted unconvincedly, and Momo star flew across.

"Since you don't like Huaxia Kung Fu, why come to study?"

"I'm here for fun, I didn't expect you to be too foolish!"

Huang Mao was very upset. "When I was learning karate, the coach was strong and able to split six tiles with one palm. Look at you thin, can you?"

"Huaxia martial arts practice Qi."

Jiang Ye continued to be patient and explained a bit, "Although you can't reach it now, I won't be able to learn it until you practice in our martial arts for a few more years."

"Fart! Modern fighting is the physical grid! I don't believe it, Tyson's heavyweight master is here, you can beat it!"

Huang Maoxin swears, "Someone's kicking is just like tickling! But the other person's fist can kill the bull! You're not enough to punch him!"

"That's it!"

"This martial arts hall is boring and foolish, shall we go?"

"Okay, go back."

The lads shouted to be scattered, and Jiang Ye's face was obviously jumping with blue tendons. Li Fanmo kept silent, and continued to see how Jiang Ye would solve it.

A group of people were talking and no one listened to her at all. At this moment, Jiang Ye suddenly reached out his hand and patted him on the ground with one palm.


A crack appeared on the floor immediately, and then the wooden floor shattered, exposing the concrete floor below.

Jiang Ye folded his palm, and white smoke was still on the ground.

The people around him froze and didn't speak for a long time.

Drafting, this little girl ... a lot of strength.

"Are you calm?"

Jiang Ye stood up, pointing at the happiest yellow hair.

"Don't you say that Tyson can knock me down with one punch? According to your theory, you are a man, stronger than me, and definitely stronger than me, right?"

She stood there, holding her arms in both hands. "I'm standing there, you can attack me at will. As long as you knock me down, I will double your tuition, and then I will give you a personal karate coach See how? "

When Huang Mao heard it, he forgot about the floor and was a little moved.

"However, if you lose, fix this floor for me and then go to class."

"Okay, we're a man. I can't beat your little girl!"

Huang Mao was full of confidence, maybe the floor just now had been broken, and this girl was taken out to fool people! Want to frighten yourself with this hand? Just kidding, he's afraid of wool!

Huang Mao was full of courage. He stepped forward, considering that the other party was a little girl and did not use too much strength, he hit a fist directly on Jiang Ye's thin shoulders.

But Jiang Ye stood still and remained motionless. Huang Mao felt that he felt like he was hitting an iron plate. He rubbed his fist in pain and took two steps backwards.

"Well, are you stuffed with iron plates in you?"

Huang Mao rubbed his fist and shouted.


Jiang Ye expressionless, pointed to his forehead, "Come, hit this."

"Little girl, watch me not kill you!"

Huang Mao was fierce, and he insisted on making this girl suffer!

He trot a few steps forward, and then hit a fist against the forehead of the little girl!


His fists were strong and landed on Jiang Ye's forehead.

The emaciated river leaf still stood steadily, as if taking root at his feet, without moving, without even shaking his head.

And Jiang Ye shot, and saw her slowly, holding her palm against Huang Mao's chest.


Huang Mao flew out, fell out at least five meters away, and sat on the ground with one butt. Jiang Ye showed mercy, although he fell far away, but he was fine.

But Huang Mao froze, then covered his hands and wept.

"My hand ... it hurts me ..."

"A man, so coquettish."

Jiang Ye shook his lips and said, "Forget it, it seems that you are not suitable for martial arts. Return your tuition and go home."

She looked at the other students, "Whoever wants to drop out of school, you can apply now. I am in the Seven Chivalrous Martial Arts Museum, only those who practice martial arts, not mother guns."

Where these students were reluctant to drop out of school, they were all excited, and around the river leaves, one by one respectfully, began to ask martial arts. The yellow hair that cried for a long time was finally boring and crawled back obediently to continue the class, but never dared to make trouble again.

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