My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1142: Free promotion

1142 Free publicity

The student class was so stable, and one of Li Fan's thoughts was put down.

However, the operation of the martial arts hall was not very smooth. Li Fan's martial arts hall was resisted by the joint names of other martial arts halls in g city.

Early in the morning, when Li Fan arrived at the gate of the martial arts hall, he found some students wearing various uniforms, surrounded the gate of his martial arts hall, and sat there silently.

There are two or three in each family, and a total of twenty or thirty people can block the door.

"You guys, I'll hit people without leaving!"

Le Xiaohu was anxious. When Li Fan passed, he was arguing with these people.

"Just hit, afraid of you?"

"What kind of clothes does a child wear? When I play the Youth Cup, you still don't know where!"

The surrounding martial arts sneer and sarcasm one after another, did not pay any attention to Le Xiaohu's threat.

Le Xiaohu frowned tightly, these guys are really abominable!

He rolled up his sleeves and was about to start. Li Fan led the dragon girl and came over.

"Tiger, what's wrong?"

"Master, these people are coming to make trouble!"

As soon as Le Xiaohu saw Li Fan, an aggrieved expression immediately appeared on his face, "Still scolding me! If it wasn't for Master not letting me do anything, I would really hit them!"

"Well, who can't brag."

"Still hitting us? I don't know who hits who!"

These people choked up again.

"Master ..."

Le Xiaohu clenched his fists, "Can I do it?"

"It's all outside students, don't do it."

Li Fan can see that none of these people are masters at home, and they all learn from outside.

It's too shameful to use them.

"Everyone, everyone is a friend in the martial arts world, so we should support each other, right?"

Li Fan arched their hands at them, "I ran to me early in the morning to make trouble, wasn't it too authentic?"

"Authentic? You tell us authentic?"

A bald man in a red military uniform shouted, "Boy, do you know that this is our place, do you want to open the martial arts hall and get our permission?"


This curious Li Fan said.

"My business license was obtained through formalities at the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. Could it be that this license needs to be stamped with your seal?"

"Business license, we don't care!"

The red-headed bald-mouthed, "We like to open any shop, we are not uncommon! However, in G city, or even in the whole g province, if you want to open a martial arts hall, you must get permission from our martial arts association! Without the approval of our president , No one is allowed to open a new martial arts hall! "

"Fuck your mother!"

Le Xiaohu cursed, "How old are you, what's the problem with our opening the martial arts hall?"

"Draft paralysis, you little shit, do you owe it?"


The two sides were very angry, and they would burn their guns at any time.

In G City, Wu Guan is very prosperous. From the shadowless feet to the Xingyiquan, many outsiders' kung fu multiply and develop here, lively and prosperous.

But there were too many people in G City who opened martial arts halls. Many martial arts masters would martial arts, so they dared to open a martial arts hall and open their doors to receive disciples. Later, Wing Chun Boxing became popular and became the largest martial arts faction in the local area. Other martial arts factions could not survive. Later, these martial arts units joined forces to form a martial arts association. They fought many times with the Wing Chun faction. Both sides were in dire straits and finally signed a peace agreement.

The market is too saturated, the president of the Wushu Association and the Wing Chun Association have reached the same length, and any other martial arts hall is prohibited. If anyone really wants to set up the Xinwu Pavilion, they must also get the consent of the two presidents.

Li Fan's martial arts hall broke the rules of the association and suddenly emerged.

This stimulated the temporarily balanced g martial arts world, and at first they felt that no one would study in this inexplicable restaurant. But I did not expect that Wu Guan's popularity will become higher and higher, and star idols will advertise. The presidents of the two associations decided to shut down Li Fan's martial arts hall.

Therefore, there are such a large group of people who ran to sit in front of the Wu Guan to sit quietly, affecting their normal business.

"We operate legally. When is your turn to step in?"

Liu Xiaowan also arrived. When she heard what was happening here, the gentle little girl was usually a little annoyed now.

"You guys belong to an illegal assembly. If you don't leave, I will call the police!"

Liu Xiaowan took out her phone.

"Okay, report it!"

The red-headed bald-headed look, holding his arms, said rather disdainfully, "So many of us here, you call the police to arrest us for at most fifteen days. But a new group of people will come over tomorrow. Continue to meditate! After we release it, we will come here to meditate and keep your martial arts hall from operating normally! "

"It's ruthless guy."

When Li Fan heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Smile jb, tell you, in city g, if you want to open a martial arts hall, there is no way without the president's permission!"


Li Fan didn't say a word, but Jiang Ye, who was standing still, didn't speak, suddenly pulled out his heroic sword.

She wouldn't let go of those who abused Master.

"Well, don't be angry."

Li Fan held her hand. "Isn't this interesting?"

He looked at the shameless red head in front of him. "I want to know, how can I get the permission of your president?"

"Then ask the chairman!"

The red-headed bald-faced Li Fan glanced, "I can't tell you!"

"It's so boring. I think you are all practicing family and talking with your mouth, it looks shameful, doesn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone may wish to speak with fists and feet. I counted them. There are 28 of you here. If you can beat my disciples, then I will immediately close the martial arts hall and go home for Chinese New Year?

"That's crazy!"

The red-headed bald smiled coldly, "These twenty or more of us are real trainers. Are your little apprentices afraid of being killed by us?"

"Not afraid, he's rough and thick, everyone can rest assured-teach."

Li Fan smiled gently, "How about it, dare you?"

"Afraid of you?"

Li Fan's bald head was provoked by Li Fan's attitude. He slapped him, "You lose your arms and legs or something, don't blame us for being tough!"

"No, I'm not bad money."

Li Fan was holding his hands, and his face was full of smiles, and Le Xiaohu looked straight.

Master ... it's too dark!

"Tiger, it's hard for you."

Surrounded by a lot of people watching the crowd, Li Fan felt that this was just an opportunity for publicity.

"Leave it to me, Master."

Le Xiaohu flexed his muscles and seemed to be unable to bear it.

"Hadron, you're going to kick this kid!"

The bald head in red ordered his companion.

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