My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1152: Battle upgrade

1152 Battle Upgrade

Same as fart!

The scolded Le Xiaohu blushed a little.

"I'm still a fledgling anyway!"

Le Xiaohu's cheeks flushed, and he shouted, "You are envious!"

"is it?"

Jiang Ye sneered, and then a blue qi came out of his body. This is really angry, and Lan Zhong still has a little bit of black light, which seems to hide evil spirits.

"You little apprentice, that's fine."

Zhou Guifei seemed to appreciate Jiang Ye, "Can you give it to this palace and let it adjust-teach it?"

"Forget it!"

Li Fan was startled. Is it enough to let Zhou Guifei teach? One Zhou Guifei is enough, Li Fan doesn't want his apprentice to be the second Zhou Guifei!

"That's a pity. It's a piece of jade."

Zhou Guifei looked very sorry.

Everyone has a heart of love.

At this time, the true spirit of Jiang Ye's body, condensing the appearance of a poisonous snake, was actually the true body of the **** of war.

Both learn Xingyiquan, so the real body is also an animal. This is the first-level Wushen true body, but the two are young and have realized it, which is rare.


Le Xiaohu was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that Shimei also realized this effort.

Wu Shen true body, this is the highest state that a martial arts fighter can practice.

The first is the first-level Wushen true body, just like the two of them, only the outline is refined, and the posture is relatively primitive. Further, it should be like a master's former flying lion goddess, or Zhou Guifei's demon fox, similar to a human posture. On the next level is the second stage of Valkyrie's true body that Master has shown. I ca n’t even think about it now!

He also thought about it for a long time before he realized this trick, Shimei also realized it!

"But that's fine, it's fair and fun!"

When Le Xiaohu's fist was pushed, the tiger behind him suddenly opened his mouth and darted towards the opposite Jiangye!

Jiang Ye didn't panic. The poisonous snake behind her darted forward, entangled in the tiger's body, locked its body, and then bit it towards the tiger's neck.

The tiger turned his head and spewed an air bomb at the moment when the snake snake bit down.

The viper bit the tiger's head, and the air bomb shattered the snake's body.

The two giant Valkyrie real bodies slowly dissipated in the air just like this.

Jiang Ye calculates step by step, attracting little tigers into a trap. However, Le Xiaohu is in danger, and the momentum displayed is also what Li Fan likes.

The two apprentices took a step back each other, and their faces were a little pale, after all, the real body of the Valkyrie was broken, which had some impact on their true spirit.

"Tiger Leap!"

Le Xiaohu likes to attack. He jumped forward suddenly, with an irresistible momentum. He jumped a distance of five or six meters and fell in front of Jiang Ye.

Le Xiaohu went straight to the Yemen Gate with a note of tiger claws. Jiang Ye had a lingering snake, and Le Xiaohu's tiger claw was locked in his left arm. However, Le Xiaohu's other hand grabbed from another direction, Jiang Ye seemed to have been prepared, another spirit snake entangled, and sealed Le Xiaohu's other hand.

Jiang Ye's palm was aimed at Le Xiaohu's throat. The next trick was to kill his throat. However, Le Xiaohu sent out a tiger tiger howling forest, and once again deterred Jiang Ye, then added a tiger tiger swinging his tail and pumped it towards Jiang Ye. Jiang Ye, who was supposed to be deterred, smiled. She even moved freely, at the same time raised her right leg, used her legs to stretch her snake, and locked Le Xiaohu's calf again. And she catches Le Xiaohu's body, the whole person vacates, and her left leg runs to Le Xiaohu's heart, and she slams her foot.



Le Xiaohu slipped out three meters away and then took three steps back, which stabilized his body.


Le Xiaohu was a little surprised, covering his chest and looking at his little sister, "Why didn't you eat Tiger Tiger Xiaolin?"

"Brother, with two moves, it has no effect."

Jiang Ye pointed at his ears. "I already knew that you would use this trick, so I temporarily closed my ears with qi."

Jiang Ye continued to set traps for Le Xiaohu, and there was a feeling of entering a snake cave.

"That being the case, let's fight diligently!"

Le Xiaohu said, leaping violently, and then continued to attack Jiang Ye with both claws.

His attack was fierce and unusual, and he continued to break fast, forcing Jiang Ye to keep going backwards.

"Hum, Master's Tiger Strike is the best than onslaught!"

Le Xiaohu gave up all his ideas and let himself fight instinctively!

This makes his boxing more fierce and makes his pace more stable.

Even Jiang Ye seemed a little surprised. She might not have thought that her brother had such potential.

Le Xiaohu made a series of consecutive attacks, forcing Jiang Ye to mess up her steps. Her feet were unstable and seemed to be planted.

"good chance!"

Le Xiaohu was overjoyed, his hands swayed in front of him, and his anger suddenly ran away.

"Hungry tigers come out!"

At that moment, Le Xiaohu was about to launch a more powerful combo, taking away the little sisters!

But at this moment, his body suddenly stiffened. The hungry tiger came out of the cage, but it was not displayed.

Jiang Ye stabilised his body, with sarcasm in his face.

"You are still too tender."

"what have you done……"

Le Xiaohu gritted his teeth, but his body did not listen.

"Every move I did was acupoints on your body. Although I didn't learn crane strike, but I played more acupoints, and the effect was better. Now you, my acupoints have been temporarily blocked by me. Stayed. So, brother, from the beginning you fell into my trap. "

Jiang Ye said, walking forward, a dragon broke his hand, and went straight to Le Xiaohu's shoulder.

This time she was merciless, because she felt that she would win, and punished the brother just like Master said.

But Le Xiaohu's eyes flashed a little light, and at that moment, Jiang Ye felt the strength in his body was taken away. She cut it on Le Xiaohu's shoulder with one palm, but failed to cause any harm. Instead, her own body was flying out of Zhenqi.


Jiang Ye was shocked and miscalculated?

"Sister, I'm sorry, in addition to martial arts, I also have a little super power."

Le Xiaohu squeezed his eyes toward the Jiangye, "My ability is to eliminate. In the past, I can eliminate the superpowers of others, but now I can temporarily eliminate others' anger. Although it is short, it is effective, isn't it?"

"So it is no wonder that Master will choose you. You are indeed something special."

Jiang Ye's qi has recovered, and she stands up again, pressing her qi down with both hands, conditioning her body.

"That being the case, let me admit your strength."

"Are you going to respect your brother from the bottom of your heart?"

Le Xiaohu was a little happy.

"No, it's to give you all you can to defeat you."


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