My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1153: Tsuten Tenjin Tower

1153 Tenjin Tower

Jiang Ye said, suddenly the whole person jumped into the air, jumped more than three meters high, and then turned over in the air.

"Spiritual dragon!"

Jiang Ye's body flipped in the air, and his momentum seemed to change as well!

She slaps directly at Le Xiaohu below!

"Dragon King Seal!"


Le Xiaohu was oppressed by a strong palm wind, kneeling on the ground, and a huge palm print appeared around him, staying on the ground of this underground hall!

Li Fan was a little surprised, the snake turned into a dragon?

Did this little apprentice break through his own puppet and transform the snake-bashing students into dragon-bashing? This is a bit amazing!

And Jiang Ye fell down instantly, holding a ball of infuriating bullets in his left hand, a dragon throwing beads, ready to bomb the brother up close. And at that moment, Le Xiaohu's hand was on his chest.

His body suddenly disappeared into the ground, Jiang Ye's palm hit the ground, and Long Tuzhu continued to tear the floor.

Jiang Ye's eyes flashed with shock. The next second, Le Xiaohu appeared next to her, and at the same time a flying knee bumped against her.


Jiang Ye flew out, his body spinning in the air, and finally hit the back wall.

This alloy wall was smashed and bent. And Le Xiaohu followed her like a shadow and appeared in front of her, and her fingers stopped in front of her throat.

"Sister, you lost!"

Jiang Ye stuck on the wall, like hanging a picture, and slowly slid down.

She looked at the brother in front of her, and her eyes seemed somewhat unconvinced.

"how did you do that?"

Jiang Ye endured the injury in his body and asked.

"In my power."

Le Xiaohu explained, "My ability can temporarily eliminate objects or energy. I wondered if I could eliminate myself temporarily. I tried it one day and it really works."

"Are you an idiot ..."

Jiang Ye was almost furious.

"Aren't you afraid of killing yourself?"

"How come, I have done experiments with frogs and live well!"

Le Xiaohu hurriedly emphasized that his IQ was not low. "Clinical practice many times, no problem!"

"Idiot ... I lost to an idiot ..."

"Hey, who are you idiots?"

Jiang Ye seemed very sad. Li Fan approached and took out a piece of Huichundan, stuffed it into her mouth, and helped her resolve the medicinal properties with her energy.

"Jiangye, you are very strong, and it surprises me, really."

Li Fan touched Jiang Ye's head, "You, you are too strong, too fond of calculation. There are many unexpected factors in this kind of competition, you know?"

"I see, Master."

Jiang Ye seemed to understand something, "Master means, I should count a few more steps and take into account all the unexpected factors! Yes! Thank you, Master, for calling!"

Talking, Jiang Ye knelt down and slapped his head several times towards Master.

Li Fan was quite helpless. This girl ... is really deadly. This is really like her brother Jiang Feng.

"In short, I won!"

Le Xiaohu also ate a Yuandan and recovered his vitality next to it. He waved his fist with some joy, "I am very happy to protect the dignity of the big brother!"

"So are you, too messy!"

Li Fan glared at Le Xiaohu, "Suddenly let myself disappear, what if your sister and sister say that they can't come back?"

"No master, I've tried it a few times, no problem."

Le Xiaohu touched the back of his head and said a little embarrassed, "My ability is not called elimination, but transfer."



Le Xiaohu nodded, "I have tried a few times, all of which made me appear in a strange space. In that space, there are starry sky everywhere, like a universe. I feel someone is there, and I can't find it To anyone. Anyway ... it's safe. "

"Is it?"

Li Fan was a little curious, "Will you try it for me?"

"No, Master, it's too dangerous!"

Jiang Ye hurriedly stopped.

"What's dangerous, I tried it myself."

Le Xiaohu emphasized, "Don't you see that I have come back well, I haven't lost a piece of meat!"

"You are thick and rough, how can you compare to Master!"

Jiang Ye stared.

"Well, don't quarrel."

Li Fan's curiosity has come up.

"Come, little tiger, use it."

"Okay, Master. The effect is about half a minute, so you don't have to worry."

Le Xiaohu said, looking at Li Fan, his eyes flashed.

Li Fan's body disappeared immediately in this field, Jiang Ye was a little anxious.

"Idiot! If Master can't come back, I will kill you for funeral!"

"Just leave the crow's mouth and come back in a while!"

As a result, thirty seconds later, Li Fan did not show up, Le Xiaohu was dumbfounded.

what's going on?

And Li Fan was passed into an empty space, starry sky everywhere, no figure was seen, and even a life could not be seen.

"Hey, is anyone?"

Li Fan shouted loudly, his voice was full of vitality, but no one responded when it spread so far.

And at this moment, a huge planet entered Li Fan's eyes.

The sun rises from the other side of the planet and illuminates the face of the planet. The azure planet is alive with sunshine on it.

"Are you shocked?"

A voice sounded in Li Fan's ears. Li Fan was startled, turned his head and found that a man was standing beside him. The man had a peculiar charm that caught his eyes.

"This is life, different."

"Your Excellency?"

Li Fan heard Le Xiaohu said that there is no life in this space.

But now, how did a mysterious man appear? And he seemed to have a powerful power that he couldn't see through.

"You can call me Liu Aiguo."

The man stood with Li Fan with both hands, "I am the cosmic **** here."

Big Universe God? What the hell?

"Sometimes I see interesting friends appear, so I'll keep you a little longer."

"Sir ... I don't quite understand."

"You don't need to understand, after all, this is not your world."

Liu Aiguo laughed, "There are so many worlds, and you and I are just a drop in the ocean."

"Many worlds?"


Liu Aiguo nodded. "In the midst of it, it seems that the Creator has created thousands of worlds. And I, as a guardian, guard all this."

"It sounds pretty good, can I also be a big universe god?"


"Why, why?"

Li Fan was not convinced.

"Although your Excellency is interesting, I am not the challenger who I am waiting for. Well, I talked a few words and passed away the loneliness. Your Excellency, go back!"

As soon as Liu Aiguo waved his hand, Li Fan suddenly trembled, and immediately turned black!

When he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to his own hall.

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