1154 year old

"Big universe god?"

Hearing Li Fan's inquiry, the Dragon Girl, who was busy eating snacks, tilted her head and looked at Li Fan.

"What the **** is that? Never heard of it!"

"It seems you don't know ... it's weird ..."

Li Fan later asked Le Xiaohu to send himself to that space again, but failed. Le Xiaohu's ability seems to have failed in Li Fan.

Did that world reject itself?

Although Li Fan was unwilling, he seemed helpless.

Liu Aiguo is too strong, it seems that it is not a dimension with himself! Li Fan always feels there, he can practice better, and seems to reach an unprecedented level! It's a pity that everything is nothing but fleeting and fleeting, and the opportunity is not in the hands.

"This is not the time to talk about this!"

The dragon girl glared at Li Fan. "It's New Year's Eve today, don't you buy more delicious food?"


Li Fan was speechless. "The back warehouse is full of snacks, isn't it enough for you to eat?"

"The better, the better!"

The Dragon Girl is a standard food, "Delicious food is never enough! In other words, who is coming for Chinese New Year today?"

"The twins and Chen Chen are both busy making announcements outside. In the evening, Jiang Ye and Xiao Hu must be here, and Xiao Wan will also come. Murong Ai is on Xiao Wan's side, and it is estimated that he will return together at night. Lin Yuexian went home to celebrate the New Year Xia Yan, they will also spend the New Year in city A ... "

Li Fan carefully calculated that this year's New Year, it is estimated that it has not been lively in previous years. There are the most people in darts, and they are also busy with gold medal darts.

However, the martial arts changed, and the event of gold medal dart division could not be held. Li Fan was the last gold medal dart division. At this time, no one in the dart division dared to compete with Li Fan for this name. If it weren't for Li Fan, I'm afraid the profession of dart division would have completely disappeared.

The only person who could fight with the Imperial Forest Chamber was Li Fan.

"This year is not a lot of people."

"It's okay, just eat more."

The Dragon Girl can do anything. "Modern society doesn't know how to celebrate the New Year. The New Year was very interesting. I can go out and visit the temple fair. Many of them are delicious."

"There is no temple fair for Chinese New Year. Everyone is busy going home for Chinese New Year."

Li Fan stood in front of the window and looked at the streets outside. "Especially in this city, there is no snow in winter, so there is no Chinese New Year atmosphere."

"Then you have to prepare some more delicious food!"

The dragon girl licked her lips and seemed to be a little hungry now.

"We eat dumplings for Chinese New Year. What kind of stuffing do you like?"

Li Fan is going to cook in person.

"Well? Do you also eat dumplings for Chinese New Year?"

The Dragon Girl was a little surprised, "I thought this habit had changed, but I didn't expect it to be."

"Some traditions persist, don't you have a lot of meat dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival!"

"Oh, how do you remember so clearly."

The dragon girl has a thick skin and will not feel shy about these things.

"I am a very simple person, as long as it is meaty!"

"You are so simple ..."

Li Fan was particularly speechless. He cleaned up and went to the kitchen of Wu Guan.

The cafeteria in Wuguan is very advanced. Usually there are chefs cooking inside. After all, Wu Guan also has its own cafeteria window, which is responsible for the diet of the disciples.

"Master, why did you cook for yourself?"

Seeing Li Fan putting on an apron and entering the kitchen, Jiang Ye rushed in. "Let me do the cooking."

The chef has already gone home for the Chinese New Year holiday. For such a large martial arts hall, there are only Li Fan and them.

"It's okay, just cook, don't be so exaggerated."

"But how can Master make this happen, Master is a big man!"

"You little girl, why are you macho?"

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, "Don't you think a man who cooks is also attractive?"


Jiang Ye was said for a moment, then glanced at Le Xiaohu, who was lying in the sun outside, and then Li Fan who cut vegetables with a beautiful knife in the kitchen ...

Seems like it makes sense!

"This palace is here, is there no one to pick it up?"

Zhou Guifei's voice came from the door.

Li Fan looked back. Zhou Guifei was wearing a beautiful Hanfu and was slowly coming in from the door.

"I know you all have no one to cook, go, and make good use of the kitchen."

As soon as Zhou Guifei ordered, more than a dozen star chefs came over from the back, went into the kitchen, and began to work for Li Fan.


Li Fan's interest in cooking was interrupted, and he looked at Zhou Guifei uncomfortably.

"What are you doing?"

"Help you."

Zhou Guifei said casually, "After all, the appetite of this palace is very picky, and ordinary food cannot enter the mouth of this palace."

"But aren't you happy about what you eat?"

Li Fan could not help asking.

"Do you want to be eaten by your palace?"

Zhou Guifei asked Li Fan with a smile.

"Ahem, then, let them cook, let's be busy with something else."

Since Zhou Guifei also came to the New Year, she added some excitement.

"You chefs, are they not old?"

Li Fan asked.

"They are more willing to make money than Chinese New Year."

Gui Guifei smiled sweetly and beautifully.

"Okay ... what shall we do ..."

Li Fan feels that New Year is also a sad thing.

"Would you like a New Year's Eve?"

Zhou Guifei asked.

"Ahem ..."

There were apprentices around, and Li Fan's old face was said to be red. This week, the concubine is getting more and more wanton!

"Let's send a red envelope first!"

Li Fan took out the red envelope that had been prepared, "Come here, disciples, pick up the red envelope."

"Happy New Year, Master!"

The two apprentices successively gave Li Fan New Year's greetings and took red envelopes.

The Dragon Girl was Ming Li's mentor, but she also asked for one, and happily put it away.

"Don't you give this palace?"

Zhou Guifei sat beside and looked at Li Fan with some resentment.

"You ... so rich ..."

"Blamed for Honmiya?"


Li Fan obediently presented a red envelope with a thousand pieces in it, which meant something.

"Fortunately, a few more are prepared today."

Just when Li Fan was lucky, Wu Guan entered two people, one fat and one thin, both wearing gray uniforms and wearing masks.

"Is it the Seven Chivalrous Palace?"

As soon as Slim came in, he shouted, "The property bureau asked us to come and check your gas pipes."

"Does the Chinese New Year also check?"

Le Xiaohu was squatting at the door counting money. Hearing them talking, he couldn't help being curious.

"Isn't it! Is it easy to do some work!"

The fat man just started to complain, and the thin man patted his shoulder.

"What are you talking about? This is our job! Check it out and everyone will have a good year!"

"Thank you in advance then."

Li Fanyi pointed to the kitchen. "They're cooking. Would you like to take a break?"

The two were a little dumbfounded when they saw the heat in the kitchen.

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