My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1155: Teenage challenger

1155 Young Girl Challenger

The taste of the year is gradually losing. This is how Chinese people feel about New Year's Eve now.

For the Northeast Killer duo, the New Year is suffering!

If you ca n’t finish your work, you have no money! Without money, you can't celebrate the New Year!

In order to complete the work, the two disguised themselves as workers of the Property Bureau and entered the door of Qi Xia Wu Guan generously. I originally planned to kill Li Fan by chance, but I didn't expect that there were so many people here!

More than a dozen chefs in the kitchen were so busy that they did not have the opportunity to lurk in.

"Brother, straighten now ..."

The fat man couldn't help anxious and was soothed by the thin man.

"It's okay, time has it, wait."

When a thin man grit his teeth, do something big, be patient!

The two decided to lurk first and wait for the chefs to leave before they started!

But things are always getting more and more outrageous. The gate of the Martial Arts Hall was pushed open again, and several martial arts masters pushed in. These warriors are wearing black and red uniforms with Hefeng Wuguan printed on them.

"You are Li Fan?"

The man in the lead was a five big and three thick man, and when he came in, he cried loudly.


Li Fan looked at the martial artist in front of him and kept his politeness.

"Hefeng Wuguan, it should be the Wuguan that is opposite us."

Li Fan arched his hand at him, "I don't know how to teach?"

"I'm the owner of Hefeng Wu Pavilion, Wang Dali!"

The owner of the museum looked at Li Fan with unhappy eyes, "Here is the kicker today!"

"It's so unfortunate that the New Year's Eve is not open for the Martial Arts Museum."

Li Fan made a hand-off gesture, "Please go back."

"Why, Li Fan, are you afraid?"

Wang vigorously sneered twice.

"That being said, let's get started."

Li Fan took two steps forward, but Wang Dali raised his hand.

"Hey, I recently committed an old cold leg and is not suitable for competition."

"What do you mean, let you play here?"

Le Xiaohu was unwilling, and his eyes glared, and Wang vigorously said.

"No hurries!"

Wang turned around vigorously, and the disciples behind pushed out a little girl. This little girl looks seventeen and eighteen, with a slender figure and a clean and handsome face.

She wore a pony tail, dressed in a uniform, and bowed to Li Fanyi.

"Hi Master Li."

"See? No, this is my daughter, Wang Xiaoran!"

Wang said vigorously and proudly, "She has learned ten percent from me! Let her play for me, no problem!"


Li Fan nodded, "Then please come here."

Inside is the place to learn lessons, and the outside yard is very clean, but it is suitable for competition challenges.

The courtyard that Murong Ai picked for himself was very chic, Li Fan liked it very much. When it's okay, he likes to make two punches in this yard.

In the past, it was the Chivalry Boxing. Recently, all dragon fighting is practiced. Li Fan should familiarize himself with this set of kung fu.

However, if you compete with this little girl, dragon fighting should not be used.

"Master Li, I practiced my father's dragon-hunting technique!"

Wang Xiaoran said to Li Fangong, "My father's leg is sick, so let me fight you for him!"

"How to capture dragon fist ... Is there really a dragon in this world that can capture it?"

Li Fan pointed something out, and the dragon **** the side made a face.

"Master Li, please be careful."

After Wang Xiaoran finished speaking, he looked up, and he was just a little girl, just like a little sheep. But at this moment, the eyes burst into intense light, full of warfare.

It's almost like a change of person, Li Fanxin said, is it Gemini?


When Wang Xiaoran came up, he launched a fierce onslaught. She leapt forward, flew to her knees, and went straight to Li Fan!

This flying knee, quite the fierceness of Muay Thai! This one is clean and beautiful, even Li Fan can't help but want to praise it!


On one side of Li Fan's body, he flew his knees and hit the tree behind Li Fan. The little tree shook with it, and the bark was crushed into a large piece.

For a little girl who hasn't practiced internal force, this is quite powerful.

And Wang Xiaoran responded quickly. She grabbed her hands on the tree, leaned on it, and lifted her whole body sideways to Li Fan.

Li Fan stretched out his hands and blocked a bit in front of him.

He didn't use internal force, so he was taken a step back.


What Le Xiaohu saw was a little surprised, "It's amazing that he can drive Master back."

"Well, if Master uses internal force, such a small character cannot be approached at all!"

Jiang Ye's mouth was rather unpleasant.

"No way, now is the time of the ban on martial arts. And the other party doesn't understand internal force. If we use internal force, wouldn't we bully others?"

"The rivers and lakes are always weak and strong, and Master is too kind."

Jiang Ye missed the master with the tiger's head mask.

"Relax, Master is just playing with that little girl."

"They are older than you."

"Well ... Master is just playing with that younger sister, is that all right?"

"Why a man has so much talk!"

"Our day ..."

Le Xiaohu wants to curse.

The young girl was stale with Li Fan.

She kept making moves and storming towards Li Fan. Li Fan, however, did not panic and stepped back to avoid the attack of the opponent.

"Master, look, the sister pushed the other back!"

"Yeah, yeah, Shimei is so good!"

The people in Hefeng Wu Pavilion are clapping their hands and praising. The owner Wang is very proud and touches his own moustache.

"It's really good at catching dragons."

Li Fan stepped back, while not forgetting to praise the young girl, "You can practice your kung fu to such a degree at a young age, and it is commendable!"

"Thank you, Master Li, for your praise, but I will not show mercy!"

The girl's face turned slightly red, and she seemed a little happy, but was forced by her.

"I, I won't be proud!"

After the girl finished speaking, a whip leg was swept directly to Li Fan's cheek.

Li Fan leaned back, avoiding the girl's whip leg. But the maiden took inertia by nature, and lifted her legs high, and lifted them into the air, as if raising a tomahawk.

"Breaking new ground!"

The young girl's foot split according to Li Fan's body. The momentum is indeed amazing!

Li Fan, however, stretched out his hands and sank, catching the split foot with both hands.

While the girl was exclaiming, he grabbed her by the leg and threw her out.

The girl braced her hands on the ground, rolled her head, and stabilized her body again.

"It's great, Master Li."

The girl looked up and looked at Li Fan, "It is indeed a master who repelled other martial arts halls, and it really needs a challenge!"

"Well, you are great. From now on, I will fight you seriously."

Li Fan put one hand behind his back, hooking his hands at the girl.

"You? Give me one hand and call seriously?"

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