My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1156: Wang Xiaoran

1156 Wang Xiaoran


Li Fan nodded seriously, "Come on, little girl."

"Look at me!"

The girl seemed a little angry, she adjusted her posture, then moved forward, and came forward with a cannon punch!

This method of catching dragons, every punch comes out with a punch. If your fist falls on a person, even if you use true energy to protect your body, I'm afraid it will hurt you.

But Li Fan reached out and caught the girl's wrist directly, dragging it back.

The girl's body was out of balance, and Li Fan followed a knee and bumped against the girl's abdomen.

The girl was in pain and took a step back, covering her belly.

"Ah, Shimei lost!"

"Master, what do you do?"

He Fengwu people asked Wang Dali one after another.

"What are you worried about blindly! It's common to lose out on martial arts! My good daughter will suppress it in a while!"

Wang vigorously calmed down.

But he knew in his heart that if he could use one hand, he would make his daughter suffer ... This is something that even he can't do!

Li Fan, is he really that strong?

"Come, go on."

Li Fan beckoned to Wang Xiaoran.

"Don't be too proud!"

Wang Xiaoran stepped forward several times and appeared in front of Li Fan again.

This step is a modern boxing technique, and Wang Xiaoran is also well integrated.

She turned around behind Li Fan, then turned around and kicked again, another whip leg, drawn from behind towards Li Fan.

Li Fan didn't look back. He pushed his shoulders with one hand and directly held the girl's calf.


The girl exclaimed, not knowing how Li Fan inferred her own kick!

"Lie down!"

Li Fan knocked back and flew Wang Xiaoran out directly, smashing in front of him!

According to Wang Xiaoran's head, Li Fan kicked him out. The tip of his shoe is only a finger long from Wang Xiaoran's temple.

The people in Hefeng Wuguan were frightened, but Li Fan closed up in the most critical place, leaving Wang Xiaoran's life.

"So far."

Li Fan retracted his feet, and then extended his hand to Wang Xiaoran lying on the ground.

"Thank you, Master Li ..."

Wang Xiaoran was defeated, defeated with consolation.

This New Year's Eve challenge finally ended with her failure.

"Although I lost, I am very happy."

Wang Xiaoran bowed to Li Fanyi, "If possible, please let me study in your martial arts hall."


When Wang heard it vigorously, he was dumbfounded.

"My dear daughter, what do you mean?"

"Dad, I want to worship Master Li!"

Wang Xiaoran said with certainty, "Master Li is very strong."

"Yi Di, can't your dad's work?"

"Dad's Longquan is also very powerful ... but I want to be stronger, and I need someone like Master Li to teach me!"

Wang Xiaoran insisted, "Please also ask Master Li to accept me."


Li Fan pulled Wang Xiaoran first.

"It is okay to worship. I am originally a martial arts museum. Anyone is welcome to learn martial arts."

"Well, let's talk about the teacher. Let's talk about it later."

Wang Dali was a little bit sour beside him, "Go back to Chinese New Year first?"


However, Wang Xiaoran has already stepped out, "I want to be a disciple of Master Li, so I have to live with Master Li's house for two years! In the past two years, please also ask your father not to miss me!"

Li Fan felt that Wang Dali was about to burst into tears.

"Ah, the words of the disciples are equivalent to senior students."

Le Xiaohu hurried to add a sentence for Master, "Tuition fees are expensive! One year is more than 100,000!"

"It doesn't matter, my father will help me pay."

Wang Xiaoran looked back at his father, "Right? Dad?"

"Yes, yes ... all listen to you ..."

Wang Dali was crying, "As long as you like your daughter, I can do anything ..."

"Great fatherly love!"

Le Xiaohu was all touched, how long has he not been home to see.

"Dad, then I'll stay here today. Tell your mother so she doesn't worry about me."

Wang left with a sorrowful face, and his daughter worshipped others as a teacher, which was probably a blow to him.

"There is a dormitory in Wuguan. You can eat and live here."

Li Fan led Wang Xiaoran into the martial arts hall. "But you can also go home and live, after all, your home is in G city."

"No, I decided to eat and live with Master and study hard martial arts!"

Wang Xiaoran resolutely decided, "I like to practice, this is what I should do!"


"I heard that there is a place called Jianghu, where there is a martial arts leader named Murong Ying."

Wang Xiaoran seemed a little yearning, "I want to be a woman like her!"

"Live with me for two years?"

Li Fan asked, "Are you not going to school?"

"Master Lao is worried, I am seventeen years old and have finished my third year!"


Li Fan wants to scold his mother, and his mother is a genius girl?

"Study with Master for two years, I'll take the college entrance exam again. It's not too late to go to college at the age of nineteen, right?"

"not late……"

Li Fan is speechless. How can women you know be so smart!

However, at the age of sixteen, I have a martial arts background. In two years, I should be able to learn very well by following me.

In this way, there is finally a student in his advanced class.

This year, it seems to be a little lively at last.

Li Fan returned to his martial arts hall, and those chefs Zhou Guifei had been busy with seemed to be preparing a variety of rich meals.

"Hello, why are your chefs not done yet?"

Li Fan watched the two workers still waiting, and couldn't help asking Zhou Guifei, who was standing at the table.

At this time, Zhou Guifei placed a guqin in front of her. Zhou Guifei seemed to be tuning, carefully, her eyes as if looking at her child.

"Today is the New Year's Eve, this palace ordered them to make a 108 to dinner, naturally it will take longer."

"One hundred and eight ..."

Li Fan is also drunk, this is too exaggerated!

"If not many of them are protecting animals now, this palace will taste the legendary Man-han seat."

Zhou Guifei stroked her guqin. "New Year's Eve today is 108 fewer."

Looking at the delicious dishes, the fat and thin duo swallowed.

And Wang Xiaoran was a little surprised, "It's ... too wasteful ..."

"Who is this little girl?"

Zhou Guifei finally looked up and saw Wang Xiaoran who followed.

"Students in advanced classes will be my disciples in the future."

As soon as Li Fan's words fell, Zhou Guifei suddenly appeared in front of him, then pressed one hand on top of Wang Xiaoran's head next to him.

Wang Xiaoran was taken aback, but she couldn't move before she could react.

And her body, with Zhou Guifei's hand, was slowly sucked up and floated in the air.

"This child has no internal strength."

Zhou Guifei let go, and Wang Xiaoran fell back to the ground.

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