My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1157: Chief disciple

1157 Chief Disciple

Wang Xiaoran has not understood what happened, and Zhou Guifei has returned to the table, as if she had never been there.

"It's a blank piece of paper, but it has potential."

Zhou Guifei gave a comment.

The fat and thin brothers are both silly. What's the situation ... what's the origin of that woman, monster?

"Master ... just, what happened just now?"

Wang Xiaoran just felt that a chill swept through his body, and then his body was motionless, so he flew into the air, then fell back, and the chill faded.


Li Fan's hand lightly rested on Wang Xiaoran's shoulder, and a warm current entered her body, warming her body again.

"This is called Qi!"

Jiang Ye seems a little jealous. Master is so nice to every new student!

She dragged Wang Xiaoran to herself, "You are in an advanced class and will learn slowly."


Wang Xiaoran still didn't want to understand, and the fat and thin duo was still in shock.

"After the year, Li Taiyi is coming back from vacation."

Li Fan forgot about it, "This Korean guy, Wu Gong doesn't know how to practice ... By the way, He Qiqi will also come over. Now the business of the darts is not good, she plans to follow me to learn martial arts."

"Fortunately Haruko Abe doesn't plan to come, otherwise I can't really teach it."

Li Fan is awake. The island lady is a woman who is not doing her job, which is really nice.

"Master ... what is it really ..."

Wang Xiaoran couldn't help asking, she felt that she had opened a strange door to the world!

"Xiao Ran, since you are already a teacher, I should tell you these too. But before that, let's get to know your brothers."

Li Fan pointed at the people in front of him.

"This is the chief disciple of Qixiamen, Le Xiaohu."

When Li Fan introduced Le Xiaohu, the kid's front teeth would all smile!

"Sister Xiao, I'll mix with my brother in the future, the brother will cover you!"

Jiang Ye stood beside her with her arms, all kinds of dissatisfaction.

"This is your second sister, Jiang Ye."

Li Fan touched Jiang Ye's hair and calmed her. "She doesn't like talking very much, but people are actually very good."

"Hello there!"

The same girl, Wang Xiaoran showed a lot of closeness. This makes Le Xiaohu feel very unfair, but he can only bear it! Who makes people all sisters!

"You have a third sister, Abe Haruko, but she is not here."

"Oh, islanders?"


Li Fanxin said that accepting her is also a fate.

Li Fan introduced the remaining disciples again, and now Wang Xiaoran started late, so she became a little sister.

"Our Qixia gate, we learned Qixia Boxing."

Li Fan went on to introduce, "You should not know much."

"Well, I heard it for the first time."

Wang Xiaoran thought about it, "What kind of work is it?"

"This is my own effort."

Li Fan explained, "Detailed, let Xiaohu teach you after you wait. In the future, you will be taught by Xiaohu. If you don't understand anything, you can come to me for consultation."

"Do you give it to your brother?"

Wang Xiaoran was relieved. Since he is the chief disciple, the effort should not be bad.

Many martial arts schools are like this. Master generally only accepts one big disciple and teaches him kung fu in detail. As for the other disciples who are getting started, they are taught by big disciples.

"Also, since you are a senior disciple, you have learned real kung fu."

Li Fan said, stretched out his palm, facing a post in front of him.


A palm print was printed directly on the post.

"We practice internal force, also known as true energy."

"Really ... really energetic ..."

Wang Xiaoran was stupid. She practiced martial arts for so many years. For the first time, she saw the existence of Qi ...

"However, at present, there is an embargo in martial arts. You have learned the internal force, and you must not show it in front of others. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious.

"Stupid embargo."

Guigui Zhou could not help but ridicule, "If it was in the Ming Dynasty, this palace would not let the emperor issue such a decree.

"Don't listen to her, it's all about your own life."

Li Fan interrupted Zhou Guifei's words, "Exercising martial arts is for physical fitness, it is not a fight."

"Just remember."

Wang Xiaoran nodded. Now that the master has said it, she promised it.

"In two years, you should be able to learn the standard of fire."

Li Fan nodded. "But in no hurry, let's eat today."

"Master, please worship us!"

Just when Li Fan was going to arrange Wang Xiaoran's accommodation, the fat and thin duo suddenly kneeled down at Li Fan and banged three heads directly.

"I'm still thinking, when are you going to do it? Why, the two of you won't kill me this time, will you change to worship?"

Li Fan turned his head and looked at them both.

"You, do you recognize us both?"

The thin man was startled, and then took off the mask.

The fat man exclaimed, "Brother, he seems really good!"


Slim patted him, then slaps his head at Li Fan again, "Master, we are both from the countryside, and we want to mix ourselves up!"

"I think you can be down to earth."

Li Fan, however, refused their request to worship.

"Still don't practice martial arts, go home and farm."

"Master, when we were two, we practiced a little bit of the bookmaker's style, with a little energy, you take it!"

Slim seems to be able to say, "I know, there is a fee for learning martial arts. I don't have any money, but I can bring you tea and water, mop the floor, and so on, and give you the tuition for nothing, can you please?"

"Work again ..."

The fat man was decadent.

"Stupid, is this the same life at home?"

Slim kicked him from behind, "Don't talk, you'll be timid as soon as you speak!"

"You two learn martial arts just to get ahead?"

"Yes, we have to be outstanding, we have to have heads and faces!"

"Uh-huh, it's going to be delicious!"

Both nodded desperately.

"Why do you two think that martial arts can stand out?"

"Because you are strong!"

Slim answered without hesitation, "I want to be as strong as you, so I can bully others!"

"Then the ultimate purpose of your martial arts is to bully others?"

Li Fan put his gaze on the fat man again, "What about you? What are you for?"

"Me? I want to marry a beautiful wife!"

The fat man said very seriously, "Now pretty girls recognize money, so I want to practice martial arts, then make money, and finally marry a beautiful wife."

"So it is."

Li Fan nodded. "You are very honest, so this matter ..."

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