Chapter 1159

"Sister, you are so good!"

"Sister Ershi, teach me sword energy!"

A group of people looked at Jiang Ye in worship, Le Xiaohu almost blew up.

Well, the domineering and majesty of the big brother! Apparently it was the stake that I interrupted?

"You guys, be quiet!"

Le Xiaohu shouted, and they were honest.

"Everyone be calm and calm. What I want to tell you today is the wonder of our internal forces."

Li Fan stood in front of everyone, and he looked at his disciples with great interest.

Li Fan stretched out his right hand and grabbed at the shards scattered on the ground in the distance.

These four pieces of debris flew up directly, reassembled in the air, and then dragged back to the broken wooden stake and reassembled.


"Brother, am I dazzled?"

"Master, is this true?"

Several apprentices looked stupid again.

"Well, almost. I control them with qi."

Li Fan said, with a loose palm, the stake broke again and fell to his feet.

"But Master ... does it make any sense if I practice hard ..."

Wang Xiaoran couldn't help asking.

"of course not."

Li Fan patted her shoulder. "Training martial arts requires both internal and external repairs to be stronger. Let me make an analogy. Two soldiers have guns in their hands. Of course, whoever shoots better, who has more athletic ability, Will you win? "


"That's right, this gun is the internal force cultivated by our martial artists. And the shooting skills are the fighting abilities! Two individual soldiers are nothing more than shooting skills and the level of weapons! You think, two people The shooting skills are equivalent, but one person uses a pistol and the other uses rpg. Who can you say will win? "

"The one who fired first wins!"

The fat man interjected suddenly.

Li Fan was said to be stunned.

Fuck, there seems to be a loophole!

"Blind bb! Can a pistol ever do rpg! Can he blast to death with a long shot!"

The thin man slapped him on the head.

"No, no, no, what the dog left said just now."

Li Fan suddenly laughed. "But a person with a strong internal force is not only carrying an rpg, but even wearing a body armor."


Fatty seems a little unconvinced.

"Don't believe me? Come on and punch me."

Li Fan stood there, holding his arms. "You can hit any part with whatever strength you want."

"Really? Is it OK to play second child?"


Several girls rolled their eyes together, and the dog leftover was too straightforward!

"Master, I'm sorry!"

Fat man kicked in Li Fan's crotch!

But Li Fan didn't move, like steel. Instead, the fat man's foot almost fractured. He screamed in pain and sat on the ground holding his leg.

"Tiger, check it."

Li Fan asked Le Xiaohu to check the fat man's injury, but he was just a little bit bruised, just rest.

"This is defensive breath."

Li Fan introduced, "Protective qi can protect our bodies, but also, powerful Qi attack can penetrate the protective qi!"

"Master, then, with the defensive breath of the body, can it be cut off?"

Slim asked quickly, and there was a little excitement in his expression.


Li Fan reminded the thin man, "Don't underestimate the impact power of bullets, the power of points is greater than face, I think you should know?"


The physics of thin people is obviously not well learned.

"You **** your own hand with your finger, can you pierce it?"

"Can't ..."

"Then you use a needle, can you?"

"Well ... isn't the needle made of steel?"

"Then you pierce with steel as thick as your finger, can you pierce it?"

"also can not……"

Skinny seemed to understand a little.

"That's the point is bigger than the surface."

As soon as Li Fan reached out, his finger pierced directly into the remaining half of the stake, leaving a shocking hole in it.

"Bullets are this effect, and we are pursuing martial arts skills, and we are also pursuing this effect. We can do more with less.

"That's it, I understand Master. Then we can't compete with firearms?"

"It's better not to."

Li Fan reminded Slim, "It's too dangerous! Especially now, in order to suppress the rivers and lakes, the government has developed a lot of special weapons targeted at martial arts fighters. Even me, I dare not provoke them casually."

"I see. I will pay attention."

Skinny didn't know what was in his mind.

"Today is a big year. I shouldn't have thought about these things. But when interest comes, I will say a few more words."

Li Fan sat back on his teacher's chair again, and Jiang Ye served tea.

"However, I still want to tell you about the martial arts. Our family practiced Qixia Boxing, which is your master ’s martial arts I created a few years ago. Qixia Boxing was born out of Wu Qin Xi, and is mainly based on Xingyi Boxing. The style of boxing is different. You can choose one to practice, which is easy to master. At that time, your brother will give you a specific explanation. "

"Master, when I competed, I didn't see what Qixia Boxing you used?"

Wang Xiaoran suddenly asked, and the atmosphere in the air became tense.

"You little girl, so many questions!"

Le Xiaohu really wanted to give a lesson, but was blocked by Li Fan.

"It's nothing, it doesn't matter."

He explained, "I got a counter-trap, so I couldn't use my skills. However, Xiaohu has learned my skills seven or eighty-eight, and he is fully qualified for this job."

"There is such a thing ..."

Wang Xiaoran was curious about Qi Xia Boxing, "Master, can I compare it with my brother and see how the Qi Xia Boxing works?"

"In this case, I'll just let Xiaohu take the trouble."

The voice of a beautiful lady came in, and everyone looked at the door, and it was Liu Xiaowan and Murong Ai who returned.


As soon as Xiao Ai came back, she rushed over and rushed into Li Fan's arms.

"But come back, rest."

Li Fan nodded at Liu Xiaowan, and Jiang Ye stepped forward, reached for the down jacket that Liu Xiaowan had taken off, and hung beside him.

"Today the company settles. Many things need to be busy. Fortunately, there is a small love to help me, otherwise I can't get it alone."

"Can this girl help you too?"

Li Fan was a little surprised.

"Hate, why don't you believe me!"

Murong Ai pursed her mouth, "I'm pretty good, okay?"

"Yes, yes, your mouth is terrible."

Li Fan squeezed Murong Ai's little mouth, and said a double pun, Murong Ai's face turned red immediately.

"Are there any new disciples today? A lot of them."

Liu Xiaowan sat beside Li Fan and looked at the three newly-accepted disciples in front of him.

"Zhou Guifei is here too, Happy New Year."


Zhou Guifei is obviously unhappy with this little girl, and the woman Li Fan likes, she hates!

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