My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1160: Liu Xiaowan's Drinking Order

1160 Liu Xiaowan's Drinking Order

"Will you do martial arts too?"

Looking at Liu Xiaowan who was beautiful and generous, Wang Xiaoran was a little surprised.

"Well, I'm your master's school sister. I learned a few things from him."

Liu Xiaowan looked at the serious little girl in front of her, "If you don't mind, you can make a comparison."

After learning Wu, Liu Xiaowan became much more confident. She is in good physical condition and practicing martial arts is smooth. In addition, some private lessons taught by Li Fan are stronger.

"I remember seeing you ..."

The fat man muttered, "What news seems like ..."

"Ah, yes, aren't you the boss of extraordinary entertainment!"

Slim suddenly awakened, "I like Shen Chen very much! And martial arts girls!"

"Shen Chen is our artist, and the martial arts girl is your sister."

Liu Xiaowan smiled, "Extraordinary entertainment is your master's company."

"Sink ..."

Several people were shocked.

"No wonder someone paid to kill Master ... It seems that Master really hates people!"

Skinny can't help feeling.

"Who wants to kill Li Fan?"

When Liu Xiaowan heard it, she immediately blew her hair.

The little girl was gentle on this weekday, and when she got angry, there was a little anger in her voice.

Slim, he quickly waved his hand, "I don't know each other ... I knew to be called Wang Boss ... but I guess it is also a pseudonym ..."

Liu Xiaowan sat there, pondered for a moment, and quickly came to a conclusion.

"Li Fan, from the Wushu Association."


Li Fan was startled. "How do you know?"

"Last time before Lin Yuexian left, let me use Weibo's public opinion tactics to deal with those guys in the martial arts association. But she also reminded me that this might make the martial arts association want to deal with us in the dark. I think about it, it should be Now. "

"Lin Yuexian is a monster ..."

Li Fan is convinced. The IQ of this little girl is really not for nothing!

After all the calculations, there is basically nothing she cannot!

"These people are too shady."

Le Xiaohu was terribly angry, "Master, I go out, I wo n’t eat dinner at night!"


With a wave of Li Fan, the gate of this martial art hall slammed shut.

"Master, everyone is bullying. We are still sitting here!"

Le Xiaohu was furious, "I'll go to kick the halls one by one to make them have a bad year!"

"This year is a big year, we have to live with us, there is no need to live a bad life for them."

Li Fan was not angry at all. "It's not too late to find them after the New Year."

"When does Master plan to settle the accounts?"

Le Xiaohu was already anxious.

"After the New Year, you go to play three martial arts halls every day."

Li Fan slowly drank a cup of Chinese tea, "In less than a week, they will find us on their own."

"I just can't swallow this breath."

"Even Jiang Ye didn't say anything, you were impulsive. OK, just sit down and do what your master said."

Liu Xiaowan also knows that revenge is not in a hurry. She appeased Le Xiaohu, then added that she was afraid he was worried.

"Just rest assured, your master is an old man."


Li Fan is a little speechless. When did he become sly?

"Okay, listen to you."

Le Xiaohu nodded and promised to let it down.

"What are you worried about?"

Zhou Guifei was content with herself. "Since the other party can buy these two goods, IQ is like that. Why worry?"


The fat and thin duo don't know what to say, but just faintly think that this pretty woman makes sense.

In Li Fan, the girls are pretty. Especially the woman who is debugging Guqin is as beautiful as painting!

Fat and thin people are a little jealous and full of confidence in the future. As long as you practice martial arts, there will be beautiful women!

"Li Fan, I'm hungry."

The Dragon Girl finally came out of the room, and the little girl rubbed her eyes, as if she just woke up.

This girl now sleeps when she is full, and eats when she wakes up.

"Okay, it's not too early, let's prepare Chinese New Year dinner."

Li Fan said, turning on the TV in the living room.

"Ah, look at the mango station!"

Murong Ai picked up the remote and was ready to transfer to the mango table.

"Well? Don't change channels, Spring Festival Gala is about to begin."

Li Fan hurriedly said.

"Who wants to watch the Spring Festival Gala? It's boring. Still watching the mango station party, all are big stars!"

Murong love grinned, "And my male god!"

"Who is your god?"

"Wang Han!"


Li Fanxin said, does this girl like uncle!

I didn't see it, it was still an uncle.

"Yes, look at Mango Terrace, my Korean dolls also come!"

The Dragon Girl was also cheerful and sat on the sofa.

"I want to see the Spring Festival Gala ..."

Li Fan wants to cry without tears, and eating dumplings to watch the Spring Festival Gala. This is their Northeast habit.

"Do n’t bother you, let me tell you a song from the palace."

Zhou Guifei said, and finally began to play the piano.

The Dragon Girl was not interested at all, but after listening to two paragraphs, she quickly turned off the TV sound.

Zhou Guifei's melody is long and long, as if a painting of the court of the Ming Dynasty was rolled out and displayed in front of them.

This outstanding performance of the piano and the timbre reminded Li Fan of Cheng Mohan's little girl in Jin Yiwei.

But there is an atmosphere in Zhou Guifei's piano, which is a portrayal of a strong man.

Even a few apprentices are stupid. In this martial arts hall, are there really hidden dragons and crouching tigers? Is there such a great musician ...

After the song was played, the beams continued, and everyone was still interested.


Li Fan broke the silence and took the lead in clapping. "Zhou Guifei, come again!"


Zhou Guifei put away her guqin, "My palace, I only play one song a year."

Rub, what's the rule?

"Well, let's have New Year's Eve and serve."

Zhou Guifei slammed her finger, and her voice penetrated directly into the kitchen with penetrating power.

Soon, the kitchen door was opened, and the chefs pushed the cart and walked out of it.

The top of each cart was full of sumptuous meals, and the dragon girl only drooled.

Li Fan thought about it for a while, and it seemed that he couldn't waste it.

"Thank you all for being here this year."

Li Fan greeted everyone to sit around the table, and then raised his glass. "I Li Fan, from an ordinary high school student, to this day, it is considered to be with you. I hope that next year, we can still gather at Here. I wish you all a Happy New Year, Wu Yun Changlong. "

"I also wish my brother-in-law to become the best in the world as soon as possible!"

Murong Ai was beside Li Fan and was not lonely. She raised her glass.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, Liu Xiaowan suddenly had an idea and thought of an idea.

"It's boring to drink like this, shall we play a drinking order?"

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