My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1170: Fearful Zhou Guifei

1170 Fearful Zhou Guifei

The bald man in red was aggressive and united people from no less than thirty martial arts halls.

At G City Wuguan, everyone is in danger. The martial arts halls that were kicked by Le Xiaohu were in sorrow. And the martial arts hall that has not been kicked, everyone is in danger, for fear of becoming the next target to be kicked off.

Therefore, under the confusion of bald heads in red, this group of talents gathered together again, and there were more people, and they were ready to demonstrate with the Seven Chivalry Museum!

"Brothers, you must not let the Seven Chivalry Museum despise us!"

The red-headed bald shouted while walking.

"Yes, that's right!"

"Let them see our strength!"

"The people in the Seven Chivalrous Martial Art Museum are too much, and they are not allowed to open martial arts museum!"

A group of warriors followed, and seemed to be angry.

These guys gathered in front of Qi Xia Wu Guan in a short while, and when they got here, they were stunned.

Dozens of men in black suits and uniforms stood at the door of the Seven Chivalrous Martial Arts Museum, all of them looked very vicious, with sabers hanging around their waists, like doormen!

The red-headed bald-headed froze, looking at one of the men in the white suit, which seemed to be a little higher, and couldn't help coming forward to ask.

"Friend ... what are you doing?"

"Get out of here."

The white suit yelled, "No access here!"

"Shit, you look down on people!"

The bald head in red was directly angry, and he was preparing to teach people lessons about these blind-eyed guys! As a result, the white suit pulled a pistol from his waist and turned off the insurance.

And behind him a group of black suits, Qi brushed out his handgun and aimed at the martial artists in front of him.

The warriors are going to scare the birds. What is going on and why are they playing with guns?

"Big brother, I was wrong."

The red-headed bald urged him, but he was as powerful as a gun!

"You, which way are you ..."

"Official way!"

Zhai Wuliang rolled his eyes, "Hurry up, don't disturb your eyes here!"

They could only leave with red bald heads. They said that Li Fan was not authentic. He even asked so many plainclothes policemen to come to see the house.

"I can't think of it, Yu Linjun still has such a wonderful use."

Li Fan saw such a scene from the window and couldn't help laughing, "It's too coincidental."

"Master, these stupid people are not around the door every day, it's not a problem!"

Le Xiaohu was a bit worried, and asked Li Fan, "They are fierce one by one, so stop here. How can our martial arts business continue?"

"Yes, I started to think."

Li Fan laughed. "Actually, I already figured out a way."


Le Xiaohu was taken aback. Master is already done?

"Tonight, I will drive these people away."

Li Fan said mysteriously, then turned back to the room.

Le Xiaohu was a little bit puzzled, and Master's thoughts were beyond his grasp. In the past, Master was particularly straightforward, basically thinking about what to say. And now the Master, with an unpredictable look, has the style of those hidden masters!

"Forget it, don't want it anymore, headache!"

Le Xiaohu looked back and saw the three apprentices behind him all laughing at him.

"Wipe, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, nothing ... Master is mighty!"

Wang Xiaoran hurriedly said.

"Yes, master is mighty and domineering, the world is invincible!"

The thin man kept on flattering.

"Fart, Master is much better than me! You guys are not honest, add an hour of Zama!"


These apprentices were crying, and Le Xiaohu was out of anger. However, he still couldn't figure out. What master's tricks can Master use to drive away these hooligans?

If Sister Lin Yuexian were here, she would have guessed it! The military division is here too. The military division is resourceful, and you should be able to understand Master's mind.

"No, I have to ask!"

Le Xiaohu thought for a long time, who should I ask about this? Let's find Jiang Ye, Jiang Ye is very clever ... But Le Xiaohu just doesn't want to go to her! She will be laughed at by that time!

Yeah, you ca n’t find this girl!

Ask Murong Ai? This little aunt, Master, looks pretty smart, she should be fine!


Le Xiaohu thought of it and went to Murong's room.

Li Fan specially prepared an entertainment room for the two little girls, which contained computer games, so that the two little girls could have fun. The two girls were doing nothing, and just sitting together playing games every day, let Li Fan save his dim sum.

"Get off the road! Come down and support me!"

"Wait, I'm playing blue!"

"Dragon Girl! Saying that the wild areas are invincible!"

"Ahem ... are you waiting ..."

The two girls were playing with a passion, Le Xiaohu stood at the door and looked for a long time, feeling that there was no room for intervention.

He hesitated for a while before leaving the room.

Just ask Zhou Guifei, maybe she will know.

At this time, Zhou Guifei was sitting on the balcony on the second floor, and she would come here to collect gas at this time every day. For Zhou Guifei, because she practiced the "Nine Buddha True Scriptures", she must keep absorbing the vitality of others to survive. Under the control of Li Fan, she can only go outside every day to absorb some sporadic vitality to supplement herself.

Absorb a little bit every day, at most, make people nearby live a year or two. And Zhou Guifei's current strength, her absorption area can cover the entire g city. In this way, she can not only sustain her life, but also slowly increase her strength.

Not only that, she also absorbed some vitality from Li Fan's body through double cultivation and let her true energy evolve along with it.

Now Zhou Guifei seems to have the prestige of the undead evil Buddha in the past.

"That ... Mother-in-law, disturbed ..."

Le Xiaohu came to the balcony on the second floor and looked at Zhou Guifei who was sitting on the second floor. Although he lived in Wuguan for a while, Le Xiaohu was still a little scared of Zhou Guifei.

This woman, I heard it was a terrible guy before!

She must be sincere, don't make her angry!

"Mother-in-law ... Do you have time ... I have something to ask."

"Say it."

Zhou Guifei was still sitting there, her back to Le Xiaohu, her voice came over.

I have to say that not only does this concubine look beautiful, her voice is also very nice.

"That one……"

Le Xiaohu was daring all day long, but he persuaded in front of Zhou Guifei.

"Go forward and talk."

Zhou Guifei's voice came again, "Is this palace terrible?"

"No, no ..."

Le Xiaohu didn't dare to justify, hurried forward, and then knelt beside Zhou Guifei.

"Let's listen, Honmiya."

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