My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1171: A bunch of waste

1171 A group of waste

"That ... I just have a problem and don't understand ... Mother-in-law, you see, there are so many obstructing Yu Linjun downstairs, it makes you unhappy, right?"

Le Xiaohu adjusted his mentality, and then pointed at the Royal Army below.

"of course."

Zhou Guifei snorted coldly, "If it were not for Li Fan's disapproval, this palace would have turned them all into bones."


Le Xiaohu's heartbeat is fast, this woman is really dangerous ...

"But ... Master told me today that he already has a way to drive them away ..."

"Oh, right?"

Guigui Zhou thought for a moment, "This palace probably knows, Li Fan, he really likes tossing, and it is not convenient to kill it directly."

"Mother-in-law ... Do you already think?"

"of course."

Zhou Guifei seems to be just talking about small things, "Li Fan wants to lead these people away."

"Take it away?"

"Well, you know at night. But this method is really troublesome."

"I also feel that I have defeated them directly!"

Le Xiaohu is also a more direct and mindless person.

"These dogs are fighting for powerful things, I really want to beat them!"

"This house can understand your mind."

Zhou Guifei said slowly, "But now that Li Fan has decided, you have to share a little bit, you can't break your master's affairs, you know?"


Le Xiaohu dare not say half a word, immediately nodded and promised.

"Well, go ahead, this palace will continue to take gas."

"Observe, consort."

Le Xiaohu went back to continue to train apprentices, and at the same time he muttered in his heart, one by one, how do they like to sell offense!

"so annoying."

Le Xiaohu was a little crazy, and for the first time, I found this day so difficult! Why isn't it late!

Le Xiaohu scratched his heart and finally waited for the evening. After entering the night, Li Fan instructed the martial arts to turn off the lights early, and even the apprentices were on holiday and rested in advance!

Le Xiaohu couldn't sleep. He was sitting in the living room, still wondering what Master would do.

At this moment, he saw the master come out of the room, and every time he took a step, his body changed one point. Soon, his body became meticulous and meticulous, exactly the same as Jin Jiumao's body! Later, Li Fan put Jin Jiumao's hoodie outside, put on his hat, and then jumped out of the window!

Le Xiaohu instantly realized that it was so! The master is so cunning, even playing such a trick to tune Tiger Lishan!

Zhai Wuliang, they can keep for half a month, but the Qixia Wuguan still has no movement, as if there is really no such person as Jin Jiumao. But Zhai Wuliang saw Jin Jiumao enter the martial arts hall with his own eyes. He believed that if he squatted and guarded, he would definitely catch the sword thief!

Zhai Wuliang just yawned, and then saw a familiar figure jumping out from the rear window of Wu Guan.

"Jin Jiu Mao! I finally waited for you!"

Zhai Wuliang sneered three times, "Brothers, follow her, don't let her go!"

The surrounding black suits all acted, followed Zhai Wuliang, walked the wall together, and chased the figure of "Jin Jiumao".

After chasing for a while, Zhai Wuliang felt a little depressed. This Jiu Jiumao's light work is so good, it leaps between buildings, and the lightness is erratic. A group of Yulin army is chasing after it, but it can't catch up!

"Ironclaws! Left wing strikes."

Zhai Wuliang commanded with a walkie-talkie, and the Yulin Army on the left jumped up quickly.

"Jingu Mao" jumped up from the side of a building, rolled over in the air, and fell towards the opposite side.

The Yulin Army on the left also followed, and they stood on the edge of the building and threw their hooks towards "Jin Jiumao" together.

Ten hooks grabbed together toward "Jin Jiu Mao", but "Jin Jiu Mao" suddenly kicked his left foot and right foot, and a Wudang ladder clouded up, he even avoided the hooks below, and then landed on the opposite floor. But Zhai Wuliang already took advantage of this effort to bring more than a dozen Imperial Forest troops here, waiting for Jin Jiumao to throw himself into the net.

Jin Jiumao fell and fell into the siege of the Royal Forest Army. Each of these Imperial Forest soldiers carried a long knife, rushed forward, and slashed according to Jin Jiumao!

"Don't hack her! I want to live!"

Zhai Wuliang was very happy. After he caught Jin Jiumao, he had to get the whole information of Yijian from her mouth!

When you catch Yijian, you will make great achievements. Do n’t say it is a car class. Even a horse-level cadre is possible!

Jin Jiumao, leaning on the sword, they are all their own chips!

These Yu Linjun are fighters enhanced by the government with black technology. They are from four major families, and then a chip is implanted in the body. It is said that this is an advanced chip jointly developed by the United States and Huaxia, which can enhance the skills of the human body and activate the attributes of the human body to the most perfect state!

Zhai Wuliang has such a chip in his body, but the attributes above are only gun-level. Although they all took part in the government, they all took Sangong Pills. Only with a chip can you be stronger. Raise the level, the chip's attributes will also increase, and they will become more powerful!

This is the government's strategy to control the Royal Army. Using chips to enhance the Royal Forest can also destroy the Royal Forest with chips. Once the Yulin Army does not listen to the control, they only need to press a button gently and the Yulin Army will be destroyed.

At this moment, these soldier-level Yulin Army surrounded "Jujiu Mao" and tried to arrest her.

However, "Jin Jiumao" cast a mantis fist and directly knocked down an Imperial Forest rushing to the front.

Zhai Wuliang was expressionless as he watched his blood blow out of a blood cave. These men died when they died. Anyway, they will be dead. They will not die in vain, they will only make themselves climb higher!

Jin Jiumao is indeed a cadre who relies on the sword.

Her praying mantis fist is fierce and vicious, extremely deadly, so that the surrounding Royal Forest can't even approach!

"A bunch of waste!"

Zhai Wuliang was a little upset, but after so long, he couldn't win a little girl!

He was ready to go forward and shoot himself, but the other party suddenly stood up, stepping on the heads of several Yulin Army, and performing light work and quickly left!

"Where to run!"

Zhai Wuliang was in a hurry at the time, and finally came to this point. She must not be allowed to run away!

Zhai Wuliang pulled out his sword, and in front of Jin Jiumao's figure, he threw out his sword! However, Jin Jiumao's merits were too great, and he vacated dozens of meters in an instant, and he couldn't catch up with Qi!

"Damn! Damn!"

Zhai Wuliang yelled, "You useless waste! You let her run away! What did you eat!"

"Sir ... what shall we do now ..."


Zhai Wuliang gave his staff a mouth, "Waste! Go back to the military first! Then make a decision!"

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