My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1172: Two female soldiers

1172 Two Female Soldiers

Li Fan played a game of Li Daitao and successfully deceived Yu Linjun from his martial arts hall.

In the early morning of the next day, one of the Royal Army was gone in front of the Seven Chivalrous Palace, and it was clean. However, without waiting for Li Fansong's tone, General Ran, the person in charge of the twelve days, sent two sentrymen to set up a whistle directly in front of his martial arts gate.

"What do you mean?"

Li Fan held the phone, his tone was not very good. "I just sent a group of young ghosts, and you invited me two Buddhas again?"

"Major Li, you misunderstood, they are here to protect you."

General Ran explained, "Now the people above want to deal with you, am I not helping you?"

"Big brother can help me?"

"The two of them are definitely not as powerful as you, but their presence can be used to warn those who want to take action against you. Besides, this is your own person, what are you unwilling to do. You are also a military region Cadre, is it wrong for you to have two guards? "

"Can you match two female guards?"

"Xiao Li! You have just become a colonel. You are young and have a little grade. You even think of corruption!"

General Ran reprimanded Li Fan, "You are so disappointed in your organization!"

"Then fire me out of the organization."

"But the organization takes into account that you are unmarried and you have a strong temperament, and it is not inevitable ..."

In the afternoon of the same day, Li Fan replaced two female soldiers.

Li Fan is stupid. He was a joke, but he didn't expect to exchange two female soldiers!

In Li Fan's mind, there should be two types of female soldiers. One is black ugly and black ugly, strong and strong, one that hits eight old men. The other is a literary soldier, which is specially pleasing to the leaders. It is as beautiful as a flower and not useful.

But the two women soldiers in front of them were clearly different. The two of them were fair-skinned and ponytailed. One had wheat-colored skin and short hair. No matter which one, it's all magnificent, and it's all a little beauty ...

The military region can find such two female soldiers, which is great!

"Red Arrow Brigade, guard Bai Xue, report to Chief Li!"

"Red Arrow Brigade, guard Zhao Yan, report to Chief Li!"

The two female soldiers have a soft voice and a capable voice, but they have different tastes.

"Red Arrows ... what's that?"

Li Fan has never heard of this army.

Li Fan saw that Zhao Yan, who had wheat-skinned skin, obviously left her mouth.

Bai Xue seemed to be patient and explained to Li Fan.

"Reporting officer, the Red Arrows Brigade is a special force created by Commander Ran. The special forces in this unit are all elites drawn from the following units, selected one by one, and finally implanted dragon chips. The task is to protect the heads of the leaders and perform various secret tasks. "

"Your Red Arrows team? Are they all female soldiers?"

Zhao Yan seemed to be poking again.

"Report to the sir, yes."

Bai Xue nodded, and Li Fan immediately wanted to crook.

"Not the sir you think."

Zhao Yan finally spoke. Although she remained indifferent, there was still some small irony in her voice that was irresistible.

"The significance of female soldiers is to make the enemy lose their defense. When they think we are harmless, we will directly insert into each other's heart like a stinger!"

"It sounds pretty good, but what a dragon chip is?"

Li Fan also doesn't want to have general knowledge with a little girl. I guess she is the lowest-ranking officer she serves. Women's bodyguards, Li Fan admires General Ran's new ideas a bit! This reminds Li Fan of a Hong Kong movie I saw before, Overlord Flower!

"Dragon chips are the latest technology specifically designed to increase human potential."

Bai Xue said, "After being implanted in the human body, the combat ability of individual soldiers can be enhanced. The chip is divided into seven levels, and the soldiers and chariots are armed."

"I see. It turned out that the Yulin Army was equipped with this kind of thing."

"Yes, sir."

"Then what level are you both?"

"Report sir, both of our implants are car-grade chips."

Two female soldiers report.

Car class ...

Li Fan fought with the Yulin Army yesterday. The strength of the ordinary soldier-level Yulin Army is in the fire. The artillery-level Zhai Wuliang should have the strength to enter the room. At the car level, there will be peak strength? It should be impossible. If you recur so much, how high will it be? Isn't it invincible?

They should have their own method of strength assessment, Li Fan is very interested to try.


Li Fan commanded that his two apprentices came over and stood beside them respectfully.

"Two, can you let my apprentice discuss with you?"

Li Fan asked politely, "The two don't need to show mercy despite their best efforts."

"Is this an order?"

Shirayuki was surprised and couldn't answer. Zhao Yan responded and asked directly.

"Well ... it's an order."

Li Fan nodded.

"Sir, then I will come!"

Zhao Yan took the initiative to ask for help, as if she knew that Bai Xue would be merciless.

Li Fan stood there, motioning to Zhao Yan at will.

Zhao Yan is also not polite, even if the other party is young, she does not care.

The duty of soldiers is to obey!

She took a step forward, and as soon as she reached out, she would capture Jiangye!

But Jiang Ye shook his shoulders and shook Zhao Yan's hand.


Zhao Yan was taken aback, but after all she was a professional soldier. Although her hands were popped open, she was on one side of her body, came directly behind Jiang Ye, and then kicked her leg.

Although their physical fitness has been strengthened, they are still practicing military combat skills.

Li Fan looked so honest, and did not point Jiang Ye, watching how she countered.

Jiang Ye didn't panic. She turned flexibly, and she also extended her legs to lock her kick.

Zhao Yan frowned, she should be the first time to deal with martial arts.

How strong Wudoujia is, I'm afraid Zhao Yan hasn't counted it yet.

But after all, Zhao Yan was a special soldier trained by the Red Arrows Brigade. Her legs were locked, but she waved a hand knife and hurled towards Jiang Ye's throat.

Jiang Ye used the technique of snake strike to the extreme. She locked Zhao Yan's hand knife with her right hand, and at the same time stabbed her throat, turning her defense into an attack.

Zhao Yan was more and more surprised, she felt that she was dealing with a terrible poisonous snake!

She patted with her other hand, trying to pat Jiang Ye's attack. But Jiang Ye's palms receded, and then an invisible wave spurted out, hitting Zhao Yan's body.

Zhao Yan was surprised to be pushed out by this fluctuation.

"Is that true?"


Li Fan nodded and made a gesture of thanks to Zhao Yan.

"That's it, you worked hard."

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