1174 Invitation

"Where is Zhao Yan?"

Li Fan looked at Bai Xue wearing a white sportswear and stood in front of himself, asking casually.

After Zhao Yan rejected himself twice during the day, Li Fan waited until night.

Bai Xue was waiting for herself in the dojo. This brave female soldier looked clean and shy when she put on white sportswear. Her soft body and figure made Li Fan feel very good. Especially this girl's character is much gentler than Zhao Yan. As long as you are obedient, you can easily adjust-teach ... No, it is easy to teach!

"Sir, what am I going to learn?

Bai Xue is still confused.

"No, it's really useless for you to learn light work."

Li Fan explained, "I don't intend to teach you too complicated internal forces. I ca n’t learn it for two days at first, and after you learn it, it ’s not good for your identity. The country now has a military embargo, so you must be knew."

"Yes, I heard it a little."

"Well, so, what I want to teach you is relatively simple and vigorous!"


Bai Xue didn't understand these terms of Li Fan at all, but looking at Bai Xue made Li Fan have a feeling of going back to that year. At that time, it was probably the same situation for the first-time martial arts self standing in front of Murong Ying.

"Yes, if you describe it, it is a forceful technique."

Li Fan said, palms sticked to the next post. Suddenly, a burst of energy erupted on the wooden post, and the post was directly cut off, split into two, and flew far away.

"That's the energy that can make your attack more powerful."

"so smart……"

Bai Xue was a little surprised. Although she was also capable of punching broken wooden poles with one punch, her energy obviously belonged to the second blow. The effect should not be too good!

"After you hit the enemy, make up for another move, and the effect won't need me to say?"

Li Fan held his arms, stood there, and looked at Baixue, giving Baixue a feeling of high mountains.

It's really weird ... This boy, obviously looks young, why is he so courageous? I also met many leaders when I was in the military region. Some generals have the same momentum as Li Fan. It was a domineering battle-tested field that made people dare not look straight.

"This, can I learn?"

Bai Xue added some respect when speaking, there was no way, the teenager in front of her could not help but not respect. One stop here is a big mountain.

"Of course, two days are enough."

Li Fan gave Baixue a trustworthy smile, "You have dragon chips in your body, and you can learn to be vigorous, it can be said to be a piece of cake. However, I am curious. This dragon chip enhances your combat effectiveness. Is there no side effect? "

"No side effects."

Bai Xue said confidently, "This is a dragon chip created after many practices. However, the dragon chip is completely controlled by the superior. If I have a rebellious behavior, I will turn off the dragon chip immediately. At that time, my strength It will also return to the ranks of ordinary special forces. "

"It turned out to be such a tough control."

Li Fan has understood, where is the power of this thing. In this way, all combat power is really controlled by the government. Unlike Wu Lin, he has been in an uncontrolled state.

No wonder the doves can destroy Wulin confidently. It turned out that they had given themselves a hand.

The super soldiers who rely on dragon chips can indeed resist the special forces of various countries in some respects. However, just like Bai Xue, simply increasing combat effectiveness is probably not enough. Li Fan thought, the government should have prepared other things, right?

"Apart from the Dragon Chip, do you have any other equipment?"

"I heard that it is under development, but I don't know what it is."

Bai Xue shook his head. "Sir, after all, I'm just a small soldier."

"makes sense."

This kind of news should be inquired with General Ran.

"Well, let's not talk about that, I will continue to teach you to be vigorous."

Li Fan laughed. "The day after tomorrow will depend on you to win. Don't be affectionate to your sisters."

Bai Xue was said to have a red face and emphasized immediately.

"Sir, rest assured, when performing tasks, everything is mission-oriented!"

"I mean, don't take it seriously, haha."

Li Fan laughed. This Bai Xue was really cute.

"Trouble sir."

"You're welcome, learn from me ..."

In the middle of the night, Li Fan had not slept, and was teaching Baixue's strength. It should not affect the rest time of others too much. When the middle of the night, Li Fan put her back to rest.

The two of them started to stand guard every day at 5 am. Li Fan said that she would give Bai Xue an hour off and let her sleep more.

It seems that in this respect, the soldiers are the same rigid. Li Fan respected Bai Xue and didn't force it.

Early the next morning, after Li Fan got up, there was a loud noise outside.

"what happened?"

Li Fan pushed open the door and walked out. The people in the martial arts were not practicing martial arts, but all ran outside.

Li Fan went out to take a look. Sure enough, a group of martial artists surrounded the martial arts hall again. However, two female soldiers carrying guns stood at the door, and they did not dare to do anything.

"What's wrong, it was so noisy early in the morning."

After Li Fan came out, he saw the most conspicuous bald head in red.

"Li ... Master Li."

Even if it was a bald man in red, he had to admit it this time.

"Master Li, this is an invitation."

With his bald head in red, he stood with a few students and stood in front of the Wuguan gate, causing a crowd of passersby. This martial arts hall does not know who opened it, it has been so lively!

"Oh? Would you like me to eat?"

Li Fan accepted the invitation.

"Yes, Master Li ... I want to join our association, Kokonoe."


Li Fan raised his eyebrows, what is this?

"The chairman said that as long as you have played Jiuzhong, Master Li, you can open a martial arts museum here unconditionally."

Xiao Hu was next to him. When he heard this, he stepped forward in a red bald and was stopped by Li Fan. Although Le Xiaohu was young and not tall, when he was angry, he stared like a bell, his hair trembled, and the appearance of a tiger that could eat people was terrible.

In red, he looked at the furious Le Xiaohu with a bald head, and some trembled, afraid to come forward.

"Little tiger, what are you doing?"

Li Fan reprimanded the apprentice.

"Master, what kind of thing do they dare to scream at you like this!"

Le Xiaohu was unhappy with this group of assholes. This martial arts hall is too rough! These guys are too bullying!

"Well, it's good to meet the president of the Wushu Association."

Li Fan was smiling. He had already figured this out, and he would wait for these people to come.

With this invitation, those who have some martial arts will be completely dismissed.

"Go back and tell the chairman, I should leave this matter."

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