1175 Three Trials

Li Fan didn't take Le Xiaohu with such a banquet and a snooze. He is very young and has a good temper, and he needs more discipline. At this kind of party, Li Fan was really afraid that he couldn't help but slap up the president of the martial arts association for a while.

At noon, Li Fan took Jiang Ye to the rich restaurant on the street and attended a banquet hosted by the president of the association, Yang Ye.

Jiang Ye followed Li Fan, like a little follower, still holding his extraordinary sword for Li Fan.

Said to be a disciple, but more like a disciple.

The rich restaurant is not small. It stands on the side of the street and has quite ancient decoration. In this g city, there are still many ancient buildings in this style, and they have a taste of the former dynasty. On the red plaque, four large gilded characters are shining, attracting diners. Two beautiful waitresses in cheongsam stood at the door, elegantly lightly makeup, tall and exquisite. When they saw Li Fan, Qi Qi gave a gift to him, making Li Fan mistakenly think that he was a noble officer in the past.

"Welcome to my lord."

That delicate voice rang in Li Fan's ears, making him almost boneless. The people in this restaurant really do it, making it difficult for people to miss it. But often such restaurants, the price is not cheap. After all, it's not just the food that is enjoyed here, it's the service that is different.

But what awkward is that beside the two court beauties, there are still four strong warriors standing. These four seem to have been born by a mother, each of which is huge and bright, like the Hulk coming out of the set.

"But Master Li of the Seven Chivalry Museum?"

A brave man with a purple birthmark on his face fell on Li Fan and asked with a moan. His voice seemed to be struck by a broken leather cowhide, which made people feel sick.

"Exactly, leaflet."

Li Fan's words fell, and Jiang Ye behind him stepped forward and handed a red invitation.

The big man looked at Jiang Ye more often. This girl was wearing a black and red military uniform of the Seven Chivalrous Armed Forces, with a black mask clasped on her face to hide her identity. When going out, you must cover your face with a mask. This is the rule that Li Fan has set for Jiang Ye. At present, Murongbo's eyeliner is in the rivers and lakes, and Li Fan doesn't want to have extra branches.

"Master Li, please go upstairs."

The big man reached for his broken throat and asked for a hand.

Li Fan was going upstairs, but the big man suddenly reached out and stopped Jiang Ye.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Ye's voice was cold and questioning.

"Only invitation Master Li is invited on the invitation, others are waiting here."


Jiang Ye sneered, rather disdainful. She shot in an instant and locked it around the big man's neck. A petite little girl just lifted this strong man with a height of nine meters into the air with one hand. The big man blushed and kicked his feet desperately, like a fight with a trapped beast, constantly struggling, but unable to break free of Jiang Ye's small hands.

The three martial artists next to him were taken aback and were about to come forward to help, but Jiang Ye shouted coldly.

"Who dares to come forward, I twisted his neck."

The Dahan waved his hands desperately, and the other three martial arts masters stopped. I don't know what to do.

At this time, the restaurant's door was pushed open, and a man with golden silk glasses and a white trench coat stood there and glanced outside.

"Master Li, what do you mean?"

"Which sir?"

Li Fan pretended to be stupid, and the other frowned immediately.

"I am Chairman's apprentice, Jiang Hu. This restaurant is also my property."

Jiang Hu looked at Li Fan with a little anger, "We are very kind and apprentices and want to entertain Master Li for a wine banquet. I did not expect Master Li to be so overbearing and instructed his disciples to hit someone."

"Have you? Did you hit someone?"

Li Fan looked at Jiang Ye in surprise. "Xiaoye, have you hit him?"

"No, just watch his clothes dirty and help him clean it up."

Talking, Jiang Ye slaps Da Han's chest twice, then puts him back on the ground.

"You see, my apprentice is also kind-hearted. How can you take care of the dust for your people?"

The big man was like the rest of his life, covering his neck, squatting on the ground and breathing hard. He never felt that the air smelled so good! Life, I want to like you!


Jiang Hu was said to be dumb, and thought he was just a good young man, but he did not expect that the other party was so shameless that he was helpless.

"Since it is a misunderstanding, please ask Master Li to go upstairs."

"Look, they are generous when they open a big restaurant."

Li Fan held Jiang Ye's arm. "Let ’s go, Xiaoye, they invited us to eat and drink, and we can't take it easy. Let's go upstairs ... by the way, thank you, Mr. Jiang."

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Ye followed Master's mind and worshiped Jiang Hu.

Jiang Hu's body trembled slightly. People have talked to this point. Can he still refuse?

"Then please, two."

Jiang Hu reached out and asked, and invited the master and apprentice upstairs.

Li Fan shook his head and came to the second floor. The entire second floor was booked, and more than twenty tables were set up, but most of them were empty, with only two tables sitting. At the table were two and a half old men, a crane-haired boy face, a white robe, and a pipe in his hand. The other horns are white and valiant, in a suit. He looked at Li Fan's eyes, full of disdain.

On the table next to him, there were also martial arts teachers, who seemed to be the curators of major martial arts halls. Because of different exercises, each body is also abnormal. Some have long hands and some have long feet. Some are short and strong. It is also rare for so many martial arts masters to gather together. It's just that everyone looking at Li Fan's eyes is full of hostility, which is the common ground.

"Master Li, introduce to you. This is the president of the Wushu Association, and also my master, Yang Ye, the master of the Eight-pole Gate."

The old man holding the pipe nodded to Li Fan, smiling, and could not see the depth of his mind.

"Next to it is Chen Yuanchao, Mr. Chen Lao, Master Wing Chun, President of Wing Chun Association."


The old man with a pale horns was angry in his nose, and didn't seem to want to care about Li Fan.

"Here is Master Zhang, the curator of the Feilongwu Pavilion, Master Wang, the curator of the Baisheng Wu Pavilion, and Guangming Pavilion ..."

Jiang Hu treats these people like several treasures, and reports each person's name to Li Fan.

"Li Xiaoyou, please sit down."

After the introduction was finished, Yang Ye knocked on the pipe, pointed to the position in front of him, and said to Li Fan.


Li Fanlong stepped forward, came forward, and was about to sit down. Master Zhang, who was next to Feilongwuguan, patted the table, stood up, and scolded him.

"President Yang, you're generous, but we can't. He is a man who has no money and no life, why sit at a table with you?"

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