My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1176: When you turn your face,

Chapter 1176

Master Zhang slammed the table and rattled the hall.

"President Yang, you are generous, we all know. But we can't, this Li Fan has no capital, so why sit at a table with you two?"

Master Zhang's voice sounded like Hong Zhong, ringing in this room, attracting the martial artists around nodded in approval.

"Yeah, he's not qualified to sit here."

"Don't talk about President Yang's table, even if we are at this table, he is not eligible to sit!"

People around were complaining, but Li Fan's face was smooth, and he could not see joy or anger in his young face. Listening to these people's complaints, Li Fan just arched.

"Everyone, since Li is not welcome, then Li will leave."

After speaking, Li Fan was about to go downstairs, Jiang Hu was startled, and quickly stopped Li Fan.

"Master Li, Master Li, please stay away!"

"You little young ... leave in two words ..."

"Then ... sit where you want ..."

These martial arts officers changed their minds immediately.

If Li Fan were gone, wouldn't it be possible today?

Master Zhang, who was just called Huan, is also red-faced and red-eared, as if he doesn't know which gap to drill into.

Too embarrassing ... This Li Fan is holding a card. People want to go and leave. What they said just now was meant to humiliate Li Fan, but now it has become a humiliation to themselves!

"Li Xiaoyou is not angry. All those who practice martial arts have straight tempers. Come, sit down, this wine and dishes will be cold."

The old man said so nicely in his mouth, what he thought, but he didn't know. Li Fan also achieved the effect he wanted, without hesitation, sitting directly opposite Yang Ye and Chen Yuanchao.

"Li Xiaoyou is very rare in years. It is rare. I respect you."

President Yang directly raised his glass, Li Fan remained calm, and also raised his glass, running his train with his mouth full.

"President Yang is really kind. Your name is ringing in Kyushu! I sometimes dream of you when I sleep and wake up with tears moved by your might and charm! You are a model for martial arts, a treasure of Huaxia!"

When these words were spoken, even Jiang Hu, who was waiting for the wine bureau, could not help but scold his mother. What a shame!

"Li Xiaoyou, you are very young, you have a marvelous martial arts skill, who do you know?"

Regardless of whether it is in the rivers or lakes or in the martial arts world, it is very important to teach. This is called the capitalist theory. No matter who you are studying from, even if it is only a third-rate martial artist, as long as you are rooted in Miao Hong, you will have a certain status. But if you hit it by yourself, and you do n’t have a master, everyone will look down on you wherever you go.

This Li Fan originally learned some basics from Murong Ying, then opened his own path and opened a martial arts path. Even if he said that Master was Murong Ying, he was afraid they would not know him. But it's not difficult to beat Li Fan. He turned his eyes and found the answer.

"My Master has been driving a crane for many years and I really do not want to mention it."

"It turned out to have passed away. However, you are old and sick, and human beings, you and I can't escape this hurdle. It's a long way to go, Li Xiaoyou, who is your respected teacher?"

The old man didn't want to let Li Fan go like this. He must first come down and let Li Fan suffer humiliation!

"Xian Shi surnamed Hua."

Li Fan grinned.

"Mr. Hua? Is it Hua Zhengxiong who fought Hongquan, or North and South of Xingyiquan?"

The old man Yang said two names, both of whom are his friends. If Li Fan dare to pretend, he will let Li Fan be pierced here, ashamed!

"None of them. The first teacher's surname was Hua Mingyu, and he practiced Wu Qin Xi."

In a word, Li Fan said everyone was aggressive.

Hua Ye?

Wasn't Huaying dead early? Uh ... it seems Li Fan did say it, so the teacher went for many years ...

In the introduction of Li Fanwu Pavilion, he said that his kung fu came from Wu Qin Xi, saying that Hua Yuan is his master, and nothing seems wrong!

"This ... can't count like that ..."

Jiang Hu asked tentatively next to him.

"How can't it be counted? President Yang asked me who I studied under, and I did learn from Wu Hua's Wu Qin Xi. Teachers, preaching and teaching can also be confusing. Look, what's wrong?"

Li Fan's sophistry made everyone wonder how to refute.

His sophistry, even Jiang Hu who has been working in the business for many years, admired the five-body project. This guy, cow than ...

"Do you have anything else to know?"

Li Fan's smile made everyone hate it! But they can only gnash their teeth in private, and dare not say more.

"Li Xiaoyou really is a master apprentice, admire."

It seems that the old man's mentality is very good, neither angry nor irritable, still smiling and drinking with Li Fan.


At this time, Chen Yuanchao, who was sitting next to him, seemed finally unable to sit still, pointing at Li Fan's nose and scolding.

"Your kid is not very good at kung fu. The level of making up nonsense is quite high! It's so unlucky to have such a dog thing in the Wu Guan!"

The spirits of the people were stunned, and they said, OK, the drama is finally here!

Li Fan, who was just like a good guy, suddenly sank.

"Leaf, palm of your mouth."

The words fell, Jiang Ye didn't know when he stepped on the table, and directly used his feet to pull Chen Yuanchao's mouth.

Chen Yuanchao didn't even have a chance to react. He just spun out and smashed a table next to him, and passed out.

Jiang Ye appeared behind Li Fan again, and poured him a glass of wine, as if he had never left.

For a moment, it seemed as if everyone was dead in the room, and there was no sound at all.

What happened?

The plot is not right ... not so arranged! Wrong script?

Let's not talk about Li Fan, then turn his face, and directly beat the black-faced Chen Lao. Just talking about the apprentice just now, how did she make a move and how did Chen Lao get hit?

That's the old man of Chen Wingchun! I was so absorbed in the effort that it was so simple that I was blown away?

"I'm sorry, as for me, I have a bad temper and can't hear others scold me."

Li Fan put down his glass and said with a smile.

"The shot is a bit heavy, and I am willing to compensate him for his hospital expenses."

"Li, Li Fan ... you are too crazy!"

Master Zhang, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help it. He was afraid, and he bit his scalp and asked. He originally wanted to curse, but when he saw Jiang Ye with a mask, he looked at the old Chen who was lying dead ... He swallowed all the dirty words back and changed them into slightly elegant words, and asked.

"Oh? Am I crazy?"

Li Fan grinned, "People who practice martial arts will be friends with martial arts. Chen may be old and unable to work, why can't my apprentices fight it. By the way, isn't there a sacred horse today? When does it begin?"

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