My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1177: Dust settled

1177 The dust has settled

Jiang Ye, this little girl, has a more calm mind than Le Xiaohu.

She knows when to cooperate with herself and is perfect.

Just stunned Chen Yuanchao once, shocked everyone, and dared not have any extravagant behavior.

Everyone dare not to underestimate Li Fan, this man has strength and wrists. The most important thing seems to be the background ...

The people around looked at Li Fan's gaze, and they were a little scared.

"Li Xiaoyou ... what do you mean ..."

The old man looked at Li Fan's eyes differently. It seemed that Li Fan did not turn his face when he said he turned his face. In this case, he will not be able to sing this drama.

"You may not know me well, let me explain here."

Li Fan's voice is not loud, but it is clearly introduced into everyone's ear.

"As for me, I'm not very good-tempered. I'll discuss it with me, and I'll treat you with courtesy. But if you threaten me, don't blame me!"

After Li Fan spoke, he slapped him on the table.

With a crack, this solid wood table was directly torn apart by Li Fan, splashed with dust, and the bowls and bowls on it fell to the ground and shattered. The people in this room are all blue. Slap a solid wood table with one slap ... Can this be done?

A group of people were panicked, and were uneasy inside, not knowing how to answer Li Fan.

President Yang is also a man who has seen strong winds and waves. He calmed down for a while and finally was able to speak.

"Li, Li Xiaoyou ... why are you angry? Chen Lao is just a little bit upright. There is no need to beat him like this ..."

Looking at Chen Yuanchao who didn't know whether it was death or alive, President Yang didn't feel it.

"Rest assured, my apprentice has a serious shot, he can't die."

Li Fan gently "comforted" them, "However, it is inevitable to lie in bed for ten days and a half months. Medical expenses are covered by me, and Chen Lao can't be hurt in vain. I am not an unreasonable person . "

Everyone was scolding in their hearts, anxious to swallow Li Fansheng! But just thinking about it, all kinds of resentments were swallowed up to the lips. Li Fan had already revealed his wrist, and shocked everyone present.

"That nine-in-law, when will we open?"

Li Fan asked, "Don't delay everyone's time, let's hurry up and go home, right?"

"Here, these nine heavy puppets ... is to let Li Xiaoyou, on behalf of the Seven Chivalrous Martial Arts Museum, play against the curators of nine other martial arts museums ...

The owners of the surrounding halls shook their heads like rattles.

"Master Zhang, weren't you most excited just now, or should you come?"

"No, no, no, I've got Lao Han's legs recently, and it's not good yet. Master Wang, I think you've been in good health recently, can you fight?"

"Where is this? It's almost time. I'm in a hurry to pick up the child. The child is almost out of school."

"Aren't your children in their thirties?"

"Adult night!"


President Yang could only sigh. It seems that these people can't be trusted.

With just one palm, Li Fan made all of them afraid. The situation has gone, the situation has gone!

President Yang sighed in his heart, and had to make a gentle look on his face.

"It seems that the curators have admitted you."

President Yang arched his hand at Li Fan. "From today on, you will be a member of the Wushu Association. You will also ask Li Xiaoyou to work hard for Chinese martial arts culture."

"It should be. It is impossible to eat rice today. Come to me another day. I invite you to drink!"

After Li Fan finished speaking, he walked away without looking back.

He walked on his front feet, and the rest of the dining room was relieved.

What a ... terrible, this Li Fan, too strong, is not an opponent at a level at all!

"Master ... whether he is such a master of ancient martial arts ..."

Jiang Hu suddenly remembered.

"It's possible to look at such skills."

President Yang also analyzed it. "But if I remember correctly, it should now be issued a ban on martial arts. This Li Fan, using internal force, is it illegal?"

"But ... he seems to have a military background ..."

Master Zhang asked carefully, "Shall we report him?"

"Let's watch for a while."

Yang Ye was not an impulsive person. Several failures made him more alert.

When Li Fan returned to the Martial Art Museum, Tian Gang was black. Bai Xue was already waiting in the dojo. Li Fan gave her a pointer and let her go to sleep.

For tomorrow's competition, Li Fan is still very confident. If even this little thing can't be done, his martial arts hall will be in vain.

Liu Xiaowan has laid the bed, waiting for Li Fan.

"What's wrong, isn't it going well today, why are you still not happy?"

After a little hesitation, Liu Xiaowan looked at the teenager lying next to her, gently stroking his cheek with his hand, and asked.

"I'm worried about Princess Zhou."

"Worried about her? She is so strong, do you need to worry?"

Liu Xiaowan was lying there, slightly moist between the corners of her eyebrows, and looked pretty moving.

"Well, she was not normal when she left yesterday."

Li Fan didn't respond before, but after thinking about it later, I felt that something was wrong.

"Zhou Guifei once said that her club had gone to formal, and even if she was not there, she could solve it by herself. But yesterday she suddenly said that everything would happen and she had to go back to deal with it. It really didn't make sense."

"Maybe something unexpected."

Liu Xiaowan squeezed Li Fan's nose playfully, "You, I really like to think wildly."

"In Zhou Guifei's character, no matter what happened, she resolved it with a phone call. But she went away, and it took a few days to go, which is unreasonable."

"You, do you miss someone? Can't bear to let her go?"

After listening to Liu Xiaowan's words, it seemed a little jealous.

"It's time to learn, sister, it's time now, what else do you want to eat?"

Li Fan took a pat on her hips and felt good.

"There must be a demon in the event of an abnormal situation. Anyhow, Zhou Guifei is the strongest fighting force in our wave. If she has anything, it will be very unfavorable to us."

"Otherwise, will you check it out tomorrow?"

"Well, I intend to do the same. But here at the Wuguan, I'm not here, afraid they can't hold back the tigers. Especially here is Maomao. In case of the sudden attack by the Royal Forest Army, you're afraid it's not safe."

"Xiao Hu and Jiang Ye are not too young, and it's time to help you manage the martial arts. If Jin Jiumao, she has been leaning on the sword for many years, and she has a lot of experience in rivers and lakes. There is nothing she can handle well . "

Liu Xiaowan comforted Li Fan, "You can go with peace of mind, but you can't look forward to it."

"I see, let's study other things."

"Ah? What else?"

"Having a child."

"Bad guy ..."

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