My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1178: Where did the concubine go

1178 Where did the concubine go?

Early the next morning, the two female soldiers stood in the dojo in accordance with the agreement, waiting for a contest between the two.

Li Fan stood with his hands in his pockets. He didn't wear the Dojo uniform today, but changed into a casual white sportswear. Although the clothes were ordinary, Li Fan had short hair and was in full of energy. At a glance, he knew that he was not like a common man.

Long Nv and Murong Ai also seldom played games and ran out to watch the fun. The two girls are very nice now, and they like to wear the same clothes. At this moment, both girls had ponytails on their sides, wearing little pink dresses, stepping on Winnie the Pooh slippers, and standing next to two little sisters, sharing snacks.

It's almost the same year. The elementary class of Wu Guan has already started. Jiang Ye is preparing for today's class in her dojo. Le Xiaohu, as usual, took three apprentices, but let these three people come out and study together. For them, each contest is a very valuable experience.

In particular, Wang Xiaoran also took a small book intentionally, ready to record it.

"Bai Xue, you are not as good as me when fighting. If you lose today, don't be angry."

Zhao Yan was standing opposite Bai Xue, and both girls were wearing ordinary camouflage clothes today. Otherwise, different clothes will have different effects. Some people have clothes racks, and they can wear a piece of clothing to put on the body. Some people, on the contrary, wear a brand name, but they just seem to have just come out of the village.

The two girls are completely clothes racks. The others wear camouflage clothes, and it is estimated that they can only wear the effect of migrant workers. But the two girls were dressed, but they looked smart and charming.

Bai Xue looked taller, while Zhao Yan was a little shorter, but when he rolled up his sleeves, he had some muscles on his arms, which was obviously stronger than Bai Xue.

From this point of view, in usual fighting games, Bai Xue's strength should be weaker than Zhao Yan, so he will suffer. But this time is different. Mastering the vigorous Shirayuki should have hidden advantages.

"No, just come."

Bai Xue looked at Li Fan's eyes, and became confident. She ponytailed again, looking seriously, staring at her opponent.

"Well, let's stop talking nonsense, let's get started."

With a big wave of Li Fan, both female soldiers moved.

Zhao Yan is clearly an offensive player, she swooped forward and attacked Bai Xue! She grabbed both hands on Shirayuki's shoulders, trying to grab a uniform Shirayuki. But Bai Xue fell backwards and fell backwards, throwing Zhao Yan out. Zhao Yan fell to the ground, but rolled on the ground, got up, and then turned back to be a whip leg, pumping towards Baixue.

Bai Xue is better at defense. She ate Zhao Yan's foot bluntly, holding back the severe pain from her shoulders, holding Zhao Yan's calf with both hands, and throwing her out.

Zhao Yan rolled again on the spot, resolved the strength on her body, climbed up again, took a good posture, and looked at Baixue.

"Sorry, Zhao Yan, I can't lose today."

Bai Xue said, suddenly changed his normality, and took the initiative to attack Zhao Yan.

The two were entangled in their bodies while blocking each other's attacks. Zhao Yan cut a hand knife on Bai Xue's neck, and Bai Xue punched Zhao Yan's left rib.

Bai Xue's eyes were dark, but when she gritted her teeth, she stiffened. After all, they have practiced hard qigong and still have some ability to resist blows.

And Zhao Yan also held a hand of Bai Xue.

"Your attack is still so weak ..."

Before Zhao Yan's words were finished, Bai Xue's fist suddenly heard a huge power.


Zhao Yan's body shook, her camouflage suit burst open, and a mouthful of blood spurted directly from her mouth.

She took two steps backwards, covering her left rib and kneeling down. Bai Xue hurried forward to check Zhao Yan's injury.

Li Fan said nothing, strode forward, fed Zhao Yan a Huichundan, and then stuck her palm on her lower abdomen, and remedied her medicine.

Soon, Zhao Yan recovered and wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth.

"Sorry, I didn't make any shots ..."

Bai Xue kept apologizing to Zhao Yan, but Zhao Yan had a complex complexion, and her heart was also undulating.

"I lost……"

Zhao Yan was silent for a while, and finally spoke.

"I will learn martial arts from you."

"Haha, that's fine this is fine."

Li Fan laughed, "Rest assured, I just teach you a little trick, just like teaching Bai Xue, I only taught her a little bit of vigorous skills, don't you think she will become stronger? As long as she uses this flexibly in the future Skills will become more and more powerful. "

"Do I also learn to work hard?"

Zhao Yanxin said that this kung fu seems to be really useful. In the past, Bai Xue has played countless games with himself and never won. But today, victory! Zhao Yan also wanted to learn this kind of power.

"Your personality is not suitable for strength. Strength needs to find the most appropriate opportunity to control the enemy."

Li Fan explained, "So, I plan to teach you to collapse."

"Bang Quan?"

Zhao Yan tilted her head, apparently did not understand.

"Well, in theory, it is almost the same as being vigorous. Both seem to be a technique to let the energy burst. However, Beng Quan is more direct and simpler, which is suitable for you to learn."

"Thank you sir."

Zhao Yan finally agreed to go and was willing to learn from Li Fan.

"You take a break first, I will go out during the day and come back to teach you at night. If I ca n’t come back at night, I will work hard for you two to stare a bit more."

"Yes, sir."

Both agreed, and Li Fan went out with peace of mind.

He ran straight to Zhou Guifei's entertainment club and ran along the road, and soon came to the building of the dream of the Ming Dynasty.

When Li Fan went in, the little brother in charge of the front desk recognized him and hurried forward to greet him.

"Mr. Li, are you here today?"

"I'm looking for Zhou Guifei."

"Ah, Lord Queen is not here today."

"Oh? Yesterday?"

"Not yesterday."

The answer from the other side puzzled Li Fan, didn't he say he went back to the club, where did the concubine go this week?

"Did she say where to go?"

"Isn't that true to you?"

Brother's answer made Li Fan frown.

"Mr. Li, what else do you do?"

"It's okay, you're busy."

Li Fan stood in place, frowning, thinking about Zhou Guifei.

The woman really did have an accident. Where did she go?

At this moment, a figure came over from the side and passed by with Li Fan.

"Want to know where Zhou Guifei is, follow me."

The man walked away after speaking, Li Fan glanced back at him, observed the figure, wearing a plain jacket and jeans, and looked like a normal person. He made a turn in front and disappeared.

Li Fan didn't think much, and followed up.

Enemies are friends, you see me!

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