My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1179: Timely reminder

1179 timely reminder

The other party walked to a corner and disappeared into Li Fan's sight. It was very quiet around, as if the man had never appeared. Li Fan frowned, thinking about it, and decided to follow it first. Whether an enemy is a friend or not, I have to see it before I know it.

Li Fan is most concerned about Zhou Guifei's security. Although this woman's martial arts can be said to be unparalleled in the world, I don't know why, Li Fan felt like he was being held together, and he was always a little disturbed.

There is still warmth in the spring of g city. There was a light rain in the sky and it was photographed on the body, but it felt warm.

The only pedestrians around were more hurried, hurried away, avoiding Yuhua.

The road soon became wet, and raindrops fell on the ground, splashing with fragile ripples.

Li Fan quickly found the breath of the mysterious man, and he took two steps to the side. Sure enough, the other side stood across the street, looking at himself with eyes that seemed to be godless.

He didn't seem to have much martial arts. Raindrops fell on him, and quickly wet his clothes, making him look very embarrassed. And Li Fan was standing in the rain, forming a protective net, so that the falling rain would avoid it automatically. The strength of qi is known at first sight.

The other party didn't do anything, just watched Li Fan for a while, then turned and left. Li Fan did not dare to neglect, he hurried to keep up. Two people rushed through the street one after the other.

After about half an hour, the other party finally walked to a subway station. The rain was getting heavier and heavier than it was, and the other party had become a chicken, but he didn't care. He turned back, seemed to look at Li Fan, and then walked into the subway station.

There were many people at the subway station. Li Fan was afraid to lose and hurried to keep up.

The metro station in G city is overcrowded, and it bears the main transportation capacity of G city. The man who was like a chicken and a chicken was constantly crowding in the crowd. Although he didn't have much martial arts, he walked freely. Li Fan has always been behind him, relying on his true body protection. But after a short while, the other party disappeared from his face.

The crowd is huge, coming and going, bustling. Li Fan was a little at a loss. Where did this guy go? The vast crowd, where should I go to find him?

Li Fan looked around for a while, and the explosion of people, everyone was so strange, which made Li Fan very upset. And there are too many people around, the atmosphere is very chaotic, and it is extremely difficult to lock the breath of that person before. It's like picking sand from rice, it's too difficult.

It's really a dog ... this man ran there!

Li Fan could only follow the flow of people and took a few steps forward. Just then, someone suddenly caught him and dragged him into the toilet next to him.

"Shh, don't be quiet."

The other person raised his head, almost in front of Li Fan, and wet raindrops flowed down his hair. Li Fan then saw the other person's face clearly. This handsome appearance was not others, but his good brother Liu Zhu!


Li Fan hadn't spoken yet, Liu Zhu had covered his mouth, and then looked out secretly.

He suddenly lifted Li Fan, walked into a single room next to him, and closed the door.

"What the **** are you doing?"

In this small space, Li Fan and Liu Zhu were almost together. Even the moisture on Liu Zhu's body was felt. He was so puzzled that he couldn't help sending a message to Liu Zhu.

"Someone followed me."

Liu Zhu also transmitted a voice to Li Fan, his eyelashes blinked, and these eyes looked like women, Li Fan muttered in his heart.

"Which person?"

"The Royal Army."

Liu Zhu seems to be listening to the movement outside.

There were footsteps outside the door. Liu Zhu let Li Fan stand in front of the toilet, and he squatted on the toilet himself.

The footsteps outside were getting closer, and soon, Li Fan felt that someone outside squatted down and peeped through the gap below.

But looking from below, you can only see Li Fan's feet standing in front of the toilet.

The other party didn't seem to doubt, and soon, the footsteps went away, as if leaving. But Liu Zhu pointed out the door and seemed to be signaling Li Fan.

Li Fan nodded, he suddenly extended his hand, smashed the door with a punch, and caught it on the neck of a man outside the door.

Before the man responded, Li Fan stunned him.

He deliberately showed mercy on his men and did not kill them. Li Fan and Yu Linjun are in a state of half-death. Everyone is a government background. No one wants to rip off his face first.

"Is this person chasing you?"

Li Fan looked at a man in a suit lying on the ground and asked Liu Zhu. Liu Zhu nodded, but his expression was not soothing.

"He has companions and should search around."

Liu Zhu grabbed Li Fan. "Let's leave, his companions should be here in a while."

Speaking, Liu Zhu took Li Fan, left the bathroom, and went directly to the next subway.

The subway door closed slowly. Li Fan looked through the window and saw that there were two black suits walking towards the bathroom.

"Say, what's the situation."

Li Fan and Liu Zhu were crowded together in the crowd, looking at Liu Zhu close at hand, he was embarrassed to speak, always felt strange. So Li Fan continued to send a message to him, asking what happened.

"Don't you understand yet, the Royal Army is weakening you."

Liu Zhu also heard a message and told Li Fan.

"Really, are these guys finally unbearable?"

Li Fan guessed, "So they started with Zhou Guifei first?"

"Yes, Zhou Guifei is the strongest fighting force in your camp."

Liu Zhu's explanation is reasonable and reasonable, "As long as Zhou Guifei is removed, your camp can be said to be a huge loss."

"The truth is such a truth, but Zhou Guifei's strength is there, relying on those Royal Forest Army, how can she get her?"

Li Fan knows how powerful Zhou Guifei is.

"No matter how strong Zhou Guifei is, she's just one person."

Liu Zhu reminded him, "There are so many people in Yulin Army, and they do whatever they can! As far as I know, Zhou Guifei has been troubled."

"She's dead?"

Li Fan's heart jumped. For him, Zhou Guifei was not only a powerful fighting force, but also a female companion! Although this woman is cold and ruthless, once she is in love, she is tender and tender. Zhou Guifei, her millions of styles, only bloom to Li Fan alone.

"No, it's not dead. Zhou Guifei has a special constitution, it's easy to catch her, but it's hard to kill her."

Liu Zhu's answer relieved Li Fan, and the hanging heart also relaxed.

"You lead me here, do you know her whereabouts?"

Li Fan looked at Liu Zhu's eyes and asked immediately.

"Well, she was locked in the branch of the Royal Forest City."

Liu Zhu has inquired clearly, "Tomorrow, she will be taken to Sima's house. There, it will be no different from death."

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