My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1180: Rain and fog

1180 rain and mist

Spring rains.

The whole city of G is soggy and inexplicably irritable.

The same is true for Zhai Wuliang. Although the legendary undead evil concubine Zhou Guifei was caught, her **** was a difficult task.

As everyone knows, Zhou Guifei is Li Fan's hoe. At that time, the first person in the martial arts martial arts, who did not know which rib was wrong, even fancy Li Fan. Li Fan is also, it is estimated that the ancestor graves of the last generation have smoked!

It rained all night, and the next day when I got up, the visibility of G city was not very good. After a rain, everything was a little foggy. The whole city of G looks like a fairyland, hazy.

Zhai Wuliang was wearing a white suit and this time tied an extra red tie. On his chest was a car-level badge. Because of the merits of Zhou Guifei, Zhai Wuliang was upgraded. It is extremely dangerous to arrest Zhou Guifei, and Zhai Wuliang's men were almost dead before she introduced Zhou Guifei into a trap.

I still want to thank Song Yunya for the poison. If it didn't weaken Zhou Guifei, even if she took up ten times more manpower, I'm afraid to take this woman helpless ... This woman is really amazing! Zhai Wuliang watched with her own eyes, she sucked a few powerful men into a dry job, and tossed it aside!

This terrible method of death has almost destroyed all the willpower of the Imperial Forest! If it wasn't for Song Yunya's poison, plus the addition of four Malaysian-level cadres, I am afraid that Zhai Wuliang would also be reduced to the same method of death.

Luck is still on my side!

Zhai Wuliang comforted himself a few words, and then took everyone on the road.

Zhou Guifei carried special chains around her, tied tightly, and held in bulletproof military vehicles. There are three SUVs in front of and behind each other.

In addition to Zhai Wuliang's men, the four Malaysian-level cadres each set up a suv for emergency needs.

"Let the car go quickly."

Feng Shao, a horse-level cadre sitting behind Zhai Wuliang, hugged his arms and hurried expressionlessly.

He was also wearing a white suit, but was wearing a gold tie. This is the characteristic of some cadres of the Royal Forest Army. Black suits are just ordinary officers. When they changed into white suits, they entered the ranks of cadres. Cannon level can't tie, red tie is car level, gold tie is horse level. Moving up, the black tie is a phase. At the brigade level, he was wearing a conspicuous red suit and black tie.

And the legendary general, Zhai Wuliang has not seen, and do not know what kind of dress. Generals are very mysterious to them.

I heard that Murong Bo and Murong Sakura's strengths can be called generals. However, the two of them, Murong family, were separated from Yulin Army's system, never wearing a suit, and had no official title. Now, almost the entire Yulin Army is in the hands of Sima's family and Sima Yao.

The higher the level, the higher the power level, and the more proud the person is.

The same is true of Feng Shao, because of his strength, this person is very proud. This guy is in the same white suit as himself, but he wears a gold tie and a pure gold tie clip on it, which is really envious of Zhai Wuxin's conscience.

After annihilating Li Fan ’s forces, I am afraid I can climb to this position and put on a golden tie ... No, maybe higher, or I may put on a black tie and step on Feng Shao, let him install force!

"Master Feng, the road is heavy with fog. For safety, you can't drive too fast."

Zhai Wuliang gathered smiles and explained with Feng Shao.

"A bunch of waste, isn't it a little mist? I can't even overcome this. How can we cooperate with our actions!"

Feng Shao said disdainfully, "Even if you have to let go of your life, you must hurry to the home of Master Sima! You guys, but only soldiers, die."

Zhai Wuliang doesn't fight in one place. Although the values ​​of the two seem to be the same, they are treated as cannon fodder. Why is he so unhappy?

Don't be too proud, one day, sooner or later, you will crawl on your head!

"Not yet ordered!"

Feng Shao shouted, Zhai Wuliang had no choice but to go through the walkie-talkie and order his men.

"Full speed ahead."

The chief ordered that even if the subordinates are unwilling, they must obey them. Several cars began to accelerate, breaking through the rain and fog, and proceeding at high speed. All the cars have fog lights on them. On this rainy and foggy highway, they look like monsters with glaring eyes and rush towards the target.

Zhai Wuliang has always had a bad feeling. He opened the glove box and took out a bottle of spray inside.

This is the poison that Song Yanya left to him. Once released, the poisoned person can damage the nerves and temporarily lose the five senses. Zhou Guifei hit this trick at the time, but in this state, she still killed more than a dozen Yulin Army, which is terrible.

"Are you scared?"

Feng Shao sitting in the back row seemed to feel Zhai Wuliang's fear.

"In the end, it's just a car-grade cannon fodder."

He sneered, "So timid, how to fight for Yulin Army!"

"Sorry, sir ..."

Despite scolding himself, Zhai Wuliang still apologized "sincerely" on his mouth.

"If there is an adult here, who dares not make it happen!"

"Master is mighty."

What Zhai Wuliang could say, he could only hold tight to the poison Song Songya sent him.

Cousin, it's up to you again this time!

Zhai Wuliang said a few words in silence and continued to let his men drive forward.

"Report, there is someone ahead."

The voice of his report came from his ear.

Zhai Wuliang looked forward. In the dense fog, there was a figure standing there, unable to see clearly. The rain and mist seemed to cover him with a mysterious atmosphere. Zhai Wuliang's heart was stunned, did it really come?

Who will it be? Is it Li Fan? Or someone else?

If you want to save Zhou Guifei, Li Fan's group will definitely not be wrong.

Feng Shao also finally opened his eyes, his mouth seemed to be smiling.

"Is finally willing to show up, huh, huh, just right, just use Li Fan's head to do my Feng Shao's merit."


Zhai Wuliang gave an order, and he did not expect to hit a martial artist with a car.

These cars stopped and more than a dozen black suits jumped out of the car. On the military vehicle holding Zhou Guifei, a black suit drilled up, grabbed the machine gun driving on the roof with both hands, and aimed at the figure opposite.

The raindrops fell on the cold barrel of the machine gun, bringing out the smell of death.


Zhai Wuliang shot a round with a machine gun first!

"Bang, bang!"

The barrel vibrated, and the red tongue of fire spurted out, dispersing the rain and fog around. The bullet seemed to be an invitation to death, tearing the air and shooting at the opposite figure.

The heavy shooting made the ground tremble.

The opposite figure still stood there, unmoved.

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