My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1181: Chinese soldiers

1181 Chinese Warrior

The bullet fell on the figure, but it seemed to hit the steel, only the golden sparks were splashed, but the other party was still standing there, no fart.

The clanging voice, in conjunction with Mars, played a strange concerto.

The clouds seemed to be scared, and they were slowly disappearing.

The figures slowly became clear, and it was Li Fan who stood in front of the road and stopped them.

"Li Fan, what do you want to do?"

Zhai Wuliang stood in the rain, watching Li Fan standing opposite. To be honest, when he saw Li Fan, he was still a little disturbed. The current Xiaobawang is different from the past. According to past data, Li Fan, a bully, is impulsive and belligerent. Although he is strong in kung fu, his weakness is also obvious. But now Li Fan, unfathomable, it is difficult to find his weakness.

He stood there, wearing white sportswear, holding his arms, and bullet shells scattered around.

"Dare to stop me, Yu Linjun, and want to be our enemy?"


Li Fan smiled, and that smile made Zhai Wujian's heart beat.


Li Fanyi pointed to the military vehicle in which Zhou Guifei was detained, "You took my people, but you hit the rake in turn? Zou Yulin Army, bullying too much, really when I am the Seven Knights Gate!"

Talking, Li Fan waved his sleeves, his vitality surging, and impacted all around.

All the surrounding rain and fog were dispersed, and the rain seemed to stagnate for two seconds. And the surrounding black suit Yulin Army, slipped out of this vitality shock, fell into the soil, making them embarrassed.

"Li Fan, right, crazy."

Feng Shao and the other three horse-level cadres slowly got out of the car. In this, Feng Shao's strength seems to be relatively high, and the other three people also obeyed his orders.

After he came out, the rain fell again, but he avoided each other near his body, and we could see that he was really strong.

Li Fan also looked at him twice. Feng Shao's eyes were clear, his temples were high, his voice was like a bell, and his internal force was strong at first sight. With the authorization and enhancement of the Dragon Chip, these martial arts fighters in the past seem to be stronger. Li Fan glanced at the badge on his chest, a galloping horse.

"Not crazy, but you are too arrogant."

Li Fan was still holding his arms, standing in the rain, his voice sounded dull, but there was a hidden rage of thunder. "I will give you five minutes, and let Zhou Guifei be released. Otherwise, there is no pardon."

"A big breath!"

Feng Shao sneered, "Li Fan, are you still the little overlord who martial arts? You are now at best a little king! Look good, now it is the new martial art! Dragon chip has replaced traditional Dantian, we all They are new martial arts fighters. You people are behind the times! "

"Is it?"

Li Fan stretched out his hand, the rain around him was attracted by his vitality, gathered together, gathered in the palm of his hand, and slowly formed the shape of a sword.

This sword is slightly undulating and the water pattern is clear. Through the sword body, you can see Li Fan's enlarged palm print. With such ability, Zhai Wuliang looked at him, and was surprised. Randomly turning the rain around into a sword, is this vitality really so powerful?

"Then I'm going to try, where are you new martial arts champions?"

Li Fan said that the water sword above the palm of his hand was like a projectile bullet. He suddenly released his hand and shot through the bodies of more than a dozen Yulin Army instantly.

This water sword is extremely sharp and precise. It passes through the throats of every Imperial Forest, tearing their necks, leaving a huge **** hole.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the evacuated Yulin Army was half dead. And Li Fan's water sword was also dispersed. He stood there, re-energized, and slowly gathered a new water sword out.

Zhai Wuliang's legs were a little weak. He held the door next to him and barely stabilized his body. Looking at the dazzling water sword, under the light of the car lights, it seemed to exude a horrible beauty. Zhai Wuliang was short of breath, his heart was beating fast, and he didn't know what to do.

How could it be better than the information ... even if he has improved one level, he does not seem to be his opponent ...

"Sculpture of carving insects, how to hang your teeth!"

Feng Shao didn't care, he took out a metal box from the trunk of the car. The box was three feet long and was studded with rivets, which seemed to contain valuables.

Other horse-level cadres also took out metal boxes from their trunks. Each of them had a different size, but they were sealed, and it seemed to hide some terrible energy.

Li Fan was also not polite, and he released his water sword again. And Feng Shao has opened the combination lock, patted the box with one palm, lifted a three-foot-long bronze cymbal from the inside, held it in his hand, and struck the water sword directly!


Li Fan's water sword made with vigor was just broken by his bronze cymbals!

The splash of water splashed Zhai Wuliang who watched the battle as a surge of emotion!

This is "Huaxia Shenbing"!

The so-called Huaxia Shenbing is the ultimate weapon created by the government's analysis of the martial arts! There is energy in the Chinese soldiers! Previously, those martial arts practitioners were given Sangong Pills in batches, but the energy was conserved. When it was released, it was absorbed by the government using a special machine. After that, let these qi be compressed, and according to the energy units of the martial arts, the power of the ten dragons was squeezed out, and a Huaxia magic soldier was produced.

In other words, a Chinese warrior is equivalent to a generation of masters!

The true spirit of the entire martial arts has created many Chinese magic soldiers. However, these Chinese soldiers are only allocated to cadres above the horse rank. This little car-level cadre is not entitled to own it.

This Chinese soldier was really powerful, but in one hit, Li Fan's water sword was broken.

"What little bully, but that's it."

Ma Shao Feng Shao laughed, his eyes flashed with light, and his attitude towards Li Fan was even more scornful.

"I said, you've been eliminated!"

Feng Shao waved his hand, "I used a sledgehammer to kill chickens and chickens, and I was too lazy to handle it. Korean, go, get someone to see me."

A horse-level cadre next to him carried a moon knife and rushed forward towards Li Fan.

The suits on these Imperial Forests are made of special materials. Even if you exercise, you will not be tied up. The horse-level cadre, the Korean side, had a horse face, wielded a big sword, split the rain curtain in front of him, and rushed directly to Li Fan.

He drew his sword in his hand, waved it, and made a sound of breaking through, sweeping his sword towards Li Fan!

Although Li Fan did not know what the Chinese soldier was, he could perceive the powerful power above! Li Fan frowned, thinking quickly about the countermeasures.

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