1182 guillotine

A flying lion goddess popped up behind Li Fan. The giant flying lion goddess raised her shield and smashed into the rain flower, blocking Li Fan.


The dazzling Mars flashed on the shield of the flying lion goddess, and the shield was shot backwards.

The horse-level cadre of the Korean side, relying on a Chinese soldier, could even make Li Fan discolored.

"War God body? Useless!"

Feng Shao taunted, "This is something that is backward. It can't compete with the powerful force of our Royal Army! We have dragon chips and Chinese magic soldiers. No matter which one, you will completely explode your Valkyrie real body!"

Not only because the Huaxia magic soldiers can match a generation of masters, after Li Fan and the Huaxia magic soldiers fight, it seems that there is a kind of energy to restrain the spirit in this weapon. Although I used vitality, some of them were born out of true energy, so I was affected to some extent.

"Do you understand the gap between us?"

Feng Shao looked arrogantly at Li Fan, "Understand, just obey death."


Li Fan stood in the rain and faced the Korean side close at hand, but did not move at all.

"How strong is the true power of Valkyrie!"

Then, Li Fan reached out and pointed at the Korean side.

"Dragon throws beads."

The flying lion goddess put down her shield, her left hand opened, and a ball of golden energy gathered in her palm.

"Seven Chivalrous Fists?"

Feng Shao was puzzled. "Isn't it that your Qixia Boxing has been abolished?"

"I've practiced properly recently, and I'm back again, sorry."

When Li Fan was talking, the flying lion goddess had thrown her vitality bombs, and was banging on the Korean side, blasting the Korean side out directly, flushing the rainwater, and smashing into the mud next to it, making her embarrassed.

"The Seven Xia Boxing was originally created by me. How can the old thief Murong dare to occupy it!"

The unruly little overlord, reached out and pointed at Feng Shao, "I will use you to prove what a true combatant is!"

"Just! The strength of Yu Linjun, you just saw the tip of the iceberg! Korean side! Don't be lazy, get up and kill him!"


Han Fang stood up with a body of dirt, and the rain washed his body, making him more awake.

"Bring the head!"

As soon as the Korean side waved the Yueyue knife in front of Li Fan, at the same time, the Yueyue knife struck heavily, and it seemed that he wanted to divide Li Fan into two!

Li Fan even put up the flying lion goddess and let the Korean side slash in front of himself. The moon-dagger split the rain and reached Li Fan's nose. Li Fan can even feel the cold sharpness on the tip of this moonlight knife. However, at this critical moment, Li Fan's body was on the side of the trend, and the Korean side's Yueyue knife was immediately chopped in the air.


The ground under Li Fan's feet was chopped, and dirt and dirty water splashed, but was blocked by Li Fan's body gas.

At the same time, Li Fan put his hands in his pockets, kicked his left leg, and pinched it on the back of the Korean side. The Korean side immediately lost its center of gravity and knelt down and fell to the ground. However, Li Fan's legs were raised high, and that momentary movement saw Zhai Wuliang. This is as if the dragon is swinging its tail.


This is one of Li Fan's dragon fighting techniques.

The dragons' bodies are weapons, and their tails can also be used for fighting! After turning into a human figure, you can also use your legs as a tail to perform such a move.

However, the original dragon fighting technique was modified by Li Fan. This steel tail was also renamed "Guillotine" by him!

Li Fan's legs were like the tail of a dragon dancing, and the rain turned into water instantly, falling on the head of the Korean side! The Korean side has a dragon chip to strengthen, the response is also fast! He immediately raised his hands and raised his moon knife.

This Chinese soldier, the hilt blocked a kick from Li Fan. The knife handle made a wailing sound, and then a click, in the horrified eyes of the Korean side, it was so broken!


Blood splashed on this foot, and Li Fan's heel fell firmly on the Korean side's face.


Han Fang's head was kicked. He grabbed two broken handles with both hands and lay straight in the puddle, becoming a headless body.

"It's better for you to cut off your feet with a knife."

Li Fan politely mocked.

The corner of Feng Shao's mouth twitched obviously.

"Okay, next."

Li Fan hooked his hands.

"It seems that this little bully is not a waste, a bit of a foundation."

Feng Shao waved his hand, "Xu Chu, Jiang Biao, both of you!"

The remaining two horse-level cadres, one holding a spear and the other holding double knives, one left and one right, came towards Li Fan from both sides.

The two of them ran fast under the feet, stepping on the beat in the rain, so fast that they couldn't even see the splash! In the blink of an eye, they came to Li Fan's side.

Xu Chu held a long gun in his hand and shot a shot against Li Fan's neck, penetrating the rain curtain, one step ahead, and went to Li Fan's neck.

Li Fan tilted his head and avoided the shot. The tip of the gun almost rubbed his neck and stabbed out, making a crackling noise in the air.

At the same time, Li Fan's scalp was numb. Two fast knives had reached the top of his head. Under the control of Jiang Biao, Li Fan seemed to be split into three pieces!

But Li Fan lifted a foot and pinned it on Xu Chu's gun. The big gun was immediately kicked by Li Fan and was hitting two long knives above his head, bouncing Jiang Biao's double knives.

Although it seemed extremely dangerous, Zhai Wuliang knew in his heart that Li Fan was just playing these two men. He has the skill and the power to hide. After looking at the two horse-level cadres, they were already panting slightly, apparently they were panicking in their hearts.


Zhai Wuliang was able to tell, the two men were dead.

Xu Chu's rhythm has been chaotic. Neither Huaxia Shenbing nor his companion Jiang Biao can save him. Li Fan turned around and kicked, another trick steel tail, his calf, like the executioner's machete, directly kicked Xu Chu's head!

He walked two steps weakly forward, and snorted in the mud.

Zhai Wuliang shuddered, this Li Fan's foot was worse than the guillotine!

The companion died, and the rest of Jiang Biao was panicked! He carried his sword, hacked wildly, and roared like a pig in his mouth.

And Li Fan deliberately sold a flaw to entice him. Jiang Biao rushed forward and fell directly into Li Fan's trap.


Jiang Biao spit out blood and fused with rain. He was stiff, his eyes darkened, and he was stuck there, unable to move.

Li Fan added a guillotine, kicked his head again, and sent him to meet his companions.

Looking at Li Fan effortlessly, so harvested the lives of three companions, Feng Shao finally moved.

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