Chapter 1184: Homecoming

Li Fan was in darkness, and nothing was visible around him.

He bounced back into his world of consciousness in an instant. At this moment, in his world of consciousness, only the flying lion goddess stood still quietly. There is a silent heart lake around, like a scroll. The starry sky overhead is slowly spinning, eight of them are the brightest, and one is still dim. I do n’t know when I will release the light.

And the next second, the original quiet heart suddenly surged! The flying lion goddess standing in it suddenly opened her eyes and disappeared into her conscious world in one second.

Li Fan seemed to understand that just now he should have inhaled the poison and was blocked by the five senses. Now he can't listen, can't see, and doesn't even touch the skin. He can only stay quiet in this conscious world, waiting for his immune system to clean up the toxins.

During this period, you can only count on your own Flying Lion goddess.

At the same time, Zhai Wuliang in the real world was more depressed. He managed to seize this opportunity and was ready to surrender Li Fan! The poisonous mist sprayed up did have an effect. Li Fan stood there, motionless, like a statue. But did not wait for Zhai Wuliang to do anything, a female war **** in golden armor, with a golden light, came to the crowd!

She waved the holy sword in her hand and split an Imperial Forest Army in front of him in half. Blood and intestines were flying everywhere, and Zhai Wuliang, accustomed to the big scenes, felt a little sick at this moment ...

"Go! She is just a guardian, without any intelligence!"

Zhai Wuliang couldn't just give up, "Siege! Kill her!"

Several Yulin troops stepped forward, but became the ghosts of the flying lion goddess.

The flying lion goddess's armor was stained with red blood, which seemed to be more fierce. For a moment, no one could approach her one meter!

"Up hook!"

Zhai Wuliang remained calm and gave a second order.

The hooking force next to it immediately stepped forward, threw out more than ten hooks, and hooked her.

These hook claws pulled the chain and locked the Flying Lion goddess there, unable to move.

Several people approached Li Fan, and the flying lion goddess shook her right hand. The holy sword changed its shape into a golden shotgun, and then fired at several Royal Forest troops near Li Fan.

The bullets are completely composed of vitality, one shot at a time, all heads of the Royal Forest near Li Fan are headshot!

Zhai Wuliang's brow was about to turn into a Sichuan character. This Nima is too much! All are tied up, and the result is a long-range attack! Li Fan, indeed, was a little overlord who was in the middle of the rivers and lakes, and it was really difficult to deal with!

"Lock her hands!"

Zhai Wuliang ordered again that he was not afraid to approach the flying lion goddess although he was holding the big gun of the Chinese soldier.

He continued to order, and in the colder and colder rain, two more Yulin Army threw out their hooks and hooked on the right hand of the flying lion goddess to control her attack, making her unable to shoot.

A flying lion goddess almost contained all the remaining Imperial Forest Army.

But no matter what, the terrible **** of war is finally under control. Zhai Wuliang was relieved. He held a bright silver gun and walked towards Li Fan step by step.

Fei Huang Tengda, within reach!

Zhai Wuliang's eyes also became brighter and brighter, and the rifle in his hand became more and more tight!

But just then, a man ruined his dream.

Liu Zhu, the demon, didn't know where it came from. He held a blower and sighed at Li Fan beside him. From that blower, a white smoke was blown out, and Li Fan was sucked into his nose.

"Everyone, withdraw!"

At the moment Liu Zhu appeared, Zhai Wuliang was in a tight heart and understood that the general situation had gone. His IQ went online, he directly ordered the retreat, and saved himself.

Zhai Wuliang picked up all the Chinese soldiers, turned around and ran, and rushed into the forest next to him. And a few Yu Linjun did not have time to escape, Li Fan opened his eyes and opened the killing ring, kicking his head one by one!

Rain washed the ground, flushing blood into the trench next to it. There were only a few cars parked by the side of the road, and there was no longer a living Imperial Forest.

"Still you wit."

Li Fan thankfully glanced at Liu Zhu next to him, "If it weren't for you, I would be miserable."

"So you need me."

Liu Zhu is a little smug, "I will stay in your martial arts for a while! You teach me Kung Fu, I exercise your IQ!"

Li Fan glared at Liu Zhu, this boy, dare to laugh at himself!

"What I said is true. Think about it."

"You have no problem with me."

Li Fan walked into the car holding Zhou Guifei and threw down a sentence, "But you are not allowed to have an opinion on my IQ."

Liu Zhu stood behind and chuckled.

In the military vehicle, a sealed metal jar was placed. Li Fan stood in front of the capsule-shaped jar and looked at a large number of NC panels above him, thinking deeply.

Liu Zhu went to him, reached out, and pressed a few times on the CNC board. The CNC board was retracted, and the metal jar popped white mist and slowly opened.

"What did you just say? What happened to your IQ?"

Liu Zhu looked at Li Fan with a smile.


Li Fan snorted and waved, dispersing the white mist in front of him.

Zhou Guifei stood there with her hands and feet locked with iron chains. She opened her eyes, but her eyes were empty, as if out of the sky.

"This is Song Yunya's neurotoxin."

Liu Zhu, who is also a demon, knows better, "This poison is very scary and can close people's five senses. Fortunately, it can only be taken from the respiratory tract, as long as you hold your breath, you can block it."

Talking, Liu Zhu took out her blower and blew it at Zhou Guifei.

Zhou Guifei's body shivered slightly. In the next few seconds, her eyes slowly recovered, and at the same time she raised a palm directly, and patted it towards Liu Zhu in front of her!

Li Fan also gave a palm and took a photo with Zhou Guifei!

A strong suction force held Li Fan's vitality and dragged it into Zhou Guifei's body! But Li Fan also held his own vitality and did not let Zhou Guifei succeed.

Zhou Guifei froze a moment and understood.

"It's you?"

She put up her palms and was relieved.

"How come?"

"Don't make trouble, am I better than myself!"

Li Fan complained, "You ... have been arrested silently. If it wasn't for Liu Zhu, I'm afraid you are dead!"

"This palace is not so easy to die."

Zhou Guifei snorted, "Destiny is on this side of the palace, otherwise you won't be here."

"Anyway ... you're fine."

Li Fan finally smiled, "Let's go home."

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