My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1185: A trip to the mountains

1185 Song Song's Trip

The Seven Knights Gate of Yu Linjun and Li Fan was officially on board.

But these things can only be fought in the dark, and in the light, the two sides still have to get along with each other cheerfully. After all, governments have to rely on them, and there is no way to completely tear their faces.

Sima family, Sima Hui with a mouth, Zhai Wuliang fan fell to the ground.

"Well, a bunch of waste!"

Sima Hui yelled, "What's the use of raising you! Even one can't catch it!"

Zhai Wuliang knelt on the ground, covering his face, and dared not say a word.

He is a smart man, and he knows that Sima Hui wants to vent, not to listen to his explanation. People have been lost, and now it is useless to explain anything but to add fuel to the fire.

"As long as the Seven Knights Gate is still there, my position will be unstable!"

Sima Hui sat back on his chair, his breath was not even, and his anger was obviously not gone.

"And that girl Murong Ying, who obstructs me everywhere, is really a girl who doesn't know how to advance!"

"Sir, we might as well take advantage of this."

Zhai Wuliang finally found the opportunity and said.

A fierce light flashed in Sima Hui's eyes, he lowered his head and looked at the hands kneeling in front of him.

Zhai Wuliang had just been promoted to a car-level cadre. His badge on his chest was wiped clean and beautiful. But why is such a small cadre so confident in front of himself?

"Here, do you have a conversation?"

Sima Hui sneered, "I see, you have enough."

The two guards next to him pulled out the long sword directly at the waist. Zhai Wuliang was cold sweaty, but he was gambling. This was his only chance!

"However, I'm interested in hearing what you can say. If you can't tell me, don't ask for your tongue."

A good friend is like a good tiger ... the ancients don't bully me ...

Zhai Wuliang sighed.

Sima Hui is too dangerous, but fortune and wealth!

"As far as I know, there is a little girl named Murong Ai in Li Fan's hands. As we all know, Murong is so eager to love a girl, I don't believe that he doesn't want to find his daughter back!"

"That old guy is just a daughter!"

Sima Hui pouted his mouth, "A good man, who stupidly ran away because of his daughter's departure from home! Hey, I used to think of him as a human being, but that's it!"

"No matter what, his martial arts and background are still a strength."

Zhai Wuliang had seized the opportunity, and he did not hesitate to suggest immediately, "As long as we create an opportunity to let Murong Bo know that his daughter is not doing well ... by then, he will break the net with Li Fanyu!"

Sima Hui listened, and those eyes, which had been hidden sharply, couldn't help but light up.

This kid seems quite reasonable.

"What are you going to do?"

"Sir, please allow me to speak up."

Sima Hui was silent for a moment, then waved his hand.

"come on."

"So this ..."

Zhai Wuliang stepped forward and whispered, Sima Hui nodded again and again.

"Okay, just do what you want. This time, don't make any mistakes. Otherwise, come and see."


Yu Linjun is weaving a large net for the Seven Knights Gate, waiting to capture them. At this time, Li Fan also returned to the Martial Art Museum and continued to be his curator. He had nothing to practice, taught teachers, and occasionally enjoyed the feeling of being a king and a queen. However, after the last incident of Zhou Guifei's hijacking, Li Fan also took a lot of caution. He installed an emergency call bracelet on everyone in the martial arts. Whenever they are in danger, they will immediately send a message to Li Fan so that Li Fan can help them in the first place.

In any case, priority should be given to protecting everyone's safety so that Li Fan can do his own thing without hesitation.

However, he did not relax for a few days, and soon, General Ran's men came to the door.

"Hi Major Li!"

A soldier stood in front of Li Fan and saluted him in military salute.

"This is your task, please look over!"

He handed over a document and gave it to Li Fan. Li Fan just woke up at this moment, and her hair was still a little messy. Jiang Ye was standing behind Li Fan and finishing Li Fan's hair.

Li Fan glanced at the big soldier in front of him, and opened the file in his hand.

Above is handwriting, from the hand of General Ran.

"What kind of task does this guy give me ..."

Li Fan glanced over and assigned Li Fan to Songshan Town, where it was said that there were monsters in it, and the entire town was missing.


Li Fan frowned slightly. "Bright daylight, long and bright, where are the monsters?"

"There is nothing strange about the world."

The Dragon Girl stretched her waist while walking out of the room. This girl was wearing only a bear pyjama, and that Lolita's five short stature was quite lethal to uncle-level people. The little girl was tied with two buns and looked exquisitely cute. A pink face, with a lazy sleep.

"Don't hesitate today?"

"What about game maintenance."

The dragon girl lifted her little feet, stretched her neck, and glanced at the documents in Li Fan's hands.

"Performing the above task occasionally is also the accusation of Shang Fangbao."

The Dragon Girl reminded Li Fan.

"Isn't it saying that Shang Fang Bao Jian is only subject to the top leadership?"

"Do it or not, it's your choice."

The Dragon Girl reminded Li Fan, "It is up to you to be a patron saint of Huaxia or to be a free man you want.

"Okay, then I'll just take a trip."

Li Fan thought for a moment and instructed the elder brother, "When I leave, let General Ran send twelve days to protect my martial arts hall."

"Hey, hey, twelve days will be the guardian of Huaxia, not your personal bodyguard!"

The Dragon Girl counted Li Fan.

"They are the bodyguards of the patron saint of Huaxia."

Li Fan said with a smile, "Why let them come without me explaining it. I will help the country to worry about it, and the country must keep my family safe."

"Well, you are talking about it."

The Dragon Girl nodded, and it seemed that Li Fan made sense.

"Speak to the general and let the pig girl come."

"Piggirl ..."

Li Fanxin said, everyone is Loli, is it really good to call people like this?

"She is one of the best in twelve days. You can rest assured that she is there."

"That's good."

Just let yourself be free from worries.

"Then we set off immediately."

"Why so urgent?"

"Have you read the document just now, is it urgent?"

"Then why weren't you in a hurry ..."

"Men, be calm!"


The Dragon Girl was said to be dumb by Li Fan, and after Li Fan ordered it at the Wu Guan, she took the Dragon Girl to the road.

It is not the same for a government to do a backing. Li Fan was directly sitting in a military helicopter. Within a day, he had already arrived in Songshan Town.

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