My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1192: Li Fan's character

1192 Li Fan's character

"I'm surprised."

Mayor Hu straightened his head and looked at Li Fan, "You can't kill me, because you are just food."

"Use Shangfang's sword."

The Dragon Girl said, as she stretched out her hand, a golden light appeared on her palm. The golden light gradually condensed and slowly formed a golden sword.

Shangfang sword, a symbol of Li Fan's status.

I don't know why, when seeing this sword, Mayor Hu took his proud look back, and took a few steps back subconsciously, with a little fear between his looks, as if he was instinctively afraid of this sword.

"This sword was originally designed to kill **** beasts, and it has a powerful effect on Warcraft."

The Dragon Girl explained it.

"Thank you."

As soon as Li Fan waved his hand, the index finger of his **** was raised, and he pointed at the mayor of Hu. Under the control of his vitality, Shang Fangbao Sword unsheathed directly, with a golden light, stabbed out instantly. Mayor Hu hid almost subconsciously, and the sword cut off one of his arms.

The arm fell to one side and turned into a black sewage.

"It seems that your ability to regenerate has failed."

Li Fan squeezed his eyes at him.

"Why are you killing me!"

Mayor Hu was hysterical, "I was harmed by the organization, so that I fell here! Shouldn't you go against the organization?"

"There may be some black sheep in the organization, but there are also some people of insight."

Li Fan said blandly, "Like the recent emergence of the Royal Forest Army, Zhou Guifei asked me more than once, why not completely destroy this organization by virtue of her status as a sword. But is it enough to destroy the Royal Forest Army? The so-called Yulin Army is just a code name. Even if he is destroyed, the internal decay will breed other Guards, Red Guards and other organizations to fight against me. What I want to deal with is not The Yu Linjun is not some politician. I just want to protect everything I treasure. "

He looked at the Shangfang sword in his hand, "I took this sword and it was forced by the situation. I need them above, I also need them, everyone just uses each other. In the final analysis, I Li Fan is just a martial artist, I am not a politician, and I am not a ruler. "

"You should learn from me and destroy them! Destroy everything, even the unfair world!"

Mayor Hu bewitched Li Fan, "You have such a powerful force, why not?"

"The Shangfang sword is the guardian, not the destroyer."

Li Fan answered briefly, "This is where we are different. I am a person, I still have feelings. And you are a beast, you can do it for yourself, six relatives do not recognize."

"A hypocrite! I curse you!"

Mayor Hu yelled, "I curse you, you will eventually destroy everything! You will become the biggest demon king in the world! Those you love will die for you! Those who worship you will come to ask you Life! Finally ... "

The mayor Hu made repeated curses, but he had not finished speaking. Li Fan had already appeared behind him, and at the same time, the mayor Hu's head flew high into the sky.

"Finally ... Rao Luo Luo ... she's not wrong ..."

Mayor Hu's body slowly turned into a smelly black water, and at that moment, Li Fan seemed to see something. He was very strong, and at the moment of death, he saw the last memory of Mayor Hu.

Mayor Hu used his body to protect Lolo, and behind him were a group of people who threw eggs and stones at them.



In the next scene, Mayor Hu and Lolo were hung on a shelf, exposed to the sun, washed by rain, and stoned by people around them.

"I will take you out of this town."

The next scene.

The stubble-faced mayor Hu shook Lolo's hand and said to her.

They are running in the wilderness.

Behind is the chasing crowd.

No one can escape here.

The next moment, Lolo was turned on by dozens of men in front of Mayor Hu.

This is a crazy country, where only the beasts live.

Lolo's eyes were pale.

Mayor Hu snatched the police chief's pistol and fired.

Li Fan suddenly woke up and returned to the grotto.

The black water was all around, and the smell was strong, and the dragon girl couldn't help covering her nose.

"Let's go and go home."


Li Fan pulled the dragon girl and the two went out of the cave.

Outside, the sun slowly rises and the sun drops down.

A beautiful woman in a black robe, standing in the sun and looking at them.


The woman slowly took off her black cloak, and the sun shone on her, making her smile very warm.

At that moment, Li Fan felt as if he had been redeemed.

"Thank you ... for saving him ..."

Lolo's body vaporized and dissipated in the sun.

In my ears, only this whisper was left.

"What did you see before he died?"

The Dragon Girl suddenly asked.

"It's nothing, men and women."

Li Fan looked at the sun and stretched his arms. "The air is so good ... I really want to bring Murong Ying to come and smell it, so she can leave everything at home."

"what did you say?"

The Dragon Girl looked at Li Fan with surprise.


Li Fan is also a little different, why did he suddenly think of Murong Ying coming.

"In other words, you should like Murong Ying."


Li Fan did not admit, "How can I like that arrogant woman!"

"Xiao Ai told me that although she really wanted to occupy you, she could see that you like Murong Ying very much."

The Dragon Girl took out Murong Ai and said, "Since you like it, why don't you grab her?"

"That way, she will hate me."

Li Fan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the contact.

"Helicopter will pick us up in a while and go back to prepare your dinner."


"Well, I'm pretty good at Fang Baojian."

Li Fan boasted, "You can go to bed earlier and save me some food."

"After watching for so long, your character is barely reluctant."

"Hey, what does barely mean?"

"You have a problem with your sexual orientation."


Li Fan's face changed drastically. "What a joke?"

"No, don't you think so. There are so many women around you, but you are the best to Liu Zhu?"


"You and him seem to have an endless topic. You talked back to the room late in the middle of the night for a few days before, did Xiaowan complain a few times?

"We ... just speculation!"

Li Fan emphasized, "Don't get me wrong! I am really just a brotherly relationship with him!"


The dragon girl suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Smile you are a fool."

"Why am I stupid?"

Li Fan was upset, and at this time, the helicopter had already flown above them.

"Because Liu Zhu ..."

The words behind were covered by the helicopter.

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