My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1191: Cave Fright

1191 Ghost Cave

This eating meat is indeed a science.

Li Fan looked at Mayor Hu with an unspeakable nausea in his heart.

"Unexpectedly, Mayor Hu has so much research on eating meat. Your hospitality is indeed enthusiastic. Unfortunately, we don't eat human flesh."

"Yes, human flesh is too bad."

The Dragon Girl poked her lips, "So you have too much taste and can't stand you."

"Have you ever eaten human flesh?"

Mayor Hu sucked his nose. "No ... I just smelled it ... you don't smell human ... what the **** are you?"

"You don't deserve to know."

The Dragon Girl taunted, "You, such a low-level Warcraft, just deserve to be lazy here."

"Okay, I won't fight with you. I'm a civilized person. Anyway, you are both my dinner. I have to think about how to eat you."

"You might be wrong."

Li Fan smiled, put his hands in his pockets, and said slowly, "You might look down on us."

"Did you look down on me."

Mayor Hu licked his tongue. "It's been a long time since this town has been around. Do you think these townspeople are still human?"

Mayor Hu blew his whistle, and the originally quiet cave suddenly flooded in one after another. These townspeople all wore black cloaks with torches in their hands. The fire shone on their faces, reflecting their distorted expression.

The human flesh in the cave is not enough to eat, only by adding fresh human flesh can they continue to live!

"You have nowhere to run, obediently become our food."

Said, these people held a torch and surrounded them with Li Fan.

"Kill them!"

Mayor Hu pointed them at Li Fan, and the townspeople rushed back in the back. Everyone had iron rods and kitchen knives in their hands. They looked stubborn, full of longing, and wanted to bite off Li Fan has the same neck!

With his hands still in his pockets, Li Fan turned around and kicked, kicking and flying a towner's head.

"These are no longer humans, right?"

Li Fan stood on one leg, raised one foot in the air, and said with a smile, "I'll be polite."

He turned and kicked continuously, and the guillotine kept firing, giving Fei Fei the head of the nearby towner again and again.

The power of the guillotine shook even the Yulin Army, not to mention these demonized townspeople.

In a blink of an eye, at least seven or eight townspeople's heads were kicked around Li Fan. But strangely, these decapitated townspeople did not spit blood, so they fell straight to the ground, motionless.

"Is it completely dehumanized?"

The Dragon Girl sighed, "It's so pitiful, what fun is there to live like this."


Mayor Hu watched the headless townspeople kicked to the ground, frowning.

"You, who are you?"

"People who solve problems."

While Li Fan continued to kick the head, he casually replied, "Aren't you asking us to solve the problem, Mayor Hu?"

"I just want to send some food!"

Mayor Hu yelled, "The food is almost not enough! Last time a team of soldiers ate up! We need fresh food!"

"I still have half a sweet potato. Do you want to eat it?"

The Dragon Girl handed out half a sweet potato in her hand.

"Asshole! Why did you drink my medicinal liquor clearly?"

Mayor Hu wondered.

"Your little sweat medicine is far worse than Song Yunya's poison."

Li Fan smiled.

"Impossible, even elephants can be poured!"

"How do we say, both of us are better than elephants."

"Nonsense, how can a cute little animal like an elephant compare to me."

The Dragon Girl suddenly took a sip of saliva. "Speaking ... I want to eat elephant meat ... especially the elephant trunk. When it is done, it will be really delicious ..."

"You are as perverted as this mayor Hu!"

"Huh, I just eat a little more."

The Dragon Girl said, and stretched out her hand, pushing a towner close to her away.

The townsman, as if hit by a shell, flew out dozens of meters, smashed a stone wall behind him, and his bones became slag.

"Damn! You monsters!"

Mayor Hu raised his pistol. This early Type 54 should belong to the police chief.

He faced Li Fan and pulled the trigger continuously.

Bang Bang!

The bullets hit the surrounding walls, the rubble flew, and the ejected bullets overturned the townspeople nearby.

"You need to practice this marksmanship."

Li Fan squinted his eyes at Mayor Hu.


Mayor Hu calmed himself down, holding a pistol, three points and one line, and carefully aimed at Li Fan.


He fired another shot, and the sound of the gun echoed in the cave.

Li Fan lifted his foot and kicked the bullet directly.

The bullet made a golden mark and hit the stalactite next to it, crushing a piece of stalactite upside down.

"Impossible! You monster!"

"You don't think that's appropriate."

With a smile, Li Fan laughed. He kept throwing his legs, his body seemed to bring out the afterimage, and knocked down a dozen townspeople.


By this means, Li Fan continued to reap the lives of others.

"Hurry up, I want to go back to eat."

The Dragon Girl hurried.

"Got it."

Li Fan said so, but stood still. He stretched out his right hand, and gathered strength, the surrounding rubble immediately gathered towards the palm of his hand.

These crushed stones were crushed even more, and then kneaded together, and soon they condensed into a large stone sword. The stone sword glowed with gray, which made the mayor Hu bewildered.


The stone sword suddenly came out, and instantly cast a gray shadow, which was almost a moment of effort, passing over the necks of several townspeople.

All the townspeople of a hundred or so were killed on the spot. Only Mayor Hu was left, still standing there.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Unexpectedly, Mayor Hu laughed.

"Is it crazy?"

Li Fan tilted his head and looked at Mayor Hu. "It seems that eating too much human flesh also has an impact on intelligence."

"Although I'm upset, I still want to thank you."

Mayor Hu put down his pistol. "This Songshan town, there are too many 100 people. My food reserve is not enough for them to eat. Now you help me to solve them, but also do something good. I can leave this place and go to other cities where there is more food and I do n’t have to eat fresh food, do I? "

"Sorry, you don't have this opportunity."

Li Fan said, his body flashed, suddenly appeared in front of the mayor Hu, and then kicked and flew his head.

Mayor Hu took two steps backwards, and suddenly dozens of black silk threads flew out of his neck, together with his head, and pulled his head back stiffly, and continued!

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